#sketch reward


✨ #KofisForMamaMay ✨

Hi, guys! Meet my mom, May!

(She’s shy even in doodle form thus the face mask. Lol!) She’s known to friends and family as Mama May. (You can call her that too if you like! )

I might have mentioned a couple of times that I was out of town.

Well, it’s because I’m with my mom who is having her chemotherapy miles away from home. She’s currently battling 4th stage ovarian cancer.

We’re in an unfamiliar city in the midst of this covid pandemic. (We’re forever grateful to friends and relatives who helped us here.)

And because of the lockdowns going on we weren’t able to go back home, where we planned to transfer her chemo treatment.

I currently have my ko-fi account open to raise funds for my mom’s cancer treatment. It would mean the world if you could check it out and buy a kofi! Each kofi is only $3 each.

I currently can’t reward you with digital art doodles if ever you donate (my gear is back home ) but I can make a traditional doodle for you if it’s alright! ✨

After you buy a kofi just DM me here or on twitter/instagram and we can talk about your doodle request.

When I’m done I’ll post it to my socials and give you a helluva shoutout!

I don’t know how far this’ll reach but it won’t hurt to try. Any amount will help my mom immensely. (Positive vibes and prayers also mean the world!) ❤

We wish you all the best and we hope you consider buying a kofi for Mama May. ❤

Maraming salamat!

(Thank you very much!)




