#simon seville


AatC: Hana’s Gender Identity HCs

Hana was always sure she was a girl, only to find out in later life she didn’t suit either female or male binaries completely. Aside from her having male and female middle names, she did begin to wonder why she wasn’t as slender as Brittany, or had fluttery eyelashes and lipstick markings like the Chipettes. In fact her build resembled the Chipmunks’ more. This led to some teasing in school, including someone calling her a “boy in drag,” which hurt her so much.

Hana asked her parents why she didn’t look completely like a girl even though she was one. They replied that no one person is the same and that she should learn to embrace herself, masculine features and all.

Her teen years were tough especially as she looked as androgynous as she always did. She turned even more to sports as that was the only place her toned body was appreciated, or so she thought. The Chipmunks and Chipettes had drifted away from her by this point; Theodore had his Cooking Club, Simon his Science Club, and who should join the popular cheerleaders but Brittany? This soured their relationship even more.

Feeling lost with her childhood friends gone, Hana happened upon a flyer for the high school production, Beauty and the Beast. Thinking that playing the Beast would be the ultimate way to embrace herself and in turn tell the bullies to back off, she auditioned for the role but instead got the role of LeFou. It took a while to process, but Hana ultimately threw herself into the role and people loved her performance. She ended up thinking, “Hey, maybe looking somewhat masculine isn’t so bad after all.”

Fast forward years later, Hana is now a Broadway actress and LGBTQIA+ rights advocate. She identifies as nonbinary and her pronouns switch between she/her and they/them at any given time.

AatC OC: Hana O'Sullivan

Name: Hana Gilligan Adell O'Sullivan

Gender: Female (she/her - child, she/her and they/them - adult)

Race: Chipmunk

Age: 8

Appearance: Slight tan, blonde hair in a high bun held by pink chopsticks, bright blue eyes, pink nose, pink tracksuit with white stripes down the arms and legs, buck teeth, notably has lips like a male chipmunk instead of lipstick markings like the Chipettes

Personality: No-nonsense when need be - can border on bossy, thinks she knows more than she actually does, a bit of a romantic, likes to learn about nutrition and fitness but has an achingly sweet tooth, a bit of a bookworm

Bio: Hana was born in a village in Ireland before she and her parents moved to America. There they met the Sevilles and Millers and they all lived happily ever after… well, almost.


Alvin: Hana likes Alvin for his imagination and drive. She often helps build ramps with him for daring stunts among other things. However Hana feels it’s her job to keep him out of trouble, which she tries and fails miserably at. She knows he’s a “good kid” at heart though (Simon finds this ironic to say since they’re the same age).

Simon: Hana thinks he’s OK and is glad there’s “another voice of reason around here.” Simon on the other hand thinks otherwise; while Hana thinks she’s sensible, her lack of emotional control around Alvin leaves a lot to be desired.

Theodore: Hana absolutely adores Theodore, from his cooking skills to his pure-hearted mindset. She tries not to let it show but she’s quite sweet on him. Theodore is glad there’s someone else who appreciates him besides Eleanor.

Brittany: Hoo boy, these two get along like dynamite in a straw house. While pink is their favourite color, that’s the only thing they have in common. Brittany likes short skirts, Hana likes T-shirts - you get the idea. Hana has no idea what Alvin sees in her. They stick together when it comes to ride-or-die moments though.

Jeanette: Hana appreciates Jeanette’s knowledge of fantasy books and often talks about them with her. She even stands up to Brittany when she sees her pushing Jeanette around. She’s trying to teach Jeanette to stand up for herself. Whether or not she succeeds is another story.

Eleanor: These two share an interest in sports and help calm each other. Hana sees Eleanor is a great match for Theodore and doesn’t want to ruin that due to her crush on Theodore. Little does she know that the others are noticing bit by bit.

Another Simonette Overload!!!!!From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!1st collage features randAnother Simonette Overload!!!!!From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!1st collage features randAnother Simonette Overload!!!!!From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!1st collage features randAnother Simonette Overload!!!!!From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!1st collage features randAnother Simonette Overload!!!!!From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!1st collage features randAnother Simonette Overload!!!!!From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!1st collage features randAnother Simonette Overload!!!!!From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!1st collage features rand

Another Simonette Overload!!!!!

From Season 4, and the 1st half of Season 5!

1st collage features random moments in varying episodes.  2nd is Simon Says, Munk vs Machine and Tour Bus.  Then we have Granny Awards, Zeela The Great, Of Mice And Munks, Licenced To Teach, and Clumsy Jeanette (enough for one collage of each episode!)

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tamiassimonus:i probably won’t ever stop drawing these two or making u all wanna barf just a heads u


i probably won’t ever stop drawing these two or making u all wanna barf just a heads up

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simon needs to chill


honestly i think the bagdasarians should let simon say “fuck” at least once. like just have him say it and no other characters reacts, there’s no censor, he just says “fuck”. after seventy years, he’s more than earned it


today all i have to offer you is this super cute cover art for the vhs release of the episode “it’s a wonderful life, dave” (also known as “dave’s wonderful life”)


been thinking of how funny it is that simon’s popularity just spiked somewhere along the line. simon fans, allow me to entertain you with this tag yourself meme list i made speculating why you are what you are:

  • you loved simon from the beginning he’s just a good boy
  • you relate to him the most
  • you like rational characters / the brain of the group™️
  • you fell in love with his attitude / you think he’s funny
  • you went from faving the loud central character at a young age to appreciating the other ones as you grew and then fell hard for him in the process
  • you can’t help it you always weep for the ‘underrated ones’
  • you think a ship with him in it is cute
  • you think the dynamics he has with his family are interesting (and cute)
  • you want to adopt him idk
  • you laughed at those shitty memes of him
  • you are probably not straight
  • you are mentally unwell
  • you are probably not straight and are mentally unwell


my stylus finally decided to make its reappearance


Drew some more Squeakies last night. :p This time, with a little shit we all know and love (ft. a sassy squeaky nerd brother).

Incorrect AATC Quote:

Simon: “This is the worst day of my life.”

Alvin: “Is it because your robots took over the house?”

Simon: “No, it’s because it’s a little hot outside— YES BECAUSE MY ROBOTS TOOK OVER THE HOUSE!”


Wanted to draw a blue squeaky boi tonight.
