#sleep troubles


And last night didn’t go well at all. The 3yo cried in the middle of the night and ran into our room, jumping into our bed and then being a toddler. Kicking, singing, running around, not sleeping.

You can’t sleep with a toddler in the bed. At least, not this one. She kicks and rolls and punches. She is, I’m told, just like me. So that’s not going to work.

Wilder left to sleep in our son’s room and I dozed off every couple minutes between her shenanigans. At some point she ended up on the floor and Wilder came back to bed. I gave up at 7 and went downstairs for a Tastycake for breakfast.

I have no idea how the rest of the day will go but it will probably feel like forever.

There are times when I cannot fall asleep. I lay in bed and think about how am I ever going to fall asleep when I have to be up in onlyX amount of hours. And then a bunch of other anxieties come up, too, and all the day’s prior meditations and mind-tiring tricks (counting sheep!) won’t help.

So where did I turn back to? Nope, not Xanax. I turned back to relaxation MP3s. They worked once long ago when I had a similar problem and they worked again. They were a life saver.

This time I turned to the Gaiam Meditation Studio app, which I’d gotten for free from a Starbucks download last year. I’d highly recommend downloading it because it’s cheap - like $3.99 - and it has TONS of meditations (including a bunch with my yoga teacher, Chrissy!). 

Take that, sleepless nights. Let’s hope the insomnia stays at bay this time. 

HAHA. Right. 
