#nesta acotar


Ok let’s be honest. I’m most looking forward to when Nesta and Cassian have an honest talk about how much they have been freaking pinning and longing for each other. SINCE THE FIRST DAY THEY MET.

I want them to finally admit that each time they said something hateful it was in an attempt not to keep their true lovey feelings from pushing out.

Like we all know. All the other characters know. Even they know deep down.

In the short time that Nesta has known Cassian she has seen him literally on deaths door step like 3 times. She has seen him in pain countless other times. She avoids him because she doesn’t want to be first in the long line of people waiting to get the news that he died. She is trying to protect herself.

Now love is worth the risk but she doesn’t know that yet

Oh hot dang. I think Lucien just became my favorite! Forget More, his power is truth

At the very beginning of ACOFAS Feyre wants to buy presents for ALL of her friends and family for what they did on the battlefield.

She says then when it is already clear Nesta doesn’t want to go and then like a week later NESTA shows up to the party and Feyre is all like I didn’t give you a gift. WTF. And has the gull to be like “Nesta didn’t give me anything but I don’t care because everyone else has showered me in gifts”

I have often thought that Nesta’s power isn’t death

First, because Feyre is convinced it is death. And When has Feyre ever been known to truly get her sister?

Second, it was said at one point that Nesta took from the cauldron everything it had taken from her. It is assumed she got the death powers because it had killed her but in reality the cauldron was also giving her life, a new life.

Third, I think often because if Nesta’s bluntness and brutality in conversation it is thought that she is similar to death. But no we know she is sensitive and caring behind her outer wall. She is life and creation more than death and killing

Fourth, just because the bone carver heard of Nests dosent mean she is death. She could be deaths greatest enemy - life

Nesta is life she is creation she is a new beginning

So in ACOFAS Nesta is still clinging to her character of being clean, holding herself up, and having pride.


In the flash forward to ACOSF She is apparently filthy. Has dirty clothes, dirty apartment, never changes her sheets, show up to the IC summoning looking and smelling gross.

WTF either something major happened (probably the same thing that broke up her friendship with Amren) or SJMaas forgot her characterizations and book cannons.

Honestly could go either way

I freaking love this scene. It shows why I can’t stand Feyre at all! Her sister is telling her how uncomfortable she feels, how she needs them to leave. And Feyre dismisses it like 3 times. She doesn’t believe Nesta untill Cassian starts taking her seriously. She doubted her te whole time Come on Feyre, she deserves better. You treat her like Tamlin treated you. Very bad, very, very bad.

At the Illyrian camps Nesta is going to be cool as a cat. She will get on with life and keep going. Cassian on the other hand is good to be on edge the whole time. Just lusting after her. Don’t get me wrong Nesta wants him too but she knows how to handle it. Cassian is going to be a mess

Problem with these books is that I’m often told the traits of the characters and what to think about them instead of being shown how they act and coming to my own conclusion. I’m told how great Mor is at battle and then I see her sit back and not fight. I’m told how awful Nesta is and then I see her speak up an behave of the humans in need. I’m told how great a leader Rhys is and then I see him treat people like crap and get upset when they don’t believe he is a “nice guy”. I’m told Amren is a freaking beast but all I see is her growl at people and drink blood. She is as terrifying as edward cullen then. No wonder there is so much divide in the fan group half the people are reading and seeing and the other half believe what they are told without proof.

My hope is that in ACOSF I’m not told what to believe, I want to see it in the characters’ actions. I want to believe it.

My pre-order for ACOSF on amazon just got cancelled. What does this mean ????!


I love Nesta. I do but to be honest is she doesn’t learn to communicate and get along with people on a general level she is going to have a pretty miserable future.

I say this because she needs more and you can tell she wants more deep down. She wants love. She wants family.

Hopefully this new book will give her the space from the IC she needs to heal and make friends. This will allow her to see healthy communication and give her a desire to get along with people.

I don’t want her to be miserable and that is where she is right now

Normalize This…

It’s ok to hate the main character and consequently most of the series but still love it for the side character that carries the story emotionally and makes it relatable because they are not perfect and neither are you.

Nesta. Nesta. NESTA

Nessian Head Cannon

Even when depressed Nesta keeps all the newspaper clippings or updates on what the heck Cassian is up to.

Kind of like Nathan and Haley from OTH


Dang this new book better come out before I am persuaded by all the anti’s on tumblr to hate the whole fandom

ACOSF I’m looking at you

People! Please comment with your favorite Nessian moment!!! I need some good nessian crap to get me through this week. I’ll start it off

My favorite Nessian moment is….

Right before the meeting of the high lords when Nesta and Cas talk as everyone is leaving. All of it! How she changed her mind to be more active in the war and didn’t want to be a coward. How he was so excited to see her. How they communicated by understanding and not so much words. I love that Nesta was vulnerable and safe and Cas saw that and her. I loved it!!!

Feel free to add to this!

List of Special Nesta Moments

Moments that hunt at Nesta being more aka more powerful, not fae, future queen of something

- Tamlin’s fae magic couldn’t trick Nesta’s mind. She saw right through it all ACOTAR

- Nests could tell when Feyre went into Lucien’s mind and Feyre had know idea how she knew ACOWAR

- Devon and all the Illyrian commanders were freaked out by her (and they live in the dangerous mountains) ACOWAR

- the Bone Carver spoke about how she is acient and yet she is newly born ACOWAR

Proof that Elaine the seer had a vision about last battle of ACOWAR

1.Elaine has been having visions and has mentioning them to people in her. Kirk when she says to Nests “twin ravens are coming” then Nests gets attached by the king’s 2 ravens

2. Elaine mentions to Cassian that he would die with broken wings and bones. While eating breakfast she says to Cassian “he snapped your wings, broke your bones” cassian replied saying “it will take more than that to kill me.” Elaine then tells him “no it will not”. It’s like she has seen it right?!

3.In battle with the king Cassian breaks his bones and his wings and is about to die! “Not twenty feet away, Cassian was on the ground. Wings—snapped in spots. Blood leaking from them. Bone jutted from his thigh.”

4. Cassian and Nesta are literally about to be killed by the king when out of nowhere Elaine appears and saves them. How did she know where they where? How did she know they needed help? She saw them

5. This is the girl that was dizzy at the thought of war. She was a rose bloom in a muddy pin of horses. How did she muster the strength to get up go through the battle field, find her sister and Cassian, and then kill the king a man I’m sure Elaine fears. How did she do this???? She had seen it in a vision. She had seen Cassian and Nesta dying and knew they needed her. Only that would have brought her to that field ready to use the sword and stab the king.

Can’t wait to see this in ACOSF

Nesta being super stubborn about a small thing that doesn’t really matter to her but then she realizes how much it means to Cassian and quickly compromises.

I honestly need a spin off tv series of Friends for the inner circle. I can just see one episode being just Cassian’s adventures in summer court and the fake laughing track as Cas destroys the building.

The House, seeing Nessian is about to f*ck again for the thousand time this month:

Crescent City Book 2 can not come out quick enough..

I am having Bad Bitch withdraws already!

Nesta: We win to prove to ourselves that it can be done…



All of us:


Mor: Nesta would thrive in the Court of Nightmares.

How Cassian should havereacted:

Tell me this %100 doesn’t remind you of Nesta

“I can’t cry, I can’t depend on anyone else. I have to be good. That way my father won’t hate me so much but I hated my father. I’m so tired of it all. I want to disgrace myself. To get so dirty that no body can stand it.”

Let’s make of list of facts probablycanon

I’ll go first

  • Every male in the acotar universe is uncircumcised


way to put it into words….MY BABY

who ever made this fanfic I FUCKING LOVE YOU

@unhealthyfanobsession put her FOOOOT in this fanfic i love it smmm
