#sjm books


Can’t wait to see this in ACOSF

Nesta being super stubborn about a small thing that doesn’t really matter to her but then she realizes how much it means to Cassian and quickly compromises.

My babies

@blissdrawls on Instagram

Every word emptied from Cassian’s head as Nesta, too, emerged from the water, as if lifted on a pillar from beneath. A golden mask sat upon her face, primitive but embossed with whorls and patterns so ancient they’d lost all meaning.

Water sluiced down her clothes, her hair had been ripped from its braid, and in her hand, clenched there…

A kelpie’s head dangled by its sheet of black hair, torn-up face frozen in a scream. Exactly as the King of Hybern’s head had hung from her hand.

Only silver fire burned behind the eyes of the Mask.

- Sarah J Maas, A Court of Silver Flames, page 371

This is the only fan art of Emerie I’ve seen that seems accurate to how she’s described in the books. I absolutely love her unique beauty
