#sir phillip crane


So I’ve started listening to critique of To Sir Phillip, With Love and now its clicking for why people don’t like Phillip and his romance with Eloise. They’re seeing the book for what is and not what it could be (which most Eloise and Phillip shippers do) which are two very different things. I’m probably gonna write an article about the changes I think the show will/should make to the story and Phillip’s character. Should I do that? I feel like it will help people understand just how much potential they have and why so many people want to see it onscreen.



Thinking bout Phillip and Eloise visiting Francesca and Michael in Scotland and Eloise begging Michael to convince Phillip that wearing a kilt is necessary for men when attending dinner. Phillip begrudgingly agreeing and arriving to dinner only for Oliver and Amanda to burst out laughing at the sight of their dad. While Michael and Francesca attempt to remain polite and hide their laughter and Eloise just…can’t help the snorts that leave her body as it dawns on her husband’s face that it was a setup.

[also his thighs would look, incredible!]

But like hold on-

i mean i wouldn’t mind thooo

I did not expect for their to be a photo that goes perfectly with this headcanon and yet, this site never fails to surprise me

Thinking bout Phillip and Eloise visiting Francesca and Michael in Scotland and Eloise begging Michael to convince Phillip that wearing a kilt is necessary for men when attending dinner. Phillip begrudgingly agreeing and arriving to dinner only for Oliver and Amanda to burst out laughing at the sight of their dad. While Michael and Francesca attempt to remain polite and hide their laughter and Eloise just…can’t help the snorts that leave her body as it dawns on her husband’s face that it was a setup.

[also his thighs would look, incredible!]

Idk who needs to hear this but hating on Sir Phillip Crane does not make you as cool and quirky as you think it does
