#sixth post


월요일 / 月曜日 げつようび / Monday
화요일 / 火曜日 かようび / Tuesday
수요일 / 水曜日 すいようび / Wednesday
목요일 / 木曜日 もくようび / Thursday
금요일 / 金曜日 きん;ようび / Friday
토요일 / 土曜日 どようび / Saturday
일요일 / 日曜日 にちようび / Sunday

Each language follows a pattern here. They all have endings to which you add a suffix-like part in. For Korean, they all end in 요일. Japanese, 日. English, day. For Japanese and Korean, these beginning parts have meanings.

월 / 月 - the moon
화 / 火 - fire
수 / 水 - water
목 / 木 - trees, forest
금 / 金 - gold
토 / 土 - earth, soil
일 / 日 - sun

Like English, Japanese and Korean calendars have abbreviations for their days of the week to avoid spelling out the whole word.

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
일 월 화 수 목 금 토
日 月 火 水 木 金 土

edit: the ふりがな for 金曜日 is supposed to be きんようび, there isn’t supposed to be a semi-colon. since I’m without a computer, I can’t fix it on mobile. the coding is weird, sorry about that!