#ship discourse


Who ever brought back proship/antiship discourse deserves to step on lego what happened to critical thinking and understanding that the borders in fiction are more nuanced than real life but that doesn’t mean its okay to ship adults with 14 years olds


Fandom and fanfiction is messy

it’s dark and awful sometimes

I absolutely HATE “Dead Dove” fics on a personal level. I don’t handle topics like SA or death well.

I don’t go rallying against AO3 for hosting those fics though. I don’t call those writers disgusting. I simply leave them be. Keep it tagged, and we’re good, because again I don’t make it my business.

Because that’s what fandom is. It’s going to be gross, it’s going to be deviant sometimes, and me getting upset about it isn’t going to change that. Hell, if we started banning some deviancy from fandom, where would we draw the line? What would the “acceptable deviancy” be?

It’spart of fandom. It’s part of fiction. You don’t go burning down libraries because they have copies of Speak in them.

I don’t like a lot of things. I just don’t make it my goddamn business.

I’m truly sorry I’ve made anyone upset. Unless I made the one person I said was going to hell upset, but frankly, anon hate just gets to that point.

But simply, my stance is “They’re cartoons. It’s fandom. Fandom’s weird. It’s none of my business.”

Oh good. Another ask. Here we go.


just saw an art of two characters that was tagged “don’t tag/see as ship”

don’t look at this with your filthy shipper eyes. don’t even DEIGN to angle thine vulgar perception upon my holy virgin works with thine ORBS of INIQUITY


No one is saying “fiction doesn’t affect reality”.

What most of us have said is this:

× “Fiction doesn’t affect reality on a 1:1 ratio.”

דFictionis not reality and should not be treated as such.”

×And “Real life, living, breathing human beings matter far more than any fictional character ever will.”

Notice how NONE of that says “Fiction doesn’t affect reality. Full stop. In any situation. Ever.”

tuxedo-art-man: HYPNOS field agent, Rika Nonaka (Codename: Heartbreaker), is preparing to infiltrate


HYPNOS field agent, Rika Nonaka (Codename: Heartbreaker), is preparing to infiltrate a fancy party where the host is suspected to have a wild digimon under his control when, after trying on her disguise (a dress she abhors), she expresses a lack of confidence in her ballroom dancing abilities. Her partner, Renamon, offers to practice with her.

After practicing, Rika decides that maybe under the right circumstances, and with the right partner, this whole dancing thing isn’t all bad (though she could still do without the dress).

Buddy, I don’t know how to tell you this, but Renamon is literally a Child-level Digimon. I’m sorry that two kids dancing together bothers you, but that’s a you problem.

Post link

Obsessed with people who will look at the most blatant incestuous subtext in fiction and say “That’s just how siblings are.”

Way more worried about those people’s siblings than the folks who actually ship the incest.


let’s be real, the best ship dynamic is hands down unstoppable force x immovable object and that is final. 
