#short and sweet and kinda bittersweet


Romulus Vargas, or commonly known as Rome was a very powerful nation. Big and strong the Roman was a force of nature. Taking down vast cities and nations, Romulus was a conqueror and fighter. For many years he traveled around the land, joining battles and growing stronger. Before he knew it he was one of the most beautiful and strongest nations in the ancient world. Surrounded with beautiful treasures and women and practically swimming in pools of vast wealth and collecting vast knowledge he had it all. A king of countries and cities he had everything that that a man could ever dream of. However if asked personally, for Romulus all of his fame and glory could never come close to his greatest achievement.

His precious grandsons, Lovino Vargas and Feliciano Vargas, the embodiments of Southern Italy and Northern Italy.

From the moment the two small babies came into his care, all of the rewards he’d gotten from the battlefield were suddenly unimportant. None of those things couldn’t even hold a candle to the two tiny Italian nations. Romulus looked at the small bundles in his arms, the infants about the size of his incredibly large hands. Feliciano was sleeping soundly against his chest, his soft tufts of auburn curls sitting on his small head. Lovino however has fully awake, his large hazel green eyes staring up at the older nation.

“Mi bambino what are you staring at?”

The Roman cooed, his warm amber eyes twinkling at the baby. Lovino continued to look at his grandfather, his gaze innocent. With a small chubby hand his grandson reached up and tugged at Romulus’s dark brown curls. The large man laughed softly, deep and full of affection and amusement.

“Oh my you’ve got quite a grip mi bambino. You’re going to be a fighter one day.”

Romulus said with a warm and proud smile. His eldest grandson despite his size was already a spitfire. The Roman nation had a feeling that the older Lovino got the more he’d take after him in some way. Staring at the small babe, Romulus could already see the Lovino looked a lot like him. He even had his dark brown curls on top of his small head. Lovino was practically a miniature version of him and it blew his mind to see the similarities that the two shared. Lovino had his fighting spirit and his looks that much was clear.

“You’re going to be quite the catch with the ladies my boy.”

He said softly. Lovino gave him a small head tilt of baby confusion before tugging at his grandfather’s curls again. While his eldest grandson did this Romulus’s gaze drifted to the other infant in his arms. Feliciano unlike Lovino was a rather timid and cheerful baby. Feliciano was always smiling and cooing whenever he was awake, radiating warmth and sunshine wherever he was. While his youngest grandson didn’t have much of his looks, the small child had inherited Romulus’s amber eyes and cheerful personality.

“You’re gonna be the lover out of you and your brother aren’t you mi bambino.”

The Roman nation cooed at the sleeping baby. If Lovino was going to grow up to be the fighter amongst his two grandchildren then Feliciano was going to grow up to be the lover. The complete opposite of his older twin brother. Lovino who was already inheriting the fighting spirit of the Vargas bloodline was the perfect representation of Romulus’s fighting spirit that he used on the battlefield. While Feliciano who was already inheriting the cheerful and easygoing spirit that made the Vargas bloodline so likeable, was the other perfect representation of the older man’s chipper personality.

“You’re also going to have the ladies swooning over you. But that’s to be expected when being my grandsons.”

The Roman stated already seeing it happening. His two beloved grandchildren were going to be amazing and wonderful. Looking at the two babies with a soft gaze Romulus placed a small kiss on each of their small heads. Lovino made a face at the kiss while Feliciano woke up, blinking sleepily before cooing happily at his grandfather. Deep chuckles rumbled from the large man before going quiet. Romulus’s gaze suddenly became saddened as he realized that his precious grandsons may have to one day grow up without him around. After all in this current world they lived in, it wasn’t unusual to see strong empires suddenly collapse and disappear. His heart ached at the thought of the two babies being left alone in the world.

“Romano, Veneziano. My beautiful, sweet babies. I’ve only known you for a short time yet already you both make me so proud. You boys are going to grow up, big and strong. You’ll both take this world by storm with how amazing and wonderful and talented you two are. Everyday I get the chance to see you both grow and change and become your own nations, and everyday I thank God that I’m around to witness such a wondrous sight and be apart of it.”

The older nation spoke, his two grandchildren staring at him and listening despite being so young.

“I know that you won’t understand it now, but one day I’m going to have to go. One day I’m going to have to leave the two of you and watch you both find your way in this big, scary yet beautiful world. And when that happens you two are going to have to take care of each other and love each other just as I love you both.”

Romulus said his throat tightening a bit. His saddened expression made his babies uneasy and Feliciano let out a small whimper his big amber eyes wet. Lovino also looked like he was going to cry and the sight of them made Romulus hold them closer to his chest. His large tanned arms, rough and covered in scars cradled the twins with a tenderness that only a guardian could do.

“It’s alright mi bambinos. Even when I go I’ll always be looking out for you and I’ll always love you two until the end of time. Your nano is here and he’ll always be with you no matter if you can see me or not. I promise.”

He swore gently rocking the babies in a soothing manner. As his grandsons relaxed and began to snuggle against his large chest Romulus felt a small pang hit him. He knew that one day he would no longer be with them, that one day he just as many before him would fall eventually. But until that day the older nation would teach his grandchildren everything they needed to know and shower them with love so they never forget that their grandfather loved them more than anything in the world. As his babies slowly began to drift off into dreamland Romulus stared out into the horizon and imagined a future where his grandsons wouldn’t be alone.

*Grandpa Rome and his babies are what I live for. Honestly I adore this family of three and I’m surprised that there’s not many fics involving them being a wholesome family. While I was writing this I had to think about how Lovino and Feliciano were like their grandfather and it hit me that they basically represent him in their own ways. Feliciano is his grandfather’s cheerfulness and easygoing nature who loves to flirt with girls. He also inherited his grandpa’s eyes and I think that’s really sweet. Lovino on the other hand is his grandfather’s determined fighting spirit, a man who’s not afraid to fight if it comes down to it. I also noticed that Lovino looks scarily like his grandpa. While Feli got his eyes Lovi got literally everything else. His hair, his facial features and his wild but expressive reactions. He’s literally a clone of the man and it’s intriguing and terrifying. The Vargas twins basically embody the best qualities of Rome and I find it lowkey sad yet incredibly sweet. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
