#siobhan vivian



Part 2 of my video on the Brooklyn Book Festival is up! Its a long one focusing mostly on one panel with authors Jenny Han, Siobhan Vivian,Bennett Madison and moderated by Ann Brashares

I’m in a cafe and forgot my headphones, plus I’m supposedly “working,” so I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet, but someone made a video of my panel at the Brooklyn Book Festival. Hopefully I didn’t say anything totally stupid.

books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivianWe’ve been told that

books read in 2016 - 2017: the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivian

We’ve been told that all good things must come to an end. Even things that feel permanent. Stuff that maybe we take for granted. Like this town. Or for me, my mom. So how tightly are we supposed to hold on to the stuff that we love? Really tightly? Or not at all? Should we be sad when they go away? Should we fight? Or is letting stuff we love go inevitable, like the old adage says?

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“You can decorate absence however you want - but you’re still gonna feel what’s missing.”

- Siobhan Vivian, from Same Difference (Turtleback, 2010)

forgetfulness, an absence, a mere nothing.

Phillip B. Williams“Final Poem for My Father Misnamed in My Mouth,” published in the New Yorker // Mark Strand, “Keeping Things Whole,” via the Poetry Society of America // Rebecca Doverspike, from “Every present thing, a ghost of something,” Every Present Thing a Ghost: Poems // Artworks by Holly Warburton//W.S. Merwin,“Separation” from The Second Four Books of Poems // W.S. Merwin, from “After the Voices,” The Moon Before Morning // Siobhan Vivian,Same Difference//Audrey Niffenegger, from ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’ // Haruki Murakami,Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman: 24 Stories // Rosario Castellanos, tr. by Julian Palley, from Meditation on the Threshold: A Bilingual Anthology of Poetry; “Destiny
