#sl broken


—»﴾: BROKEN.

MNET Global Autidions S5E6 — Aftermath.

The lump in her throat grow with each step that bring her closer to home. She feels numb, she feels like the very soul has escaped her body to leave her with an empty shell that looks like a typically bright and promising teenager. Ryujin is anything but that right now however, after having been eliminated from a show that she saw as her last chance back into the business and to reach a dream that has been her dream since she was a mere nine year old chick. 

Her phone vibrates in her hand and yet she can’t bring herself to look at it and face the person who desperately try to contact her, she already know who is calling her. Ryujin know that she’ll eventually have to look Yeji in the eye, they live in the same building complex and they also do attend to the same dance studio, but now is not the time. She wonder how she will be able to– after recording she was quick to leave, once the opportunity struck that is, without being disrespectful.

Well, quick as one can be while absolutely devastated, that is. Two of her best friends are still competing and though she is happy for them, she has no energy to think about Yeji and Juho. Not right now, it’s too much for her and she know that it’s selfish. Tears threaten to escape the drowning eyes but she isn’t one to cry, Ryujin doesnotwant to cry… She reach home, having spent about double the time she usually does because her feet are just that heavy to move.

She is as slow as Flash in Zootopia when she reach for the keys to her apartment but instead of opening the door she just stands there for a moment, trying to control her breath and collect herself. She doesn’t know why because there is no one there waiting for her, but she suppose that once she close the door behind her the journey is actually over. The door opens, and she move one foot in front of the other, the door closes, and it’s like she has no legs anymore.

Ryujin is glad that she is alone but in reality, she could have needed someone to lean on. She whimper loudly when her legs give in and she hit the floor, ultimately it becomes too much and the tears roll out and down chubby cheeks. Sobs that hopefully nobody can hear fills the room while she hug her arms around her knees, Ryujin tries to bite back the cries but they come out uncontrollably beacuse it hurts so much. She was so close, but it wasn’t enough.

She wasn’tenough. 
