#skam france


really upset we didn’t get a clip of lucas trying to tame his hair in the morning❤️

i am so sad to be saying goodbye to all of these characters whom i love so much. they were the heart of the show itself and made me care about it utterly and completely. skam france could have done so much better with them in so many ways, and i’m disappointed and angry about how they were disrespected and left without a single regard for their character, but i still am glad to have had them. they all deserve so much better. they have made me so incredibly happy over the past two years and pulled me through a very difficult and muddled time in my life, making sure i was safe and content on the other side of it, and i will forever be grateful for that. these characters gave me something to look forward to almost every day and added a happiness to my life that i will never be able to repay.

thank you to Léo, Philippine, Coline, Robin, Paul, Lula, Assa, Marilyn, and Lais for portraying their characters with so much love and care that i will forever be affected by them. and thank you Axel Auriant and Maxence Danet-Fauvel for doing the same and so much more to make me fall in love with the meaningful characters that they wholeheartedly embodied.

goodbye to Yann, Emma, Alexia, Arthur, Basile, Daphnè, Imane, Manon, and Sofiane. and especially, goodbye to the two characters who have meant more to me than words can express, Lucas Lallemant and Eliott Demaury. the joy that they have brought me is worth more than i can say. i will miss these incredible people so much. ❤️

ok but the mural of all the main characters in skam france means so much more to the show as whole, like it really makes it feel like they have made their own legacy. those characters on the wall are not a vilde, a magnus, a sana, a chris, a mahdi, an eva, a jonas, and an isak. those characters are daphné, basile, imane, alexia, arthur, emma, yann, and lucas. they have become their own entities, their own unique people who have emerged out of all of this just as the show has and that’s incredible and really fucking fulfilling

lucas “holds hands with his best friend who he used to be in love with ‘sans ambiguïté’ while standing in front of a mural that symbolizes the bond of a mismatched group of people that he can call his family while staring at the boy he is completely in love with who made the mural and who changed his life for the better and starts tearing up because he’s just so appreciative of the fact that the love of his life understands the weight that these people hold in his heart and how much they mean to him considering the way he used to be and still is terrified of abandonment and yet has made the conscious choice to trust them and let them see past the walls that he had constructed around himself and has never felt such overwhelming happiness like this moment before in his life surrounded by people he loves and who love him and can now truly say that he is living his best life” lallemant

just thinking about the audacity that all the Even’s have to show up during the second or third season and then run the entire fucking show thereafter


y’all what if arthur needs a place to stay so he stays with elu

i’m psychic

listen i’m really gonna need a parallel of yann walking in on lucas and eliott like when lucas walked in on him and emma

Lucas: I love you.

Eliott: I love you more.

Lucas: No, I love you more.

Lucas: You’re signing yourself up for a war you cannot win.

Eliott: Game on, bitch.

y’all just know that when alexia finds out she is definitely going to blame it on herself and it’s going to set her self-confidence back by a fucking mile after she’s worked so hard to build it up and i’m not ready for that

listen… i’m as disappointed in the boy squad as anyone… BUT THE WAY THEY WERE DANCING

Lucas: I will not hesitate to strangle you.

Eliott: Can you even reach my neck??

the actor who plays camille is gay so i need camille to be canonically gay and for him and lucas to be a duo please and thank you

arthur is probably feeling guilty and thinks he’s part of the reason his mom had to quit medical school and also is not a fan of his dad for the way he treats her like he’s above her so when alexia starts talking about her career options and aspirations he basically asks her when she’s going to dump him because he’s afraid of holding her back and bringing her down like his dad did to his mom
