#skam france


Basile: So, to put it long story short, I stole Arthur’s airpods.

Lucas: His what?

Basile: You know, those wireless earbuds that rich people use.

Lucas: You mean his hearing aids??


Basile: Oh no—

Eliott: How did you know I was going to propose?

Lucas: Basile and Arthur haven’t been able to look at me without crying for the last month.

y’all what if arthur needs a place to stay so he stays with elu

Lucas: Hey bro.

Eliott: I had my tongue in your mouth five minutes ago, don’t you dare call me ‘bro.’

Arthur: Hewwo! I will be youw suwgeon today! Intewnal bweeding you say? Let’s make ouw fiwst wittle incision.

Yann: Dowctor, we’wre loswing him!

Basile: I’ll wuse the defibwiwatow!

Lucas, lying on the couch with a cold: Please. Turn off my fucking life support.

Lucas: I started school with straight A’s

Eliott: *walks by*

Lucas: Now I’m not even straight

“Almost Perfect” could be a representation of Lucas and Eliott as a couple as well as two individual beings. Lucas has faced his shame and has come to terms with who he is. We have seen his story. Eliott has yet to live his. He has yet to fully confront his shame, which can be interpreted as them not being “completed” as a couple. This means that the title of season 6 episode 1 works as a relation to Eliott’s unconquered obstacles. In this essay I will—

Imane: Hey, are you free on Friday? Like, around 8 on Friday?


Imane, turing to Eliott: What about you?

Eliott: Yes, I am.

Imane: Great! Because I’m not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date. *leaves*



Lucas: Did she just—?

Imane:Describe your ideal partner.

Lucas: Tall, beautiful, sweet, a good person at heart, loving-

Imane: You’re just describing Eliott, aren’t you?


Imane: Eliott, describe your ideal partner.


Lucas: I noticed we have slowly started to phase the ‘b’ out of our ‘bromance.’

Eliott, down on one knee, ring still out: I mean, yeah, I guess.

Chloe: I just thought you had weirdly high standards for women…

Lucas: I do. They need to be dudes.

Lucas, looking at Eliott’s clothes: Damn, I wish I could pull that off.

Eliott: Go ahead.



Lucas: Do the thing.

Eliott: *genuinely smiles*

Lucas, breathless: Oh my god.

Eliott: I’m having a problem with this person.

Lucas: Then kill them.


Lucas: Then I will kill them FOR you.


Eliott: Tell me your wildest fantasy.

Lucas: I’m on wheel of fortune and I spin it so hard it lights on fire.

Eliott: I meant like—

Lucas: Everyone claps.

Lucas: I had a crush on someone once and I didn’t know how to handle it, so I filled their car with heart confetti.


Eliott: That’s so funny! Once I went to my car and I found it filled with heart-shaped confetti.

Lucas: How fun! I have to go water my dog now.
