
basilepesso:basilepesso:SideWalking #55(The New Reflections go on #188 / Come, Clouds, Caress My Sky



SideWalking #55

(The New Reflections go on #188 / Come, Clouds, Caress My Sky #106)
The Breeders
Basile Pesso-my BCN © 29 April 2 015-First broadcast 2 016

My web magazine : Yes We Are (link - Fb versionhere)withSamitha CaglieroandThe Mighty Oo as The Side Looks of a Barcelonese #659 and 660

One of my two current exhibitions in Barcelona
at the design shop Aixo
the other one at the Gallery Miluna keeps on, but independently of the tribute to Cruz-Diez

My main photo site is now onInstagram
My Tumblr photo (exclusively) archivehere

First broadcast February 2 020

Post link

Estão tentando tirar um pouco de São Paulo das pessoas de São Paulo.
