#should define the worth not only of christianity as a whole




Ugh I hate atheists who are like “believing in the big magical SkyDaddy™ makes you stupid which is why all religion is lame and full of idiots” like shut up. shut the fuck up. Please go burn whatever neo-Rationalist bullshit you’ve been consuming and go read Durkheim or any other basic text on the sociology of religion. Get some nuanced understanding of how religion works and why people believe in the metaphysical. Stop using atheism as an excuse to be an asshole to people who practice a religion. Fuck you.

If you use Rationalist anti-theism to be an asshole to theists, you’re basically doing the same thing to them as Christians who are assholes to non-Christians do to you. Also, stop going “Christianity is bad therefore all religions are bad” you absolute dunderhead.
