#sign up it’ll be a good time



Welcome to our very first Trick or Treat Tumblr Event!

Due to the pandemic, and many missing out on being able to enjoy Halloween in person due to lockdowns, theoldguardevents is creating an online Trick or Treat event for Halloween Night!

How does it work?

As a creator, you sign up and create tricks and treats to give out to your fellow fandom members who come knocking at your door!

Trick: a meme, shitpost, funny graphic, crack!fic etc. You can even rickroll (must be ToG related though!)

Treat: a sketch, drabble, graphic, ficlet, character art etc. Any type of lovely creation!

The creations have no minimum, these can be drabbles or sketches to full fics or art pieces, it’s entirely up to you what you want to create! Making around 5 of each to accommodate trick-or-treaters is the goal!

Streets: No doubt, everyone wants to make content they love, so you get to decide what you want to create! If you’d like to create JoexNicky, Andromaquynh, Book of Nile, General, OT3 etc. just let us know in the sign up form! Your mod will organise the rest, making sure people will be directed to the right place to Trick or Treat! Further details will be given to the creators that sign up!

Lights out: Once you’re all out of ‘candy’, you’ll be able to post up a sign that lets people know, so you can decide how long you’d like Trick or Treaters visiting your blog!

Content Warnings: if you’d like to post NSFW, or anything that you feel needs a warning, let your mod know in the sign up form, and the mods will take care of the rest. Details will be provided to creators who sign up!

If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to DM or send an Ask to @theoldguardeventsor@mods-togevents!

Alternatively you can email[email protected]

Sign up here!

Happy Spooky Season everyone!
