#signal boost




KS Calendar 2022

First off, we want to just say thank you. As always, we are so grateful for the wonderful support from everyone.

We wanted to do more this year and push ourselves since we had such a positive reaction last year. We added bookmarks and stickers this year. This year, we are taking inspiration from myths, lore, and legends. There will be a mix of soft wonder, romance to darker, sexier stories.

We want to also remind everyone that the first25 to order will get a free exclusive print with their order, and if we meet the goal of 50 calendars sold BEFORE November 20th, we will add extra surprise goodies to everyone’s order!

Purchase Here

We are at 11 sold so far, thank you for helping us reach double digits!!!

Here are some sneak peeks from the amazingly talented @thatpinkshinobi!

Reach out to us here or @moonlady9or@thatpinkshinobi if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you again!
Much love!

heeeey! how are you my lovely fam? I’m here just to remind you where you can get our calendar! I don’t want to give too many spoilers… but here’s a glimpse of one of the finished illustrations

I’m giving my 5792086% to give you the best illustrations! And if you could read @moonlady9 stories! DAMN! Perfect combo! ❤️

Both of us are really stepping up the quality this year! If you liked our stuff last year, you are going to be blown away with this year’s calendar!!

We still have a long way to go to reach our goal, and we really want to because if we do, it means we can do a few extra things with orders and we want to spoil everyone with goodies!

Thank you for all the love and support!

I just want to take the time and shout out a fellow tarot reader and let y’all know y’all should to go show some support/patronage to @chaiteatarot ! I just got my reading from them and it couldn’t have been more on point with what I needed right now! They’re really good about making the meaning of what cards are pulled make sense and using their intuition for what it means in that specific pull! Go show them some love for me and be sure to ask for a reading (remember to be patient too as it can take some time when asks build up!)

artdecielle:Inspired by Botticelli’s Map of Dante’s Inferno, here is my #otgw rendition featuring


Inspired by Botticelli’s Map of Dante’s Inferno, here is my #otgw rendition featuring each layer of the inferno thematically represented by an episode of the show. I love the show and I loved making this (a repost of this, just over one hell-year later)

close-ups below the cut

Keep reading

hey, would YOU like to own a print of this, and/or give this print as a gift to a loved one? Well, now you can! I have a store now!


Printed on archival matte museum quality paper, dimensions 12"x18".

For a limited time, there’s free shipping within the US (and discounted shipping outside the US) to celebrate the launch of my shop and the start of OTGW season.

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Don’t just mosey on by without sayin’ howdy, pardner. Y’all have a good day, now.

Don’t just mosey on by without sayin’ howdy, pardner. Y’all have a good day, now.

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Hi! My boyfriend and I may have COVID and i’ve had to miss almost a week’s worth of work, which means I won’t be able to pay our rent. If anyone is able to donate to our rent fund please rb this if you can!

Cashapp: $xeenbean



Hey, y'all. I have a very very important question.

Do any of you have any resources for fostering or rehoming an 8 year old cat in the GA, USA sort of area?

I am in violation of my lease having 3 cats and facing potential eviction (as of June 2, 2022) if I cannot rehome her.

Her name is Boots, she is the lappiest lap cat ever, 9 years old, everyone is her best friend, used to multi-cat households, has been (unfortunately) declawed but with no lasting damage to paws or personality, has had a health check in the past 2 weeks and is healthy, and very playful. She needs a sensitive skin and stomach diet, but not Rx or super duper fancy brand. Grain-free Purina seems to be working out for her just fine. She is also fixed and has had her 2021 vaccinations (not time for 2022 yet, sorry.) She is indoor only.

I DO NOT want to shelter her because I believe she would door poorly in that situation and it’s hard to adopt out an older cat.

But a foster situation or rehome would be ideal. She is extremely sweet and I wish beyond anything I didn’t have to give her up.

If there are people in the area who can take her, I can also provide quite a bit of food, huge litter box, her fave toys, and carrier.

This is Boots.

Please feel free to boost and reblog!

You may also want to check if your area humane society has the option of listing from-home adoptions on their website. Ours allows folks to put animals they need to rehome on a “In the community” list that is shown alongside the adoption listings. Or they may be able to put you in contact with a foster home!


Poor Cecilia the kitten and @fishcemetery

@staff@support please… we beg you give his Tumblr blog back. He didn’t violate anything. You should spend your time and resources on deleting actual bots plaguing my (& other people’s) blog. You know what I mean, and you know what kind of bots I’m talking about. Deleting his blog over nothing was a mistake.

@fishcemetery already messaged you a couple of times today. Can you at least acknowledge and show him that you’re doing something?

Thank you for reading, and please boost / reblog until his blog is back.


I’ve been thinking a lot about whether or not to do this post but after thinking about it all night I realised that I could really use a little help at the moment. I live in Spain, at home with my mother who is receiving a government aid (580 euros per month) and until recently I was working some hours and I could help her with the household expenses (which are around 500 euros).

unfortunately a few days ago we had a problem with the electricity in the house and since this month my mother has to spend practically all her salary on the mortgage without my help, we can’t afford to fix it. At the moment we are staying at my grandfather’s house (a not very big flat) as we couldn’t spend more days in a dark house without being able to cook. I don’t want to ask for a lot of money because I know that right now there are people going through real misfortunes who need donations more than me, but if you are in the situation to help me and donate 1 or 2 euros or reblog this post so that it reaches more people, I will be very grateful ✨ thank you in advance :) 

ps: i’ll be inactive for some more days until i can fix that problem bc i can’t move my pc around the city without a car but i’ll try to post some stuff i have in my drafts :) 



Fanfiction Nominations are Open!

The time has finally come for you to nominate the JATP fanfiction you think deserves the title of Favourite! There are 8 main categories (7 for Fics and one for Authors) and each of those has a number of subcategories.

You can read the rules for nominations here.

This is the nomination form. It is hopefully self-explanatory but if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Nominations are open from now until 30th October 2021!

Keep reading

I have one slot for commission if someone is interessed :o

I have one slot for commission if someone is interessed :o

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Commissions are open!I can work with bright color schemes, characters from popular media (TV shows, Commissions are open!I can work with bright color schemes, characters from popular media (TV shows, Commissions are open!I can work with bright color schemes, characters from popular media (TV shows,

Commissions are open!

I can work with bright color schemes, characters from popular media (TV shows, comics, manga, anime), OCs or YCH, vaporwave/80s nostalgia style.

Please be familiar with my usual content and trust my creative ways to express your ideas. If you require finished picture at a certain date please let that be known immediately, I work at slow pace.

Contact me via e-mail: [email protected]


1. Name your subject as “Commission for Y/N [portrait/halfbody]”
2. Follow this steps:
- your social media(s) 
- your Paypal e-mail
- type of art [flat color/full color]
- body length [portrait/half body/]
- !references [links or pictures with your characters, moodboards(!), color palettes, textures ect]
3. When mail will be recieved, I can accept and reject commission due reasons such as - not following steps; the art will be difficult for me to pull it off; extreme themes of drawings (NSFW, gore and ect)
4. You have to pay a full price through invoice after I’ll show my sketches and after you’ll accept them.
5. I’ll inform you every step I’m making, so be sure to check your e-mail often.
6. The artwork will be send to your e-mail as a file.

Reblogs are very appreciated!

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Commissions are open!

I can work with bright color schemes, characters from popular media, OCs, vaporwave/80s nostalgia style.

Please be familiar with my usual content and trust my creative ways to express your ideas. If you require finished picture at a certain date please let that be known immediately, I work at slow pace.

Contact me via e-mail: [email protected]

Reblogs are very appreciated!

hptransfest: Prompting for HP Trans Fest is open from today until 21 January! You can leave a prompt


Prompting for HP Trans Fest is open from today until 21 January!

You can leave a prompt by accessing this link: https://forms.gle/etddHd2bcGVKT8YA8

Before you do it, here’s a few reminders:

- This fest was created to celebrate trans characters, so we ask that a trans person is the main focus of the prompt you’re submitting;
-  We use trans is an umbrella term that covers any identity that doesn’t fit with the gender the person was assigned at birth (all non-cis identities), regardless of dysphoria, or the characters wanting to change their bodies surgically.
- All ships and all eras welcome, as well as gen fic (no ship);
- You can leave as many prompts as you’d like. Leaving prompts doesn’t mean you’ve got to claim one later;
- If you would like to participate in the fest as a podficcer, you don’t have to submit a prompt. When Claiming starts, you’ll be able to sign up as a podficcer without a prompt.
- This fest deals with mature subjects and the participants are responsible for curating their own experiences within the fest. This applies to viewing the prompts list, which is uncensored;

-  Around here, we believe in “don’t like, don’t read”, “YKINMKATO”, “ship and let ship”, which means we will not be tolerating any kinds of kink shaming, ship shaming, harassment, hate speech, or general bigotry.

You can check out the prompts as they’re being sent here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lJ0aWQN3JVfClCDmlbTXixI-C1y5VKJD8b78lwJTXg0/edit?usp=sharing

Asorted list for easier browsing will be released once prompting is done.

If you have any questions, please send us a message here or on our email: [email protected]

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hptransfest: welcome to HP trans fest 2022!We’re a multi-ship, multi-era, multi-media fan fest, crea


welcome to HP trans fest 2022!

We’re a multi-ship, multi-era, multi-media fan fest, created to celebrate all non-cis characters in the Harry Potter extended universe.

This year, our Discord server is open to both creators and fest enthusiasts! Here’s the invite if you’d like to join: https://discord.gg/eyGgV4Gzkh

Prompting:07 January - 21 January
Claiming:24 January - 14 March
Creative works due: 21 March
Posting begins: 31 March, Trans Day of Visibility

For more info, check out our updated FAQ & the fest’s GUIDELINES and stay tuned!

This universe is ours and we keep on resisting. Trans rights are human rights!

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hptransfest:Hello, everyone!Before you sign up, please remember that this fest deals with mature sub


Hello, everyone!

Before you sign up, please remember that this fest deals with mature subjects and the participants are responsible for curating their own experiences within the fest. This applies to viewing the prompts list, which is uncensored.

Here’s a little F.A.Q. to help our claiming process!

  • First of all: CLAIMING is a first come, first serve process.
  • Also very important: THIS IS AN ANONYMOUSLY POSTING FEST, so we ask you not to divulge the prompt you are claiming.

To claim a prompt, you must fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/fKrcSdNf14K28gdg6

The information we ask is:

  • Yourname or alias & pronouns;
  • Ane-mail account for contact (we will send a confirmation that we have received your claiming through this address);
  • YourDiscord ID, so we can have another way of contacting you during the fest. This isn’t mandatory, but appreciated.
  • Your AO3 account (you must use an AO3 account to enter the fest because the works will all be posted to a collection on the site. If you do not have an AO3 account, let us know on the “anything else” section of the form);
  • The number of the prompt you are claiming for fic or art ORabrief description of your Self Prompt for fic or art, OR information about the fic you’ll be recording for podficcers. There are more instructions on the form.
  • Whatpairingdo you intend to use on your prompt (if any);
  • Anything else you might want to add.

You will be able to claim ONE prompt, initially. If you’d like to create a second piece, you must finish and submit the first one before that.

Claimed (taken) prompts will look like this on the prompt list (red text + strike-through):

We will not list the claimers name on the prompt list.

Prompts list can be found here:


The mods have varying schedules, so please be patient with hearing back from us. If you haven’t heard from us within 24 hours, assume something went wrong and contact a mod.

If you have additional questions, please message us here on Tumblr, or email it to [email protected]

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