


→ pu$$y fairy — a jeongguk scenario 03

member:jeon jungkook

word count: 11.3k

genre: smut + college!au + jeongguk and oc are in a weird fwbs without the friendship part just the benefits except jaykay lowkey has feelings + virginity au

warnings: virgin!oc / oral sex (fem & male receiving) / 34+35 (miss grande influence) / mentions of drug usage / jk is essentially losing his mind (you’ll see) / angst / emotions are real but everybody in this fic is incapable of acknowledging them / hit and run!!!

soundtracks:how can i forget you girl, 87dance + killing me, omar apollo + night moves, michi + in your body, ¿Téo? +open up, mack keane & esta + tsunami,suzuki saint + give me a kiss, lolo zouai + take care of you, charlotte day wilson

PARTS — ONE//TWO//THREE (you are reading)

a/n:you could read this as a separate one-shot but where’s the fun in that? also highly suggest you listen to the soundtracks!

“Wait! Someone’s in here—oh—Hi!”

If Jeongguk wasn’t in desperate need of the bathroom he would have turned on his heels and fled right there and then. Instead, the door swings into the tiled wall with a thud that resounds in his chest and the two of you just stare at each other, suspended in time like stars fixed in the hold of the universe. His heart twists itself into a strange knot when you tilt your head, hands fumbling back onto the sink to steady yourself. You’re clearly as drunk as him—maybe even more—and Jeongguk can’t help the way he tips forward, a hand outstretched to help you up.

Keep reading

waah finally got the time to catch up and see what these two have been up to. OC remains an interesting and memorable character to me with (who can forget her jumping out of the window moment?). I love how the journey of OC’s sexual discovery coincides with Jungkook’s journey of emotional attachment too. The pining and confusion from Jungkook felt so real I almost feel bad for him. Not him listing of things he noticed about her, even her recent fascination with nail art lol. The chapter felt tense and exciting at the same time - just the right amount of slow burn that keeps me wanting and excited for more.
