#ur right



i think wilbur and grian have objectively the funniest duo name

elwurd: dailysqfkscreencap:not to be nsfw but id let her hug me reblog this until the 17th, when it



not to be nsfw but id let her hug me

reblog this until the 17th, when it becomes illegal

Post link


The scum villain airplane extras are actually a horror novel because imagine spawning into a completely unfamiliar world and the only person from your home dimension is a reddit incel who keeps commenting that you should kys on your ao3 porn oneshots and also his name is hugecock69 and also now he’s your boss’s favorite


normalize having more than one best friend. “best friend” shouldn’t just be a title reserved for one person… best friend is a species…


actually criminal that we never got to see the knights have a snowball fight


Why is this so hot?! Damn it, Cordell.


the hottest disney couple of all time is anastasia and the baker, actually.

they’re thriving.


let’s be real, the best ship dynamic is hands down unstoppable force x immovable object and that is final. 


I’m not sure what’s funnier.

Shasta being an orphan with unknown origins meeting a prince who’s his exact double and going, “Those two things are completely unrelated.”

Or Corin, who presumably grew up knowing about his long-lost twin brother, meeting this exact double and then just letting him leave.
