#sick headcanons


“when the cast is sick” cute headcanons (that live rent free in my head)



- when buster gets sick with the cold or flu, he never mentions it until someone points out much he’s sneezing or sniffing.

- buster isn’t the type to deny having any sort of sickness but always tries to put the topic down by saying it’s just a “lil’ bug”.

- of course the theatre family is never convinced and they usually find buster passed out from exhaustion in his office chair, snoring away.

- usually when this happens one of them just place a fuzzy blanket over him and let him sleep throughout the remainder of the day.

- buster always tries to keep himself busy when he’s sick with more show-brainstorming or other work (it helps with the stress).

- rosita is usually the first to notice buster isn’t feeling well and makes soup for him (she’s such a mom, i love her).

- meena is the second one to notice and also makes him soup (+ ginger cookies because buster loves those).

- his sneezes are adorable, though. fight me.



- never admits to being sick until someone (usually it’s ash or nooshy, others can’t really do it) give him a death glare that reads “tell me the goddamn truth or i’ll crush you with love”.

- poor beans usually overworks himself with the theatre business—workaholic to the core.

- takes johnny, like, ten tries to finally convince him to briefly lie down or go home and get some fuckin’ rest.

- worst thing about being sick is that he can’t sing and he gets sad.

- when one of his friends come over to take care of him, he refuses to let them do anything for him.

- well, anything besides getting him a bunch of pillows. he needs pillows.

- drinks tea. drinks hot, earl grey tea

- still a child inside so refuses to take any medicine.

ash: eat it! eat it—
ash: oh come on,stop being such a baby—
johnny: it’s absolutely minging!
ash: it’s like, onespoonful.one, spoonful.
johnny: it tastes like ointment.
ash:*about to throw the spoon*HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT OINTMENT TASTES LIKE—

- when johnny’s really sick, usually just curls up in his bed and sleeps literally 24/7.

- will absolutely make himself a nest of blankets and pillows because HE NEEDS IT.



- nooshy has a rock-hard immune system, so she usually doesn’t get sick.

- when she does, she gets very angry at herself.

nooshy:*sniffles while being wrapped in hundreds of blankets* this is so dumb.
johnny: i know, you’ve said it twenty-seven times in the past six minutes.

- nooshy has to play video games in bed—it’s the only way to keep her sane and from running away outside of the building.

- ash and johnny (sometimes they drag meena along) all come over to play video games with her.

- nooshy says at first that she doesn’t want anyone to come over to see her in “such a pathetic state”.

- but then of course she carefully she admits that she loves them all and enjoys their company, although said very grumpily.

nooshy: i ought to crush you guys. *aggressive sneeze* 
meena: is she serious?
johnny: that’s just her way of saying “i love you”.



-deny, deny, deny.

- nope, she doesn’t admit it.

ash:*looking like a zombie*I’M FINE GODDAMN IT—
meena: we should really get you to bed, i mean—

- stubborn as well, and she will go on and on until her body just refuses to function like a normal porcupine.

- ash eventually ends up working all day.

- someone (usually johnny or rosita) will eventually get a phone call and ash will carefully ask them that they can’t get home from the theatre.

- johnny (being her bi-best-friend) brings his truck along to save her and on the way there buys her hot chocolate.

- she’s thankful for this but she’s grumpy and embarrassed at this point so she mutters a quiet “thanks” with her arms crossed.

- she physically has to be dragged or carried to the doctors office.

- ash sits in bed with thousands of tissue boxes surrounding her while she stares at a netflix rom com without any emotion.

- she needs to get up and do at least something.

- so ash gets up and starts cleaning her apartment without a word—inch to inch.

- usually pissed off that her voice sounds like a scratchy record player and that her stupid cold won’t let her sing.

- gets a very specific craving for lemon tarts when she’s sick.



- beautiful when healthy, a complete sniffling, shivering mess when she’s sick.

- doesn’t deny being sick, but never one to mention feeling under the weather first.

- usually she’s grateful that someone points it out for her.

- porsha recovers from her sicknesses very, very quickly. a good night sleep and she’s good to go.

buster: wait, weren’t you sick yesterday?
porsha:*completely fine*yea!
buster: a-and you’re all better now in a day?
porsha:YEA! :D

- porsha is always cold—wrap her in ten thousand blankets and she’d still say she feels a bit chilly.

- she wants cuddles and needs cuddles when she’s sick (and they’re usually given to her without much hesitation).

- when she feels absolutely awful from the headaches and the coughing fits she gets a little dramatic.

porsha: ash, ash, i thinK I’M DYING.
ash: porsha, for the last time, you aren’t dying—
porsha:*sobs* i’M DYINGG—

- she calms down immediately when she’s given one of rosita’s cold-curing soups and laughs at how ridiculous she must have looked earlier.

- she usually keeps herself cheerful even when she’s sick and eventually she can’t stop smiling from all the love she gets from the theatre crew (when she was sick it was usually one of the house workers who took care of her and not her dad).

(+ might add more!)
