#slimecicle x you


One Year Anniversary Special

Dream Smp Headcanons: Where they like to leave their marks

Featured Characters: Dream, Geroge, Sapnap, Technoblade, Phil, Wilbur, Fundy, Dream XD, Slimecicle, Quackity, and Foolish

Warnings: Suggestive themes and ideas


@fridaydev-draws: George, Wilbur, Sapnap

@victory-is-here: Dream XD

@abovenyx: Quackity

More pictures to be added!


  • This man loves to leave marks all over your body, whenever possible
  • Horniest of all of them no doubt.
  • Only top energy here.
  • You could come home from a hunt, peck his lips and the man will be on you like a fly on flypaper.
  • This man won’t leave you alone until your body is painted in purple bruises
  • Especially your neck
  • He always starts tender, trailing kisses from your lips and cheeks down to the supple flesh of your neck.
  • Slowly his hands move up the curves of your body, squeezing every curve that was there until they reached their intended destination.
  • Your breasts obviously
  • Once there that’s when he starts to focus on the supple skin on your neck.
  • Dream was known for his sharper than average teeth, you didn’t know why, the man was as human as it comes.
  • But he knew how to use them
  • Dream would always pull the sweetest noises from you, little mewls and whines as you clung to him.
  • He loved every minute of it.
  • He is absolutely a sadist.
  • Dream would work hard, focusing on making sure one spot was nice and purple before moving on to the next.
  • He would pull away, blowing on the mark he left leaving you shivering and mewling for him.
  • Dream needs the entire SMP to know your his, so they back the fuck off his girl.
  • Although it’s not like you needed the marks, he never would let you travel alone.
  • You’d show them off with pride, and of course a little embarrassment, Dream never let you cover them up.
  • Unless of course, you begged him, another one of his favorite sounds of his.
  • Although, you did like the fact that people feared your very presence, knowing that your boyfriend wasn’t far behind.
  • He isn’t one for leaving many marks on your body.
  • Feels bad, and doesn’t want to hurt you.
  • Although that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you to hurt him.
  • That being said you’d be leaving the marks. Period.
  • This man is a bottom.
  • He would float around happy parading your marks on his skin, mostly on his neck but sometimes on his wrists where all his pulse points are.
  • You liked feeling his heartbeat beneath your tongue as you lapped at the skin.
  • George would always whine urging you to leave more marks on him, ones that were more visible, ones that were darker.
  • He was a glutton for punishment.
  • He knew that it riled you up every time he criticized them too.
  • Grade A brat behvaior.
  • If George was an animal he would be a cat, he was mischievous and cunning but always tried to act innocent.
  • But even you couldn’t deny his brat behavior worked.
  • It was a way to ensure he could show off the marks you left on him for days.
  • George loved that you were so careful with him, and loved every inch of his body, and did a good job praising it.
  • He loved to trail his nails down your back every time you made out and would cup your ass.
  • Absolutely an ass man, no matter the shape or size, he just likes something to grab.
  • George loves praise from, “you’re doing such a good job baby” to a simple “Good boy,” as your nails and fingers curled in his hair.
  • In response he always whimpers and whines so sweetly, sending chills down your spine.
  • He knows that that’s how he gets you to work harder,
  • You love his sweet little mewls
  • This man would beg for you to do unspeakable things to him and you would.
  • No questions asked.
  • Wants to leave as many marks as he can, but they wouldn’t be in the places you’d expect.
  • I think it’s a universal idea that Sapnap is a switch.
  • With that out of the way the place he likes to bite is:
  • He is a thigh man no I won’t take or accept criticism.
  • Sapnap loves when you wear skirts for that reason, one innocent gust of wind and he could see your thighs.
  • When you would show them off for him, he’d immediately jump you
  • All with consent of course
  • He would get all protective, even mad you wandered around the SMP flaunting your cute little body all over the SMP for anyone to see.
  • It was all in jest, of course, your puppy of a lover was always respectful of what you wanted to wear.
  • Especially because you had a few special outfits saved for him
  • Sapnap would toss you up onto the bed, and spread your legs wide, tossing them over his shoulders.
  • He’d praise you but also degrade you, a mix of both that made your stomach fill up with butterflies.
  • It was a mix of ‘you’re so pretty darlin’ and then the immediate ‘you’re such a needy slut.’ (His southern accent slipping through the entire time)
  • Sapnap’s stubble would brush against the plush skin on your thighs and you’d giggle loving that feeling.
  • It was Sapnap’s favorite sound in the world.
  • He pressed his lips to one thigh while his tail tightly wrapped around the other, which was also sure to leave bruises behind.
  • He always got way too excited and would squeeze a little too roughly but you loved it.
  • He licked his lips before starting with gentle nips with his sharp teeth, whines spilled from your mouth, and small mewls.
  • Those sounds let Sapnap know you were ready for his marks, his biting would get rougher and would suck at the skin.
  • Eventually, he’d leave you panting, as he pulled away to see the black and blue bruises he left on your thighs.
  • He would reach down and gently blow and trace his work afterward causing you to needily whimper and squeeze his head between your thighs.
  • Sapnap’s pupils would blow every time you did it, and he would be gone for the rest of the night.
  • He would be keeping you all to himself.



  • Technoblade was subtle with his marks.
  • He felt like they were a private thing that really only needed to be shared between you and him.
  • Even though Technoblade leaned towards being a top he wasn’t opposed to switching every now and again.
  • He just loved seeing you so submissive under him too much to really change the dynamic
  • But call him a good sweet boy and he’s putty in your hands
  • It was in Technoblade’s nature to lean to be more possessive, it’s the piglin in him, the urge to mark you and show you off to others was always a strong yearning.
  • The other thing that would determine how rough he was, was the voices.
  • Sometimes they tended to be more possessive of you than other times
  • Typically though Technoblade kept any marks he would make to your collarbone and the swell of breasts.
  • There was never ‘gentle’ marking with Technoblade his tusks never allowed for the treatment.
  • He would try, but he would always end up drawing at least a little bit of blood.
  • Which would shamefully spur him (and the voices) on more.
  • On some of those days, you would walk away from a session with a few dark marks on your neck that he’d beg you to cover the next day when he was in his right mind.
  • You would, he had a reputation, but maybe you’d accidentally leave one uncovered…oops
  • Technobalde wasn’t a sadist, far from it, he wanted to make sure his mate was comfortable and treated with the utmost respect.
  • However, he knew you liked it on the rougher side and he would bend to your needs so long as you shared them.
  • He grazes his tusks along your neckline and down to your collarbone, that along with his stubble makes you smile like an idiot.
  • Technoblade would glance up and let out a little, fond huff pecking your lips.
  • The small peck turned more intimate, as you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him close.
  • He chuckled deeply against your lips and pulled away, a little trail of spit connected your lips.
  • “Bad girl.”
  • Technoblade would tilt his head down and bit into the skin of your collarbone.
  • You moaned loudly tossing your head back in delight.
  • Purple bruises would litter your collarbone the next day, and the days following.


  • Phil was a father figure to many, so he couldn’t go around marking up your neck.
  • He had a reputation to uphold as a father figure in the eyes of many of the children in the land of the SMP.
  • Even if he was a daddy to you specifically.
  • He didn’t usually like to leave marks on your skin in the first place,
  • He had nothing to prove.
  • Phil’s lived a thousand lifetimes he’s mature, not a teenager who felt the need to cover you in bite marks and bruises to ‘claim’ you like a possession.
  • However, that changed when you both went to visit Foolish over in his desert kingdom, Phil accompanied you and was put off by the young immortal’s behavior.
  • He was closer to your age, young and handsome and very handsy.
  • It seemed the young immortal’s hands were always just hovering over your ass, just barely keeping himself in check.
  • That Phil didn’t appreciate.
  • He was put off the entire rest of the visit, wings puffed up defensively the entire walk back to the Tundra.
  • It’s not like you didn’t notice his odd behavior, you just didn’t want to make his frustrations worse.
  • But you soon came up with an idea as soon as he walked in the doors you shoved him down into his chair by the fireplace.
  • Hands immediately massaging the place where his wings connected to his back.
  • That drew out a long languid moan from his mouth immediately melting into your magic fingers.
  • He continued to pant and make happy little sounds as you continued his wing massage, preening his soft feathers as you went.
  • Feeling confident and cocky you leaned down and sucked your own mark into the nape of his neck.
  • Phil sucked in a breath and in a single wing beat he scooped you up and dropped you onto your shared bed.
  • Your laughter filled his stomach with warmth, flush spreading across his cheeks.
  • Phil climbed on top of you pinning your wrists above your head with one hand.
  • “You’re in trouble now.” Phil smiled watching you shiver beneath him, “You want me to leave marks all over your little body?” He cooed speaking to you in a teasing tone, you nodded your head eagerly baring your neck to the bird of prey.
  • He grinned wildly kissing your jawline tenderly, trailing his bites and kisses down your jaw and onto your neck.
  • He left small, faint marks on the neck, light enough to cover them.
  • They weren’t his main target after all.
  • Phil’s hands popped open every single button on your shirt, just to gain access to your chest.
  • That’s where he left his marks, on the swell of your breasts, in fact not just on the swell, all over them.
  • That way they could always stay hidden.
  • Just for his viewing pleasure alone, plus he could work his magic there, so you could come undone in the palm of his hand.
  • There are many versions of Wilbur and through every iteration, one could say he’s been through the kink and sex ringer
  • For example, L’manburg Wilbur was a switch, but Pogtopia Wilbur was a top, not willing to give up the control that Schlatt had stolen from him.
  • Meanwhile, Ghostbur was a bottom all the way if one could even sleep with the ghostly man.
  • Finally, revived Wilbur was once again a top, his switch preference was buried deep inside him unwilling to remerge.
  • He buried anything that reminded him of Ghostbur and the previous versions of himself deep inside his chest
  • That being said the fully revived man wouldn’t let you leave the house without wearing his marks.
  • Much like his ‘savior’ and ‘hero’ Dream in that aspect
  • Wilbur loved every part of your body, after not seeing you for so long the man would worship the flesh you lived in.
  • No matter what
  • As soon as Phil left their house, Wilbur would be all over you like a dog in heat.
  • One hand cupping your breast the other cupping your ass as you were pushed up against the wall of his father’s home.
  • Or alternatively the counter of the burger van.
  • Wilbur loved when your fingers threaded through his curls and tugged on the locks desperately.
  • The once dead man wasn’t loud, if he enjoyed what you did to him he’d growl and grunt deep in his throat.
  • Almost anomalistically
  • No shamefully loud moans from this man
  • Wilbur wouldn’t rest until your entire body was littered with his marks, from the top of your neck to the bottom of your calves.
  • And once he was satisfied with all the marks he left, (Which wasn’t often), he’d let you go unfinished.
  • Leaving you wanting and yearning as you would wine for him to continue, shivering in your undergarments
  • He’d chuckle, urging you to ask nicely his tone teasing but serious, asking you to beg.
  • You would, you always would for him.
  • Wilbur would relish the total control he had over you and your body.
  • He loved you for allowing him to have it



  • The poor young fox hybrid would have no idea you’d ever want him to leave marks on your skin.
  • He was sweet but oblivious, his love language was gift-giving.
  • Fundy would always come back from his adventures a little wrapped gift in hand, it would always be something special and unique.
  • Said he always got you a gift that reminded him of you
  • A lot of the times it was a bag of very pretty rocks he collected from his journey and it made your heart swell
  • Every time he was granted a kiss of thanks that made his tail thump and swish with delight.
  • Fundy was so innocent when it came to the throws of romance.
  • Only ever dating once before, a man named Dream apparently.
  • After hearing that story Fundy had to restrain you from finding the green bastard and skinning him alive.
  • It’s a fight you would lose and Fundy couldn’t risk that, even though he was flattered you’d fight that hard for his honor.
  • You made sure to show that Fundy was truly loved and appreciated every chance you got, many times it included long makeout sessions where you had your sweet fox pinned beneath you.
  • He would yip and whine against your lips, his clawed hands digging themselves into the plushness of your thighs.
  • Your tongue would be inside his mouth and he would rut against you helplessly, you were just so intoxicating.
  • In the heat of the moment, he’d ask you to mark his neck, and you responded only if he would mark yours in return.
  • He flashed his fangs and nodded intensely, he took a sharp breath in as your own blunt teeth scraped against his neck.
  • Fundy yipped as you bit down on the skin that was there, sucking and biting, leaving it red and swollen.
  • It would soon fade to a blueish purple that the fox man would wear proudly the neck day.
  • Some sick part of him wanted to visit Dream to show just how much he was wanted and loved now.
  • He watched with puppy eyes as you sat back and bared your neck to him, the primal predator in him loved your submission.
  • That part of Fundy wanted to tear into you and make you scream his name but he shook the thoughts away.
  • You were too precious to ever tear into you.
  • But he wasn’t a predator, he was gentle his mama raised him to be a proper gentleman before she had to leave.
  • He purred softly resting his forehead against your own, he pulled away pressing a little kiss the top of your hairline.
  • You hummed back and he nuzzled his nose against your neck, feeling the pulse of your heart jump against your skin.
  • He opened his mouth, fangs glinting in the light as he latched onto your neck, you moaned so loud he pulled you impossibly closer to his body.
  • He swore he could taste the metallic taste of blood on his tongue, he pulled away noticing he broke the skin.
  • Fundy frowned lapping at the blood like a cat would a bowl of milk, you mewled testing from the pain and pleasure of his tongue against your wound.
  • “You okay?”
  • You hummed nodding eagerly peppering kisses against the side of his head.
  • “I love you.” He spoke for the first time since he got left at the alter and he meant it.
  • This man was a God who liked to keep humans as his little playthings, pets if you will.
  • He’s a top, yes, but he also worships his pets like goddesses and gods, and you were his favorite.
  • If you were pleased and satisfied the God was pleased and satisfied.
  • DreamXD would keep you in the end dimension where he resides, the only other person in the entire SMP who knew of your existence was Foolish.
  • Because now he was your lover’s pet now as well
  • He would always gift you things from the mortal realm and loved to watch your expressions change as he explained what they were to you.
  • Once he brought you back a hand-crafted collar, complete with a golden nameplate that read ‘DreamXD’ inside of it.
  • You peppered his face in kisses when you received such a generous gift.
  • Since XD had nothing to prove to anyone he didn’t mind giving marks or not giving marks, as stated before as long as his lover was happy he would be happy.
  • That being said if you liked being marked up he would happily oblige.
  • He liked to leave his marks under the collar, so they would be hidden from the rest of the world
  • A little treasure only for his viewing pleasure.
  • The collar would only come off when the two of you got intimate because at that moment DreamXD wanted to make it known that you both are equals in this exchange.
  • If he did something you didn’t like there was no worry about backlash, he would stop instantaneously.
  • Anything for you.
  • When he would show you off around the end cities he always felt pride as the nameplate bounced against your collarbone, knowing there were marks underneath the gorgeous collar.



  • …first of all bottom.
  • I think we all knew that and will always know that
  • Being intimate with a man who was made of slime was…interesting.
  • To some, it might be a kink come to life but it was a lot harder than it seems
  • Every time you kissed him you tasted slime, it wasn’t unpleasant but you did have to get used to it.
  • Now you’re probably asking yourself how can he leave marks on your skin? He’s made of slime! He has no teeth.
  • Trust me not a problem.
  • It took a while, and a lot of teaching by demonstration but eventually he was so sure he could leave some type of mark on your skin.
  • Who were you to break your sunshine boyfriend’s heart?
  • So after one long night at the casino, you took Charlie to your room.
  • You were frustrated with the number of men that hit on you, and your sweet Slime was oblivious that, that’s what they were doing.
  • You pulled him close by the collar and planted your lips on his own, he moaned sweetly against your mouth.
  • It seems like Quackity had experimented with Slime eating strawberries because that’s what he tasted like today as it was absorbed into his body.
  • He pulled away jumping eagerly on his toes, hands holding onto the bare skin on your arms
  • You were a playgirl bunny that gave out drinks on the casinos’ floor
  • “Can I try to leave my marks? Please? I’ve been practicing with Quackity!”
  • You blinked a few times, but didn’t question it, you gave him the okay and he gently sat you down in one of the plush chairs in your room.
  • You watched in awe as Charlie opened his mouth and formed a little green tongue, how long could he do that?
  • “Weady?” He asked sticking his tongue out at the same time, warmth pooled in your gut and you nodded eagerly.
  • He pressed his lips to the nape of your neck, and you groaned feeling his tongue begin to roll the skin there.
  • He sucked and kissed working his tongue like he’s been using it his entire life.
  • He relished in your high-pitched whines and moans.
  • Charlie nibbled lightly too, it almost felt like gums nibbling there, but the coolness of the slime made you whine once more.
  • He moaned softly against your skin feeling your pulse against his lips.
  • You felt the vibrations and tossed your head back in pleasure.
  • “Did I do good?” He pulled away suddenly staring at your blissed-out expression and the reddish mark on your skin.
  • “So good…” You slurred, “You deserve a reward.”
  • The smile that appeared on Slime’s face was brighter than the sun as you pinned him onto the bed.

  • This man was desperate after losing his fiancès he needed someone to care for him as a lover would.
  • You were there, looking so pretty and warm, as you sang sweet songs in the bar of Las Nevadas.
  • It was supposed to be a one-night stand, but one turned into two and two turned into three and now he needed you.
  • You were a drug to him, addicting in all the right ways, and every time he tried to quit you he couldn’t bring himself to.
  • You were so kind, and generous always helping Slime and the other employees in the casino and he felt his heart quiver every time you smiled at him.
  • Before the duck hybrid knew it he’d caught feelings for you and it came out unromantically when you two were interlocked together.
  • He wanted to die after the ‘I love you’ spilled from his lips.
  • However, to his surprise, you said it back and kissed his lips tenderly, always so careful of his scar.
  • He was ashamed to say he cried when you reciprocated his emotions.
  • Ever since that night, you were his woman. No one in Las Nevadas fucked with you lest they face Quackity’s wrath.
  • Your lover has been known to beat a man almost to death for touching your ass without consent.
  • It was scary but you can’t recall a time you’ve ever been more turned on in your life.
  • You clung to him afterward giving him a passionate kiss that he moaned against, nipping at your lips that were stained with ruby red lipstick.
  • “Master bedroom. Now.” You panted and Quackity grinned, his gold tooth flashing in the light of the dance floor.
  • “Anything for you Mamacita.” He purred picking you up bridal style leaving the bloodied man behind in favor of pleasuring you.
  • He tossed you on the bed and you bounced on it the plush sheets already making you feel wonderful against your heated skin.
  • He spread your legs wide and kneeled in between them, he slid his hand under you and began to massage and grope your ass.
  • “Mine.”
  • “Yours.”
  • Quackity’s face lit up and began to trail kisses down your legs, biting and sucking at the skin, the feeling made your toes curl and your back arch off the bed.
  • He continued down your legs before flipping you over and he began to press kisses to the back of your neck.
  • You let out a languid moan as he left his mark there, you arched into him as he reached around to grope at your breasts.
  • Quackity worked on you until you couldn’t form proper sentences, too enthralled in the pleasure he was giving to you.
  • The man has never felt prouder.



  • Foolish was akin to a puppy, always waiting and willing to learn something new about the world around him.
  • More specifically the world of a mortal
  • He loved you with his entire being and if it was one thing he knew little about it was the concept of true love.
  • However, he was very eager to learn and please you in any way possible
  • Definitely has a praise kink every time you express how proud you are of him he’d flush red and smile so wide you thought he tear his cheeks.
  • Intimacy wasn’t a slow learning process, he picked up on it relatively fast
  • He followed your praise and wines and learned the inner and outer workings of your body well.
  • His teeth were sharp, every single one could draw blood if he wasn’t careful so he tried to keep makeout sessions to lips and tongue if he could help it.
  • Preferring for you to take the lead so he wouldn’t make the mistake of hurting you
  • Little did he know that’s exactly what you wanted him to do
  • Your lips were interlocked and his nails traced gentle patterns on your hips, causing you to shiver involuntarily in his lap.
  • He smiled, it was a boyish grin as you pulled away from his lips, a pout on your features that he ate up.
  • Foolish leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to the top of your head, he felt your hand trail down his body.
  • “What’re you doing sunshine?”
  • You looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, fluttering your eyelashes oh, so, sweetly.
  • He flushed across his nose and up to the tips of his ears
  • You brought your hand up to cup his warm cheek, you trailed it down until your fingers rested upon his lips. You used your fingers to pry open his mouth and he stilled completely at your mercy.
  • He felt you shove your fingers in his mouth, a smirk evident on your features, you began to poke and prod at his teeth.
  • Foolish swallowed thickly and it seemed the movement caused your hand to slip and cut your fingers across his shark-like teeth.
  • Blood trailed down your fingers in rivets and landed on his tongue, he slumped as he began to gently whine and suck on the appendages, cleaning them of all the blood.
  • You hummed, murmuring praise that made Foolish’s head go all fuzzy.
  • He whined when you pulled your fingers out of his mouth, eyes dazed and lust-filled
  • “Bite me.” You commanded holding your hand up to your neck, trailing your fingers down the area you wanted him to bite.
  • He choked on his spit but did just as you commanded, you tossed your head back in a quivering moan as he bit and sucked a mark right into your neck.
  • When he eventually pulled away, it was bright red and swollen, not to mention big.
  • It was like a wild animal attacked your neck
  • He turned red and buried his head in his hands
  • It’s okay you told him he was such a good boy.


Thank you all so much for reading I can’t believe it’s officially been one year since Under the Floorboards. It’s amazing I came this far thank you all for taking the journey beside me. I can’t express how much your continued love and support mean to me. Thank you all my Lost Souls, have a very happy 2022. <3
