#technoblade imagine


One Year Anniversary Special

Dream Smp Headcanons: Where they like to leave their marks

Featured Characters: Dream, Geroge, Sapnap, Technoblade, Phil, Wilbur, Fundy, Dream XD, Slimecicle, Quackity, and Foolish

Warnings: Suggestive themes and ideas


@fridaydev-draws: George, Wilbur, Sapnap

@victory-is-here: Dream XD

@abovenyx: Quackity

More pictures to be added!


  • This man loves to leave marks all over your body, whenever possible
  • Horniest of all of them no doubt.
  • Only top energy here.
  • You could come home from a hunt, peck his lips and the man will be on you like a fly on flypaper.
  • This man won’t leave you alone until your body is painted in purple bruises
  • Especially your neck
  • He always starts tender, trailing kisses from your lips and cheeks down to the supple flesh of your neck.
  • Slowly his hands move up the curves of your body, squeezing every curve that was there until they reached their intended destination.
  • Your breasts obviously
  • Once there that’s when he starts to focus on the supple skin on your neck.
  • Dream was known for his sharper than average teeth, you didn’t know why, the man was as human as it comes.
  • But he knew how to use them
  • Dream would always pull the sweetest noises from you, little mewls and whines as you clung to him.
  • He loved every minute of it.
  • He is absolutely a sadist.
  • Dream would work hard, focusing on making sure one spot was nice and purple before moving on to the next.
  • He would pull away, blowing on the mark he left leaving you shivering and mewling for him.
  • Dream needs the entire SMP to know your his, so they back the fuck off his girl.
  • Although it’s not like you needed the marks, he never would let you travel alone.
  • You’d show them off with pride, and of course a little embarrassment, Dream never let you cover them up.
  • Unless of course, you begged him, another one of his favorite sounds of his.
  • Although, you did like the fact that people feared your very presence, knowing that your boyfriend wasn’t far behind.
  • He isn’t one for leaving many marks on your body.
  • Feels bad, and doesn’t want to hurt you.
  • Although that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you to hurt him.
  • That being said you’d be leaving the marks. Period.
  • This man is a bottom.
  • He would float around happy parading your marks on his skin, mostly on his neck but sometimes on his wrists where all his pulse points are.
  • You liked feeling his heartbeat beneath your tongue as you lapped at the skin.
  • George would always whine urging you to leave more marks on him, ones that were more visible, ones that were darker.
  • He was a glutton for punishment.
  • He knew that it riled you up every time he criticized them too.
  • Grade A brat behvaior.
  • If George was an animal he would be a cat, he was mischievous and cunning but always tried to act innocent.
  • But even you couldn’t deny his brat behavior worked.
  • It was a way to ensure he could show off the marks you left on him for days.
  • George loved that you were so careful with him, and loved every inch of his body, and did a good job praising it.
  • He loved to trail his nails down your back every time you made out and would cup your ass.
  • Absolutely an ass man, no matter the shape or size, he just likes something to grab.
  • George loves praise from, “you’re doing such a good job baby” to a simple “Good boy,” as your nails and fingers curled in his hair.
  • In response he always whimpers and whines so sweetly, sending chills down your spine.
  • He knows that that’s how he gets you to work harder,
  • You love his sweet little mewls
  • This man would beg for you to do unspeakable things to him and you would.
  • No questions asked.
  • Wants to leave as many marks as he can, but they wouldn’t be in the places you’d expect.
  • I think it’s a universal idea that Sapnap is a switch.
  • With that out of the way the place he likes to bite is:
  • He is a thigh man no I won’t take or accept criticism.
  • Sapnap loves when you wear skirts for that reason, one innocent gust of wind and he could see your thighs.
  • When you would show them off for him, he’d immediately jump you
  • All with consent of course
  • He would get all protective, even mad you wandered around the SMP flaunting your cute little body all over the SMP for anyone to see.
  • It was all in jest, of course, your puppy of a lover was always respectful of what you wanted to wear.
  • Especially because you had a few special outfits saved for him
  • Sapnap would toss you up onto the bed, and spread your legs wide, tossing them over his shoulders.
  • He’d praise you but also degrade you, a mix of both that made your stomach fill up with butterflies.
  • It was a mix of ‘you’re so pretty darlin’ and then the immediate ‘you’re such a needy slut.’ (His southern accent slipping through the entire time)
  • Sapnap’s stubble would brush against the plush skin on your thighs and you’d giggle loving that feeling.
  • It was Sapnap’s favorite sound in the world.
  • He pressed his lips to one thigh while his tail tightly wrapped around the other, which was also sure to leave bruises behind.
  • He always got way too excited and would squeeze a little too roughly but you loved it.
  • He licked his lips before starting with gentle nips with his sharp teeth, whines spilled from your mouth, and small mewls.
  • Those sounds let Sapnap know you were ready for his marks, his biting would get rougher and would suck at the skin.
  • Eventually, he’d leave you panting, as he pulled away to see the black and blue bruises he left on your thighs.
  • He would reach down and gently blow and trace his work afterward causing you to needily whimper and squeeze his head between your thighs.
  • Sapnap’s pupils would blow every time you did it, and he would be gone for the rest of the night.
  • He would be keeping you all to himself.



  • Technoblade was subtle with his marks.
  • He felt like they were a private thing that really only needed to be shared between you and him.
  • Even though Technoblade leaned towards being a top he wasn’t opposed to switching every now and again.
  • He just loved seeing you so submissive under him too much to really change the dynamic
  • But call him a good sweet boy and he’s putty in your hands
  • It was in Technoblade’s nature to lean to be more possessive, it’s the piglin in him, the urge to mark you and show you off to others was always a strong yearning.
  • The other thing that would determine how rough he was, was the voices.
  • Sometimes they tended to be more possessive of you than other times
  • Typically though Technoblade kept any marks he would make to your collarbone and the swell of breasts.
  • There was never ‘gentle’ marking with Technoblade his tusks never allowed for the treatment.
  • He would try, but he would always end up drawing at least a little bit of blood.
  • Which would shamefully spur him (and the voices) on more.
  • On some of those days, you would walk away from a session with a few dark marks on your neck that he’d beg you to cover the next day when he was in his right mind.
  • You would, he had a reputation, but maybe you’d accidentally leave one uncovered…oops
  • Technobalde wasn’t a sadist, far from it, he wanted to make sure his mate was comfortable and treated with the utmost respect.
  • However, he knew you liked it on the rougher side and he would bend to your needs so long as you shared them.
  • He grazes his tusks along your neckline and down to your collarbone, that along with his stubble makes you smile like an idiot.
  • Technoblade would glance up and let out a little, fond huff pecking your lips.
  • The small peck turned more intimate, as you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him close.
  • He chuckled deeply against your lips and pulled away, a little trail of spit connected your lips.
  • “Bad girl.”
  • Technoblade would tilt his head down and bit into the skin of your collarbone.
  • You moaned loudly tossing your head back in delight.
  • Purple bruises would litter your collarbone the next day, and the days following.


  • Phil was a father figure to many, so he couldn’t go around marking up your neck.
  • He had a reputation to uphold as a father figure in the eyes of many of the children in the land of the SMP.
  • Even if he was a daddy to you specifically.
  • He didn’t usually like to leave marks on your skin in the first place,
  • He had nothing to prove.
  • Phil’s lived a thousand lifetimes he’s mature, not a teenager who felt the need to cover you in bite marks and bruises to ‘claim’ you like a possession.
  • However, that changed when you both went to visit Foolish over in his desert kingdom, Phil accompanied you and was put off by the young immortal’s behavior.
  • He was closer to your age, young and handsome and very handsy.
  • It seemed the young immortal’s hands were always just hovering over your ass, just barely keeping himself in check.
  • That Phil didn’t appreciate.
  • He was put off the entire rest of the visit, wings puffed up defensively the entire walk back to the Tundra.
  • It’s not like you didn’t notice his odd behavior, you just didn’t want to make his frustrations worse.
  • But you soon came up with an idea as soon as he walked in the doors you shoved him down into his chair by the fireplace.
  • Hands immediately massaging the place where his wings connected to his back.
  • That drew out a long languid moan from his mouth immediately melting into your magic fingers.
  • He continued to pant and make happy little sounds as you continued his wing massage, preening his soft feathers as you went.
  • Feeling confident and cocky you leaned down and sucked your own mark into the nape of his neck.
  • Phil sucked in a breath and in a single wing beat he scooped you up and dropped you onto your shared bed.
  • Your laughter filled his stomach with warmth, flush spreading across his cheeks.
  • Phil climbed on top of you pinning your wrists above your head with one hand.
  • “You’re in trouble now.” Phil smiled watching you shiver beneath him, “You want me to leave marks all over your little body?” He cooed speaking to you in a teasing tone, you nodded your head eagerly baring your neck to the bird of prey.
  • He grinned wildly kissing your jawline tenderly, trailing his bites and kisses down your jaw and onto your neck.
  • He left small, faint marks on the neck, light enough to cover them.
  • They weren’t his main target after all.
  • Phil’s hands popped open every single button on your shirt, just to gain access to your chest.
  • That’s where he left his marks, on the swell of your breasts, in fact not just on the swell, all over them.
  • That way they could always stay hidden.
  • Just for his viewing pleasure alone, plus he could work his magic there, so you could come undone in the palm of his hand.
  • There are many versions of Wilbur and through every iteration, one could say he’s been through the kink and sex ringer
  • For example, L’manburg Wilbur was a switch, but Pogtopia Wilbur was a top, not willing to give up the control that Schlatt had stolen from him.
  • Meanwhile, Ghostbur was a bottom all the way if one could even sleep with the ghostly man.
  • Finally, revived Wilbur was once again a top, his switch preference was buried deep inside him unwilling to remerge.
  • He buried anything that reminded him of Ghostbur and the previous versions of himself deep inside his chest
  • That being said the fully revived man wouldn’t let you leave the house without wearing his marks.
  • Much like his ‘savior’ and ‘hero’ Dream in that aspect
  • Wilbur loved every part of your body, after not seeing you for so long the man would worship the flesh you lived in.
  • No matter what
  • As soon as Phil left their house, Wilbur would be all over you like a dog in heat.
  • One hand cupping your breast the other cupping your ass as you were pushed up against the wall of his father’s home.
  • Or alternatively the counter of the burger van.
  • Wilbur loved when your fingers threaded through his curls and tugged on the locks desperately.
  • The once dead man wasn’t loud, if he enjoyed what you did to him he’d growl and grunt deep in his throat.
  • Almost anomalistically
  • No shamefully loud moans from this man
  • Wilbur wouldn’t rest until your entire body was littered with his marks, from the top of your neck to the bottom of your calves.
  • And once he was satisfied with all the marks he left, (Which wasn’t often), he’d let you go unfinished.
  • Leaving you wanting and yearning as you would wine for him to continue, shivering in your undergarments
  • He’d chuckle, urging you to ask nicely his tone teasing but serious, asking you to beg.
  • You would, you always would for him.
  • Wilbur would relish the total control he had over you and your body.
  • He loved you for allowing him to have it



  • The poor young fox hybrid would have no idea you’d ever want him to leave marks on your skin.
  • He was sweet but oblivious, his love language was gift-giving.
  • Fundy would always come back from his adventures a little wrapped gift in hand, it would always be something special and unique.
  • Said he always got you a gift that reminded him of you
  • A lot of the times it was a bag of very pretty rocks he collected from his journey and it made your heart swell
  • Every time he was granted a kiss of thanks that made his tail thump and swish with delight.
  • Fundy was so innocent when it came to the throws of romance.
  • Only ever dating once before, a man named Dream apparently.
  • After hearing that story Fundy had to restrain you from finding the green bastard and skinning him alive.
  • It’s a fight you would lose and Fundy couldn’t risk that, even though he was flattered you’d fight that hard for his honor.
  • You made sure to show that Fundy was truly loved and appreciated every chance you got, many times it included long makeout sessions where you had your sweet fox pinned beneath you.
  • He would yip and whine against your lips, his clawed hands digging themselves into the plushness of your thighs.
  • Your tongue would be inside his mouth and he would rut against you helplessly, you were just so intoxicating.
  • In the heat of the moment, he’d ask you to mark his neck, and you responded only if he would mark yours in return.
  • He flashed his fangs and nodded intensely, he took a sharp breath in as your own blunt teeth scraped against his neck.
  • Fundy yipped as you bit down on the skin that was there, sucking and biting, leaving it red and swollen.
  • It would soon fade to a blueish purple that the fox man would wear proudly the neck day.
  • Some sick part of him wanted to visit Dream to show just how much he was wanted and loved now.
  • He watched with puppy eyes as you sat back and bared your neck to him, the primal predator in him loved your submission.
  • That part of Fundy wanted to tear into you and make you scream his name but he shook the thoughts away.
  • You were too precious to ever tear into you.
  • But he wasn’t a predator, he was gentle his mama raised him to be a proper gentleman before she had to leave.
  • He purred softly resting his forehead against your own, he pulled away pressing a little kiss the top of your hairline.
  • You hummed back and he nuzzled his nose against your neck, feeling the pulse of your heart jump against your skin.
  • He opened his mouth, fangs glinting in the light as he latched onto your neck, you moaned so loud he pulled you impossibly closer to his body.
  • He swore he could taste the metallic taste of blood on his tongue, he pulled away noticing he broke the skin.
  • Fundy frowned lapping at the blood like a cat would a bowl of milk, you mewled testing from the pain and pleasure of his tongue against your wound.
  • “You okay?”
  • You hummed nodding eagerly peppering kisses against the side of his head.
  • “I love you.” He spoke for the first time since he got left at the alter and he meant it.
  • This man was a God who liked to keep humans as his little playthings, pets if you will.
  • He’s a top, yes, but he also worships his pets like goddesses and gods, and you were his favorite.
  • If you were pleased and satisfied the God was pleased and satisfied.
  • DreamXD would keep you in the end dimension where he resides, the only other person in the entire SMP who knew of your existence was Foolish.
  • Because now he was your lover’s pet now as well
  • He would always gift you things from the mortal realm and loved to watch your expressions change as he explained what they were to you.
  • Once he brought you back a hand-crafted collar, complete with a golden nameplate that read ‘DreamXD’ inside of it.
  • You peppered his face in kisses when you received such a generous gift.
  • Since XD had nothing to prove to anyone he didn’t mind giving marks or not giving marks, as stated before as long as his lover was happy he would be happy.
  • That being said if you liked being marked up he would happily oblige.
  • He liked to leave his marks under the collar, so they would be hidden from the rest of the world
  • A little treasure only for his viewing pleasure.
  • The collar would only come off when the two of you got intimate because at that moment DreamXD wanted to make it known that you both are equals in this exchange.
  • If he did something you didn’t like there was no worry about backlash, he would stop instantaneously.
  • Anything for you.
  • When he would show you off around the end cities he always felt pride as the nameplate bounced against your collarbone, knowing there were marks underneath the gorgeous collar.



  • …first of all bottom.
  • I think we all knew that and will always know that
  • Being intimate with a man who was made of slime was…interesting.
  • To some, it might be a kink come to life but it was a lot harder than it seems
  • Every time you kissed him you tasted slime, it wasn’t unpleasant but you did have to get used to it.
  • Now you’re probably asking yourself how can he leave marks on your skin? He’s made of slime! He has no teeth.
  • Trust me not a problem.
  • It took a while, and a lot of teaching by demonstration but eventually he was so sure he could leave some type of mark on your skin.
  • Who were you to break your sunshine boyfriend’s heart?
  • So after one long night at the casino, you took Charlie to your room.
  • You were frustrated with the number of men that hit on you, and your sweet Slime was oblivious that, that’s what they were doing.
  • You pulled him close by the collar and planted your lips on his own, he moaned sweetly against your mouth.
  • It seems like Quackity had experimented with Slime eating strawberries because that’s what he tasted like today as it was absorbed into his body.
  • He pulled away jumping eagerly on his toes, hands holding onto the bare skin on your arms
  • You were a playgirl bunny that gave out drinks on the casinos’ floor
  • “Can I try to leave my marks? Please? I’ve been practicing with Quackity!”
  • You blinked a few times, but didn’t question it, you gave him the okay and he gently sat you down in one of the plush chairs in your room.
  • You watched in awe as Charlie opened his mouth and formed a little green tongue, how long could he do that?
  • “Weady?” He asked sticking his tongue out at the same time, warmth pooled in your gut and you nodded eagerly.
  • He pressed his lips to the nape of your neck, and you groaned feeling his tongue begin to roll the skin there.
  • He sucked and kissed working his tongue like he’s been using it his entire life.
  • He relished in your high-pitched whines and moans.
  • Charlie nibbled lightly too, it almost felt like gums nibbling there, but the coolness of the slime made you whine once more.
  • He moaned softly against your skin feeling your pulse against his lips.
  • You felt the vibrations and tossed your head back in pleasure.
  • “Did I do good?” He pulled away suddenly staring at your blissed-out expression and the reddish mark on your skin.
  • “So good…” You slurred, “You deserve a reward.”
  • The smile that appeared on Slime’s face was brighter than the sun as you pinned him onto the bed.

  • This man was desperate after losing his fiancès he needed someone to care for him as a lover would.
  • You were there, looking so pretty and warm, as you sang sweet songs in the bar of Las Nevadas.
  • It was supposed to be a one-night stand, but one turned into two and two turned into three and now he needed you.
  • You were a drug to him, addicting in all the right ways, and every time he tried to quit you he couldn’t bring himself to.
  • You were so kind, and generous always helping Slime and the other employees in the casino and he felt his heart quiver every time you smiled at him.
  • Before the duck hybrid knew it he’d caught feelings for you and it came out unromantically when you two were interlocked together.
  • He wanted to die after the ‘I love you’ spilled from his lips.
  • However, to his surprise, you said it back and kissed his lips tenderly, always so careful of his scar.
  • He was ashamed to say he cried when you reciprocated his emotions.
  • Ever since that night, you were his woman. No one in Las Nevadas fucked with you lest they face Quackity’s wrath.
  • Your lover has been known to beat a man almost to death for touching your ass without consent.
  • It was scary but you can’t recall a time you’ve ever been more turned on in your life.
  • You clung to him afterward giving him a passionate kiss that he moaned against, nipping at your lips that were stained with ruby red lipstick.
  • “Master bedroom. Now.” You panted and Quackity grinned, his gold tooth flashing in the light of the dance floor.
  • “Anything for you Mamacita.” He purred picking you up bridal style leaving the bloodied man behind in favor of pleasuring you.
  • He tossed you on the bed and you bounced on it the plush sheets already making you feel wonderful against your heated skin.
  • He spread your legs wide and kneeled in between them, he slid his hand under you and began to massage and grope your ass.
  • “Mine.”
  • “Yours.”
  • Quackity’s face lit up and began to trail kisses down your legs, biting and sucking at the skin, the feeling made your toes curl and your back arch off the bed.
  • He continued down your legs before flipping you over and he began to press kisses to the back of your neck.
  • You let out a languid moan as he left his mark there, you arched into him as he reached around to grope at your breasts.
  • Quackity worked on you until you couldn’t form proper sentences, too enthralled in the pleasure he was giving to you.
  • The man has never felt prouder.



  • Foolish was akin to a puppy, always waiting and willing to learn something new about the world around him.
  • More specifically the world of a mortal
  • He loved you with his entire being and if it was one thing he knew little about it was the concept of true love.
  • However, he was very eager to learn and please you in any way possible
  • Definitely has a praise kink every time you express how proud you are of him he’d flush red and smile so wide you thought he tear his cheeks.
  • Intimacy wasn’t a slow learning process, he picked up on it relatively fast
  • He followed your praise and wines and learned the inner and outer workings of your body well.
  • His teeth were sharp, every single one could draw blood if he wasn’t careful so he tried to keep makeout sessions to lips and tongue if he could help it.
  • Preferring for you to take the lead so he wouldn’t make the mistake of hurting you
  • Little did he know that’s exactly what you wanted him to do
  • Your lips were interlocked and his nails traced gentle patterns on your hips, causing you to shiver involuntarily in his lap.
  • He smiled, it was a boyish grin as you pulled away from his lips, a pout on your features that he ate up.
  • Foolish leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to the top of your head, he felt your hand trail down his body.
  • “What’re you doing sunshine?”
  • You looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, fluttering your eyelashes oh, so, sweetly.
  • He flushed across his nose and up to the tips of his ears
  • You brought your hand up to cup his warm cheek, you trailed it down until your fingers rested upon his lips. You used your fingers to pry open his mouth and he stilled completely at your mercy.
  • He felt you shove your fingers in his mouth, a smirk evident on your features, you began to poke and prod at his teeth.
  • Foolish swallowed thickly and it seemed the movement caused your hand to slip and cut your fingers across his shark-like teeth.
  • Blood trailed down your fingers in rivets and landed on his tongue, he slumped as he began to gently whine and suck on the appendages, cleaning them of all the blood.
  • You hummed, murmuring praise that made Foolish’s head go all fuzzy.
  • He whined when you pulled your fingers out of his mouth, eyes dazed and lust-filled
  • “Bite me.” You commanded holding your hand up to your neck, trailing your fingers down the area you wanted him to bite.
  • He choked on his spit but did just as you commanded, you tossed your head back in a quivering moan as he bit and sucked a mark right into your neck.
  • When he eventually pulled away, it was bright red and swollen, not to mention big.
  • It was like a wild animal attacked your neck
  • He turned red and buried his head in his hands
  • It’s okay you told him he was such a good boy.


Thank you all so much for reading I can’t believe it’s officially been one year since Under the Floorboards. It’s amazing I came this far thank you all for taking the journey beside me. I can’t express how much your continued love and support mean to me. Thank you all my Lost Souls, have a very happy 2022. <3

Phantom Of The Opera: Chapter 2

(Techno x Reader x Wilbur)

Dream snickered holding a noose around his neck, all the ballet girls began to scream and squeal in fear. The smile on his face was teasing and mischievous, “You know I know the Phantom personally.”

“Bullshit,” Tommy grunted sitting on what was normally considered your bed, Ranboo sat beside him nodding his head in agreement. 

 “No one asked you, Tommy!” One of the young girls scoffed sticking her tongue out at him, “Go on Dream tell us more about the Phantom!” She gushed young eyes twinkling in delight. 

“His skin is a pale yellow, like parchment paper. There’s a great black hole where his nose should be, and he has monstrous tusks that he uses to tear people’s flesh from their bones.” He made his hands into claws swiping them at the girls who squealed in response. “Remember girls, you must always be on your guard less he snatches you with his magic lasso!” He explained tugging the nose around his neck, “you must always keep your hand above the level of your eyes.” He urged inserting his hand between his neck and his noose, he grunted as Phil entered the room and whacked him with his cane. 

“Those who speak of what they know find, too late, that prudent silence is wise. Dream, hold your tongue he will burn you with the heat of his eyes…” He grunted, “Lights out.”

Quackity sat in disbelief his eyes scanning over the newspaper that sat in his lap, hair falling over his eyes. Schlatt was on the otherside of the room with a cigarette between his teeth listening to Quackity read the paper. “Mystery after gala night, it says, Mystery of soprano’s flight! Mystified baffled Surete say, we are mystified - we suspect foul play!” Quackity growled in disbelief crumpling the paper between his hands. “I guess it’s bad news on our soprano scene, first George and now (Y/n)!” He laughed in disbelief as Schlatt moved to pour him a shot of Whiskey, “what a way to run a business! Spare me these unending trials! Half your cast disappears, but the crowd still cheers! Opera! To hell with Gluck and Handel - It’s a scandal that’ll pack ‘em in the aisles!” Schlatt growled stopping out the cigarette on the ground of the room shouting, 

“Damnable. They’re all gonna walk out this is fucking ridiculous!” 

Quackity flinched, “Schlatt come on man don’t shout. Think like this It’s publicity and the take is vast! Free publicity!”

“But we have no cast!” 

“But Schlatt, have you seen the news?” He fumbled with the papers on his desk pulling out another old envelope, with a wax seal of a boar on the front. Quackity turned back to Schlatt who was also holding a letter of his own. “Oh, it seems you’ve got one too…” Quackity looked over to Schlatt who tore it open and with a grunt, he began to read his letter.

"Dear Schlatt what a charming gala! (Y/n) enjoyed great success! We were hardly bereft when George left - otherwise, the chorus was entrancing, but the dancing was a lamentable mess!” Schlatt’s letter was clenched tight in his fist, he looked at Quackity to begin to read his,

“Dear Quackity, just a brief reminder: my salary has not been paid. Send it care of the ghost, by the return of post. No one likes a debtor, so it’s better if my orders are obeyed!” Quackity was flabbergasted, and Schaltt roared 

“Who the fuck would have the gall to send this? Someone with a monkey brain! These are both signed O.G! Who the hell is he?” Both men look at one another and simultaneously shouted, “Opera ghost!”

“It’s not amusing!” Quackity grunted, 

Schlatt continued his shouting tirade, “He’s abusing our position! In addition, he wants money! He’s a funny sort of specter,” He snorted “to expect a large retainer! He is quite fucking insane!” The door of their office suddenly slammed open and Wilbur burst into the room. 

“Where is she?

“Do you mean George?” Schlatt grunted, and Wilbur made a disgusted face, 

“No! I mean Miss Daae, where is she?”

Quackity scoffed crossing his arms over his chest, “Well, how should we know?” He flinched as Wilbur slammed his hands on their desk, 

“I want an answer! I take it that you sent me this note?”

“Of course not!” Schlatt snapped harshly, 

“She’s not with you, then?”

“Of course not!” Quackity argued, “we’re just as in the dark as you are! What do you think we’ve written huh?” Wilbur fished the letter out of his pocket and handed it to Quackity who pulled the note out, “Do not fear for Miss Daae. The Angel of Music has her under his wing. Make no attempt to see her again.” He exclaimed completely baffled, “they sound like a scorned lover of Miss Daae.” 

“Where is he?” George shouted bursting down the door to his office and Schlatt pinched the bridge of his nose, 

“Ah, welcome back!”

“Your patron-where is he?”

“What is it now?” Wilbur groaned, 

“I have your letter - a letter which I rather resent!” He snapped shoving the letter in his face, Wilbur took it from his hands “I did not send this!”

“You didn’t send it?” George’s voice grew soft and confused, 

“Of course not!”

“You dare to tell me, that this is not the letter you sent?!”

“Do you think this sounds like me?” Wilbur scoffed reading the letter aloud for the room, “Your days at the Opera Populaire are numbered. (Y/n) Daae will be singing on your behalf tonight. Be prepared for great misfortune, should you attempt to take her place.”

Schlatt scoffed ripping the letter from Wilbur’s hands and then tearing it to pieces, “Far too many notes for my taste and most of them about (Y/n)! All we’ve heard since we came is Miss Daae’s name…Hey! This office is starting to feel cramped!” Schlatt snapped as Phil came to the doorway,

“Miss Daae has returned.” Phil frowned eyebrow twitching at Schlatt’s tone and attitude, “I thought it best that she went to bed.”

“She needed rest,” Tommy said popping up from beside Phil, Wilbur’s voice wavered in concern,

“May I see her?”

“No, sir, she will see no one.”

George only scoffed at the pleasantries, “Will she sing?”

“Here, I have a note,” Phil sighed opening the letter and clearing his throat “Gentlemen, I have now sent you several notes of the most amiable nature, detailing how my theatre is to be run. You have not followed my instructions. I shall give you one last chance…(Y/n) Daae has returned to you, and I am anxious about how her career should progress. In the new production of "Il Muto”, you will therefore cast George as the Pageboy, and put Miss Daae in the role of Countess. The role which Miss Daae plays calls for charm and appeal. The role of the Pageboy is silent - which makes my casting, in a word ideal. I shall watch the performance from my normal seat in Box Five, which will be kept empty for me. Should these commands be ignored, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur. I remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, O.G.“

Immediately after reading George shrieked right by Phil’s ear, “(Y/n)! It’s all a ploy to help (Y/n)! I know who sent this: The Vicomte - her lover!” She pointed harshly at Wilbur who sputtered his rejection of the idea, he turned to the other gentleman, 

“Can you believe this?”

“Señor!” Quackity sputtered, “This is a joke! This changes nothing!” Schlatt gently reached out to grab George’s shoulders and squeezed them tenderly, 

“You are our star! And always will be! This ghost is a mad man! We don’t take orders from him.” He snapped with certainty in his tone, Quackity nodded in agreement, 

“Miss Daae will be playing the Pageboy - the silent role! George will be playing the lead!” Phil was fuming but both men were ignoring him, 

“You cannot be serious mate! The only thing you’ll do is encourage the Phantom’s wrath!” All the men except Wilbur pushed Phil out and slammed the door in his face, he was seething, Tommy looked over at his dad, 

“This isn’t going to end well.” 

“No Tommy, it will not. Go wake (Y/n) and tell her of the role.” 

“Alright, but if she cries I’m sending her to you,” Tommy mumbled making his way back down the hall towards your room. 

As the overture of the play began to take place Wilbur turned to Schlatt and Quackity, his lips were pressed into a thin line. “I will be sitting in Box Five tonight.” The other two men briefly glanced at one another, Quackity swallowed almost nervously, 

“Do you think that’s wise, man?”

“My dear Quackity, there would appear to be no seats available, other than Box Five…” Schlatt scoffed swirling around a glass of brandy in his hand. 

All three of them nodded to one another before disappearing into their respective seats, Wilbur was on edge as the curtains rose on the performance. Everything seemed to be going as normal, well normal as it could go. Wilbur couldn’t help but grimace at George’s performance, clearly hogging the spotlight from you. Although he had to admit you looked as cute as a button in your page boy uniform. He smiled finally finding himself being able to relax and enjoy the performance, that is however until he felt a chill run down his spine. He sat forward once more as the lights on the stage flickered and sparked. The audience covered their eyes and began to shout, Wilbur almost bit through his tongue as what could only be described as a ghost-like voice boomed over the audience. 

“Did I not instruct box five to be kept empty for my enjoyment?”

Wilbur’s head whipped towards the stage and you felt Tommy grab your arm. 

“He’s here the Phantom of the Opera.” A look of pain crossed over your face hearing how fearful Tommy’s voice was. You took his hand within your own, 

“It’s alright he’s not going to hurt anyone.” You smiled fondly at the boy trying to reassure him but Tommy didn’t look convinced. George spun around hitting you with his fan, 

“Your role is silent, toad!” 

A booming laugh filled the theater undoubtedly Techno’s, “a toad? I think you’ll find it’s you who are the toad.” 

“You’re detestable!” He spat, “conductor continue the music!” He commanded and the conductor did so with unease, George cleared his throat and continued with his lines. Although anyone with eyes could tell the audience wasn’t fully engaged. George opened his mouth to let out a belt and his voice cracked, he flushed clearing his throat before trying once more. His voice only croaked again, he sounded like a frog and your eyes moved up to the chandelier, 

“Oh Techno, what have you done…” You whispered to yourself as George let out a panicked, broken sob. The audience gasped as the chandelier began to flicker on and off, Techno’s laugh carried over the crowd once more. 

“Behold! His is singing to bring down the chandelier!” 

George let out another broken sob as he ran off the stage embarrassed beyond belief. The managers stepped forward in their box and Quackity cleared his throat, 

“Ladies and gentlemen, the performance will continue in ten minutes…” He continued looking at box five, “when the role of the Countess will be sung by Miss (Y/n) Daae.” 

Schlatt looked around and locked eyes with Phil from the side of the stage, “In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, we shall be giving you the ballet from Act Three of tonight’s opera. Maestro - the ballet - now!” He commanded and once more the music began to swell. Tommy and the other ballet dancers entered the stage as their music began to play, Tommy’s eyes could help but scan the wings of the stage. A large shadow passed overhead in the rafters causing him to dance out of step, over the stage there was a gigantic, oppressive, shadow and with a crack like thunder, the body of Dream crashed onto the stage a noose hanging tight around his neck. 

Pandemonium strikes. 

“Wilbur! Wilbur!” Your broken cries filled the area and from somewhere in the wings he ran out to you embracing you in his arms. “He lied to me, I could’ve never imagined him hurting anyone. Especially not so recklessly!” you rambled and Wilbur shushed you softly. 

“Songbird, come with me…” He demanded taking your hand with his own,

“The roof. We’ll be safe there.” You assured dragging him alongside you up to the roof. The stars twinkled overhead as the old friends burst onto the roof, and the cold air nipped the bare skin of your shoulders heart-pounding viciously in your chest. Wilbur took your arm holding it tightly, 

“Why have you brought us up here?” 

“Don’t take me back there I can’t stand it.” You choked, 

“We must return my dear.” 

“We can’t! We can’t return! He lied to me I don’t know what he’d do-”

“Shh, shh be still now.” Wilbur wrapped you in his arms holding you close to his chest, “don’t think about it.”

“And if he has to kill a thousand men?” You argued back, “The Phantom of the Opera will kill-”

“This phantom is a fable.” Wilbur assured trying to bring you back to reality “there is no Phantom of the Opera. He is only a man, a sick and twisted man.”

“Don’t say that. Don’t call him sick and twisted-”

“(Y/n) he killed Dream!” 

“I-” Your lips pressed into a thin line, “Wilbur I’ve been there to his world of unending night…To a world where the daylight dissolves into darkness. I’ve seen him! Can I ever forget that? Can I ever escape from that face? So distorted yet so beautiful in its own way, so kind to me he touched my very heart and soul. His voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound. That night there was music in my mind and through music, my soul began to soar!” Wilbur couldn’t help but scoff a fire like jealousy burned through his veins, 

“What you heard was a dream.” 

“But in his eyes all the sadness of the world…Those pleading eyes, that both threaten and adore me.” 


There was another call of her name, but it wasn’t from Wilbur, it was a gruff distinct baritone that you had come to recognize by pitch alone. 

“What was that?” You squeaked taking Wilbur’s hand as you met his eyes, suddenly the mood around the both of you seemed to shift dramatically. The moonlight seemed to highlight Wilbur’s features beautifully, and for the first time, you found yourself thinking your childhood friend looked breathtakingly handsome. Wilbur swallowed thickly and brought his hand up to your cheek caressing it softly with his thumb. He took a shaky breath and rested his forehead against your own, 

“No more talk of darkness, Forget these wide-eyed fears. I’m here, nothing can harm you - my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry -your tears. I’m here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.” You leaned your cheek against his hand pressing a tender kiss to the palm, before murmuring a soft,

“Say you love me every waking moment, turn my head with talk of summertime…Say you need me with you, now and always…promise me that all you say is true - that’s all I ask of you.” Wilbur smiled in adoration kissing your forehead affectionately,

“Let me be your shelter, let me be your light. You’re safe: No one will find you, your fears are far behind you.” 

“All I want is freedom, a world with no more night, and you always beside me to hold me and to hide me.” Wilbur interrupted you with a tender kiss, his lips tasted like nutmeg and cinnamon and your heart pounded against your ribcage. “Say you love me…”

“You know I do.” Wilbur breathed, 

“Love me - that’s all I ask of you.” This time it was you who laid your lips upon Wilburs’, his hand moved from your cheeks to the back of your head gently tugging at your hair drawing the kiss deeper. You broke the kiss with a soft pant, “I must go - they’ll wonder where I am-” You laughed breathlessly as Wilbur kissed you again reluctant to let you go so easily, 


“Wil.” You giggled, pulling away again, "wait for me?”

“Songbird, I love you!”

“Then order your horses! Be with them at the door!”

“And soon you’ll be beside me!” Wilbur took your hand and pulled you back down the stone staircase back to the theatre. Technoblade clutched a white rose between his fingers, the stem had long since snapped as he stepped out from behind one of the many gargoyles on the opera house. His cheeks were red and wet from the chilly air, his eyes puffy crying after all he just watched the love of his life fall in love with someone else. If you could even call what they had love,

“I gave you my music…made your song take wing..and now, how you’ve repaid me: denied me and betrayed me…He was bound to love you when he heard you sing…You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you!” He snarled tossing the rose on the ground and stomping on it as he took off back down into the depth of the theater. That bastard, that uncultured swine, no no that was an insult to swine even though they had more class than Wilbur did. Sweeping you off your feet like you were some damsel who needed saving when that was hardly the case, you had him after all and you only needed him. He made his way up into the rafters, carefully making his way back to the glorious ornate chandelier, and stood on top of it. The audience had just begun to applaud his lovely Siren as she finished the part he had so graciously wanted her to have in the beginning. His heart and mind were at war with one another. On one hand, his heart wanted to leap with joy, take her in his arms and kiss her passionately congratulating her on her success and magnificent performance. But his other hand was bitter and spiteful, not to her, never to his lovely muse, but to the bastard who is ripping her out of his life forever. Techno never even got to hear her choice if she would stay with him after she had so graceful accepted his scars and told him he was beautiful. No, he couldn’t let him take her away, he had to make a statement here and now, he snarled and began to rock the chandelier back and forth, the lights began to flicker and the audience began to murmur uneasily. With a beastly cry, the chandelier began to descend swinging wildly over the orchestra pit, landing just at your feet. 

You let out a scream of horror as glass and gold shattered at your feet. 


Tag List: @bloodrose0723,@lovestruckfool,@judas-draws,@friday-dsv,@xx-smiley-xx, @dreamslittlebitch, @thatguythatsshy, @little-odd-dude, @theultimatewifu32, @hee-hee-haw, @thegeekisheere, @honeyco0kie, @victory-is-here, @theoneandonlyyeti, @abovenyx, @boiled-onionrings, @fiorenc, @sandyy-woo, @pastelmoonwitche, @royaltytheo, @mack4676, @luluwinchester

3 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 574

Series Masterlist

3 Days

Wilbur was going home in a few days and that would conclude your month of faking a relationship. As the end quickly approached, you found yourself wondering what was going to happen once it’s all said and done. You were left alone with your thoughts, Wilbur went out to grab coffee and lunch and your roommate was gone to work. 
The natural light streamed into your apartment through the large windows in the living room. The slight breeze carried the fresh air through the windows. 

Over the past few days Wilbur had come out, you cleared up anything and everything from your friendship beforehand. Neither of you actually hated one another, you only thought he hated you because he introduced himself in character on the SMP, your first interaction wasn’t even with the real Wilbur, but it was your mistake for not giving him a second chance, and he was only giving you back the energy you gave him.  Since sitting down and talking it out, nothing was acting for you anymore, it all came so easily, but maybe nothing was acting before, you just had convinced yourself it was. 

Wilbur got back with the food and drinks, and the two of you sat on in the living room, watching whatever looked interesting on tv. Once done with the food, you looked over at him. 
His hair fell to the side and rested out over his glasses frames, no matter what time or when you looked at him, he never looked bad. 

“Wil?” You asked causing look at you, tilting his head in curiosity. 
“Yes?” He smiled 
You cleared your throat, “The months soon over, here in a few days,” You said, he nodded. “So, um,” You paused looking down at your hands where you were hopelessly trying to crack your knuckles, “What do we do when you go home?” You asked “Like do we forget this happened, which was the plan all along, or what?” You rambled 

Wilbur shook his head, taking you hands in his, and tilting your chin up so you’d look at him. 
“I’m not entirely sure what happens, Y/N,” He shook his head sincerely. “But I do know that this has been amazing and that I’m glad I got to know you better,” He smiled at you, bringing one hand up to hold your face, “You know what else I know?” He asked 
“What?” You asked 
“I know what I don’t want this to stop,” He said softly. “I don’t know about you but this has been the best month ever for me and I’d kick myself in the ass if I let us go back to being strangers.” 
You smiled and nodded, “I like this, us.” You mumbled. 
“Me too,” Wilbur nodded, rubbing your cheek with his thumb, leaning in to kiss you. 

You leaned into his touch, melting into him, feeling all worries leave your body. You sighed after pulling away. 

“So,” You started, feeling your cheeks growing red from the question you were about to ask. “We spent a month faking it, what do you think about giving real dating a try?” 
Wilbur smiled, nodding, “I think, I’d love to, Y/N.” 

You smiled, leaning back in to him, kissing him one more time. As you went to pull away you were pulled back in, Wilbur kissed you again and again until you were forced to break apart, needing to catch your breath. 

6 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 3882

Series Masterlist

6 Days 

You woke up before Wilbur. 
The morning sun poured through your window, lighting him up in its golden glow. He looked pretty, you thought. 
His soft brown, golden vibe was so off put by your neon, dark room he looked out of place. 
Slowly he started to stur, slowly waking up. 

“Morning,” You mumbled when he sat up, leaning his back on the wall behind him 
“Morning,” He smiled, “Come here,” He held his arms out to you. You rolled off the side of your bed onto the mattress. He laid back down with you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck wrapping his arms around you, his messy brown hair tickled your nose.  

It was quiet and soft with hints of coffee creamer in the sky as you took in the morning warmth. 
You kissed his forehead. 
Wilbur kissed your cheek. 
You ran your fingers through his hair. 
He cupped your cheek with his hand. 

His eyes shimmered, so full of admiration and emotion, you had never seen it before. It was like you were really looking at him for the first time. 
His lips tilted upward into a soft smile. His brown eyes that were normally dark, caught the sun in a way that made them look like pools of honey whiskey sitting on the window sill on a warm summer’s day.

“You’re so beautiful,” You whispered, Wilbur smiled and tried to hide his face in the pillow. “Don’t” You shook your head, smiling. 


The day seemed to speed up, before you knew it, it was getting dark and it felt as though you had just woke up. 
You were streaming with Wilbur sitting next to you with his arm thrown around your shoulders. Every pause in the game you got you looked over at Wilbur and smiled, leaning into him. One time he leaned over and kissed your cheek, making your chat explode. Everyone spamming to clip it. You were sitting in your house on the SMP, reading chat and donos for a second. Your text to speech came over saying sweet things about how happy they were to see you and Wilbur back together, the two of you smiled. 

Wilbur tugged you closer, you looked up at him. 
“What?” You mumbled, “Are you getting bored?” you asked quietly
“Tired,” He mumbled, resting his head on yours. 
“I can end soon if you’d like,” You offered 
Wilbur shook his head, “It’s up to you.” 
“I’ll end soon, okay?” You said, kissing his cheek. 
He smiled and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You looked back to your chat, they went back to freaking out, and going crazy. You coughed and switched back to full screen face cam. 

“Alright Chat,” You cleared your throat. “Thank you all for coming out tonight, there might be a stream before Friday, I’m not sure yet, but Friday’s stream is as always. So thank you all for coming out and I will see you all next time. Bye!” You smiled as you ended the stream. 

Looking over at Wilbur you smiled, leaning over on him. 
“That’s gonna be clipped everywhere,” You laughed 
“I know.” He said, smirk very apparent in his voice. “That was kinda the point.” 

It was already late when you started streaming, but by the time you ended, it was almost two in the morning. Quickly you get ready for bed, winding down from the stream by taking your makeup and washing your face with hot water. 
You walked back into your room, seeing Wilbur had made a little nest, almost, on the mattress. 
“Do you want to watch a movie?” He asked 

You nodded, jumping on the bed and settling in beside him. He rested his chin on the top of your head and wrapped his arm around you. You had only done this one before with him when you were at his place, laying on his couch, late nights when you first got there. 
It wasn’t even five minutes into the movie and you felt it getting harder and harder to keep your eyes open. You were fighting off sleep to the best of your abilities on stream but as soon as you let your head fall to the pillow it was game over. 
Wilbur noticed, looking down at you sleeping already. “Goodnight,” He whispered before shutting his laptop. 

7 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 1109

Series Masterlist

7 Days 

It was awkward to say the least. Having only limited communication with him since you came home, you put a wall up between the two of you. The silence was no longer comfortable, but screamed to be filled by something. 
You kept your spotify open, quietly playing your chill mixes 24/7, not being able to handle it. 
You had the spare mattress laying by the window where Wilbur was staying in your room, the two of you being cooped up in the, now small, room together for the majority of the day. 
Every time you looked over at him, you thought back to that night at his place and your mind raced at hyper-speed, you were at a loss for what to do.

You’d pay anything to just rewind and do things differently, but things in your head were so messy. 
You sat on your bed editing your next video, when Wilbur sat at the opposite side, looking at you. 

“Y/N?” He asked, making you look up from your computer. 
“Yeah?” You asked 
“What’s going on? Why have you been so distant?” 

You should have known this conversation was going to come at some point. Closing your laptop and setting on your pillow you sat up straighter and looked at him. 
“I don’t know, Wilbur.” You shook your head, looking down. You were still unable to hold his gaze for longer than a quick second.

This only started as something that you saw necessary to do because you didn’t want your personal information getting out there, but you feared it had turned into something more than that you originally planned. Over the days the ‘acting’ came easier and easier, until you eventually forget it was just that, acting. 

“Did I do something?” Wilbur asked, breaking the silence in the room that had settled upon the two of you once again. 
“No,” You shook your head. “Well, not exactly.” You doubled back, “I don’t know.” you sighed, shaking your head. 
“Did I do something that made you uncomfortable?” He asked, “Because I really didn’t mean to, and if you just talk to me about it I can try to fix it,” By the way he talked you could tell his mind had been running at hyper-speed the same as yours has been. 
Looking at him for the first time in days, you shook your head. “It’s not that simple Will,” You started, “I don’t know how to put it in a way that wont make me sound insane.” You were frustrated that you couldn’t figure out your thoughts.
“You don’t have to put it in a way that’s properly articulated,” Wilbur said, “If it’s harsh or messy that’s fine.” 

An uncomfortable silence settled upon the two of you as you thought things out before saying anything. Choosing your words carefully, you began. 

“You know that night, we were laying on your bed at your place, laughing and you-” You cut yourself off looking at him to make sure he understood where you were going, Wilbur was slowly nodding at you. “Okay,” You continued. “I don’t know, I thought you were going to kiss me and I panicked,” You said 
“And I don’t know what to do with that, because this was supposed to be fake, something that just protected our privacy and personal lives, but I don’t know,” You began to falter, feeling too exposed, “It began to blur together, or something.” You looked up at Wilbur, waiting for his response, unsure of if you had just astronomically fucked up or not. 
“I was never acting,” Wilbur finally spoke. “Y/N, for me it wasn’t something I had to force. It just came naturally after you started reciprocating it.” He said. You started to feel bad, for you it was always acting, or that’s what you told yourself. “Maybe something got lost in communication along the way.” 

You picked at the skin around your fingernails, “It was only supposed to be acting for me, Wilbur, but I don’t know.” You shook your head. “I thought you hated me from the moment we met, so I hated you back, it just never seemed like we saw eye to eye on anything but then this happened and now I’m just so confused and I don’t know what to believe.” you sighed, putting your head in your hands. 
“What don’t you know what to believe?” He questioned. 
“One part of myself is saying this was just acting and that’s it but then another side of me is saying that this turned to something different at some point and I just don’t know what to listen to.” You could feel Wilburs gaze burning holed into your skin. 
“I was never acting, Y/N,” He spoke softly, “I know you were but it was never that for me. And I never hated you, at all. Anything that was misunderstood was just stuff I thought would be funny to mess around with on stream. I’m sorry it came across as that,” His tone sounded like your thoughts, run down and on the verge of breaking. 

Silence engulfed the two of you once again but only this time you didn’t find yourself going over everything a mile a minute in your head. You looked up at Wilbur, his head was down, looking at his hands. Slowly you moved closer to him, placing your hand on his shoulder, but to get him to look you in the eyes it took you placing your hand on his cheek. He looked confused. Everything still seemed so lost in translation between you, and like some things were going unaddressed, but that was something you could talk about later. 
You ran your thumb over his cheekbone lightly, making him smile and lean into your touch. 
Following his actions from days before, you leaned in, connecting your lips in an unsure and small kiss. 
It took him a second to register what was happening, but by the time he reciprocated you were pulling away. 
Wilbur looked at you, dazed and eyes full of all the emotion. He pulled you back in and kissed you again. 

You felt your stomach explode with butterflies and everything you’ve been denying since the start blossomed in your chest. Pulling away, you hid your face in his neck in an attempt to hide your burning cheeks. 

“Don’t hide,” He giggled 
“Wilbur,” You said, holding his face in your hand.
“Yeah?” He mumbled leaning into your palm. 
“I’m not acting anymore.” 
He smiled, holding onto your wrist to keep you from pulling your hand away as he pressed a soft kiss to your palm. “I’m glad.” 

8 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 275

Series Masterlist

8 Days 

It was the late afternoon when Wilbur knocked on your door. You smiled as you let him in, pulling him into a short, awkward hug. 

“So I don’t have a place for you to stay on your own, but I did find an extra mattress and you can just stay in my room if you want, or I can stay with Cece, in her room, that bits up to you.” You said looking up at Wilbur. 
“Well I don’t want to kick you out of your room,” He said, “I’ll sleep on the floor mattress,” 
You nodded, motioning for him to follow you into your room. 

Your room was a big change from his, you lived under LED light strips and christmas lights while his room was bright and lived off of natural light that made it look like golden hour 24/7. 

When he walked in, Wilbur looked around at all the things you had hung up on your walls, most of the things being photos and polaroids you’ve taken with friends and of people who had visited your apartment. 

He smiled, “Can I be added to the photo wall?” 
You nodded, stifling a laugh, “Before you leave.”
“That’s the bed I have set up, if you get cold I have so many more blankets in the bottom of my closet, and there should be some extra pillows up top, but I can’t see, if they’re not there and you want another one or something just grab it off my bed.” You told Wilbur as you helped him move his bags out of the way. 

This was going to be a long week.

12 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 165

Series Masterlist

12 Days

You hadn’t been speaking to Wilbur as much as you did before. A part of you missed it, but another part of you couldn’t stop thinking about if he was actually going to try to kiss you that night at his place. Instead of asking him and risking embarrassing yourself in front of him if there was a miscommunication, you opted to go on distancing yourself and wondering about what might have happened. 

You did talk about Wilbur coming down to visit you before the month was over, as much as you wished you could just forget about it, and continuing distancing yourself and hopefully just drift apart, you agreed to let him come visit. After everything had been said and done you kicked yourself for your inability to say no to him. 

You almost forgot you started doing this because of some crazy blackmailer, it had come to be more complicated than just acting at this point. But that’s all it was. 

14 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 294

Series Masterlist

14 Days 

You were getting your things ready to go home. You haven’t properly spoken to Wilbur since the other night, everything else is just passing questions or small conversations about tv or something. You were spending a lot more time in your room, alone. 
Some part of you was happy you were going home a day early but another bit of yourself wanted to stay with Wilbur and figure out what was really going on. Maybe you just needed some time to figure it out. 
You loaded your car up in one trip with Wilburs help. 

“Call me when you get home okay?” Wilbur asked
You nodded, “Of course.” 
“Sorry to cut it short, but I just-” You cut yourself off, waving your hands in the air trying to get what you wanted to say out. 
Wilbur nodded, “No, I get it. It’s okay.” He assured you. 
“We’ll have to do this again before the month’s over,” You said, immediately regretting it when he agreed. 
Wilbur pulled you into a hug before you got in your car. 


You got home later than you expected, this time you took your time on the drive. Letting your mind wander as you were driving down the highway. 

“Hi Wil,” You sighed into the phone. You called him as soon as you were in the door, to get it over with. 
“You made it okay?” He asked
You nodded, “Yeah. It took longer on the way back,” You said sitting your bags down in your room.  
“Normally does,” He chuckled. 
“Hey, I think I’m gonna grab something to eat and crash for the night, we’ll talk tomorrow?” You yawned 
“Okay, I’ll message you tomorrow, sleep well.” Wilbur said sweetly. 
“You too,” You quickly replied before hanging up. 

18 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 686

Series Masterlist

18 Days

Today was the day you were going to announce to the internet you met up with Wilbur and were staying with him. Yesterday was a slow day, the two of you not waking up until the mid afternoon, from staying up so late the night before. Neither of you were up to posting or streaming. It was a nice day to just settle into the new environment and relax. 

When you turned your phone back on from it being dead it blew up with messages from your roommate asking if you were okay and if you made the journey safely. Replying to her you apologized, telling her what happened and that you were safe. You even snapped a lazy photo of you and Wilbur on the couch to send to her to prove you were okay. In the picture Wilbur laid with his head on your stomach as the two of you stretched out over the couch. You attached a little message with the photo, ‘I don’t know how he’s comfortable like this, he’s so much taller in person.’

“Wilbur!” You yelled from behind him. He jumped back, turning around quickly holding his heart. 
“I’m gonna get you a bell,” He took a breath 
It was so easy to jump scare him, you found great enjoyment in it the past two days. 
“So are we going to stream later?” You asked rocking back and forth on your feet 
“Maybe tomorrow?” He asked, “We can post a photo together on twitter tonight.” He said 
You looked at the time, It was only 2:00PM. “Okay, I’m gonna go shower so I can get ready.” You said grabbing the towel from your room. 

It took you longer to get ready for than you thought. Normally you didn’t go all out but where you were streaming with Wilbur you had to combat his beauty somehow. You made sure your makeup was on point and there were no imperfections to be found anywhere, even though Wilbur said many times you already looked great. You were really nervous. 

Wilbur and you had a full photo shoot in the bathroom because the lighting complimented the both of you wonderfully. You took a lot of photos but ended up settling on a photo where you sat on the counter behind him and he stood between your legs with his back to you. You caught the aftermath of that photo that ended up in a piggy back to his room, he threw you down onto his bed laughing with you. The amount of photos and laughs that happened after taking photos was almost enough to get a noise complaint. 
You and Wilbur were clutching your stomachs trying to catch your breath. 
“These are pure gold,” You laughed with Wilbur beside you, feeling like you were floating on cloud nine with serotonin. 

You rolled onto your side, facing him, your laughter began to die down and subside into silence, with the faint sounds of your breathing. You looked at him but he was already looking at you. 
“WIlbur,” You whispered, noticing how his eyes shifted from your gaze then back up. 
He hummed in response, slowly leaning closer to you. You realized what was happening and shot up, sitting up. 

“Okay,” You coughed, “So, yeah I think we can post these photos,” You nodded, looking at your phone, avoiding his eyes as he sat up beside you. 
Wilbur coughed, “Yeah, We’ve got some good ones.” You nodded and ran off to the guest room. 

Oh god, you thought. You mind going at a mile a minute. You can’t believe he just tried to do that. This was only supposed to be an act. You wanted to talk out loud to yourself to reason things out but didn’t dare test how thin the walls were. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to try to kiss me. That wasn’t in the agreement. 

You ran through every possible thing, maybe you were just overthinking his actions, or you misunderstood. Whatever it was, it had to be something, anything, other than Wilbur trying to kiss you. 

20 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 983

Series Masterlist

20 Days 

Today was the day. 
You were going to set out on the long drive to see Wilbur, he sent you his address when you were first talking about meeting up, and you had saved it in your phone so you wouldn’t forget. 
You finished packing everything you would need for the week last night. Although you weren’t leaving really early in the morning, it was still going to be a tiring journey. In all honesty, you were mostly looking forward to getting there so you could go straight to bed. 

You called Wilbur when you were getting close to his place, so you could be sure where you were going and to let him know you were almost there. He greeted you outside. 

“Hey!” He smiled as you stepped out of your car. His brown hair fell over his forehead. 
“Hey,” You said, Wilbur waited for you to stretch before pulling you into a hug, resting his chin on your head. 
“You’re a lot taller than I would have thought,” You chuckled as you pulled away. 
“You’re just short,” He joked, helping you with your bags. 
Maybe it was just the exhaustion, but in person, He was prettier than you anticipated. Had you not already had an existing connection with him, you would have froze up and turned into a babbling mess. 

“So,” Wilbur said as you followed him into the guest room he’d set up just for you. “This is where you’re staying, I hope it isn’t too bad, I had a week to pull it together,” He chuckled, setting your suitcases down 
You looked around at the coffee colours bedspread and fluffy throw pillows, and looked back at him. 
“It’s great, Wil.” You smiled
“Do you want me to help you settle in, or do you just want to be left alone?” He asked, sounding extremely nervous. 
You thought for a moment, as much as you just wanted to flow into the bed and fall asleep, you didn’t want to make him think you were going to go completely cold now that you were here. 

“You can stay,” You said. “Do you mind if I hang my clothes up?” 
He shook his head, “Go for it. There should be hangers in the closet, if not I’ve got some extra in mine I can go grab.” 
You nodded, but instead of grabbing your bag and going straight to unpacking you sat beside him on the bed. 
Wilbur looked at you, confusion lacing his features. 
“I’m gonna take a minute,” You mumbled, “It was a long drive.” He nodded and sat with you in comfortable silence. After what felt like a few minutes you leaned onto his side, resting your head on his shoulder. Wilbur smiled, pulling you into him by throwing his arm around you. 

“You can go to sleep if you want, I won’t be offended.” He smirked 
“I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to be here by shutting myself away as soon as I get here,” You mumbled, closing your eyes 
“I wouldn’t think that. You need your rest.” Wilbur started to pull back the duvet for you. 
“You wouldn’t be mad?” You asked quietly
“Of course not,” Wilbur shook his head, “You get some rest and I’ll be in the living room when you wake up,” 
You nodded and laid down with the fluffy duvet, “Thanks Wilbur,” You mumbled, already feeling yourself drifting away 
“Goodnight, love.”  


You woke up, disoriented, unsure of where you were exactly until you came around and remembered you were at Wilburs. It was dark and outside but the white walls brightened up the room. You searched around for your phone, not wanting to get up yet but finding it dead on the table beside you forced you to get up. 
Timidly you walked out of the room, looking around. Wilbur was sitting on the couch watching something on t.v. 

“Hey,” You said quietly 
Wilbur turned around, looking at you, “Did you sleep well?” He asked nodding his head for you to come over 
“Amazingly,” You smiled, sitting next to him. “Have you told the internet that we’ve met up yet?” You asked 
He shook his head, “Not yet, thought I’d wait until you woke up.” He smiled, “Wanna get a photo together and post it?” He asked 
“Can we tomorrow?” You asked, “I feel like I look terrible right now. 
“You look great,” Will shook his head, “But yeah we can do that tomorrow,” 

You smiled. Moving closer to him, you curled into his side. “What are you watching?” You asked 
“You know, I’m not really sure, I lost the remote a few days ago and it has been stuck on this station.” Wilbur laughed. 
You sat watching whatever movie or documentary was on about world war 2. Although it was late you weren’t tired, probably because of the six hour nap you took when you got there. 
You knew you should probably unpack your things but sitting on the couch with Wilbur was much more exciting, although you were sitting in mostly silence, it was nice. 

You and Wilbur spent the majority of the night watching whatever came on the tv the things he found on the internet from his phone. 
Eventually Wilbur willed you into putting your things away, saying he’d help but all he really did was sit on the bed and keep you company as you put your clothes away in the closet and things in the bathroom. 

“Okay,” You yawned, “It’s time for bed.” You stopped in front of him. 

Wilbur sighed, reaching out for you to come closer, you gave him a hug that lasted far longer than it should have. The two of you stood there for a while before letting go. 

“Goodnight Wilbur.” You said to him just before he exited the room. 
“Good night Y/N.” He smiled 

24 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 1685

Series Masterlist

24 Days

It was Friday, you were in the middle of doing your two-hour-long stream that you did every Friday. Since you took weekends off from your own streams you did a long one every week. It worked out, you seemed to get a lot more views on Friday anyways. 
All the donos seemed to ask about you and Wilbur, you forced a smile to tell everyone you guys were well and that you’re very happy together. The viewers seemed to be happy with your responses and didn’t catch you falter. 
You were on the DreamSMP cleaning up things and repairing things from any creeper explosions, as having holes in the walkways annoyed you to no end because it didn’t look pleasing to the eye. Many ties you were passed by Fundy, Tubbo, and even Tommy. 
The in-game chat stated to be spammed by Tommy, VC 2 VC 2 VC 2 over and over again. 

“Well chat, let’s see what Tommy wants,” You giggled and switched to discord. 
“Hello Tommy,” You smiled, wondering what type of shenanigans he was up to today, you noticed he was also streaming so you knew it was something that was going to be very entertaining to the stream. 
“Y/N!” He yelled 
“Tommy!” You yelled back, matching his energy. 
“How do you do?” His sudden calm tone almost made you burst into a fit of laughter. 
“I do well, Thomas. What are you up to tonight?” You asked, smiling to yourself when using his full name. 
“Well, you see, Y/N. See here’s the thing. I am out of supplies, I don’t even have iron to my name Y/N-”
“Do you want me to help you get some?” You offered, cutting him off 
“Well, actually I was hoping you could just give me some.” 
“Tommy,” You laughed, “That’s- unfortunately, that not how it works my friend.” You paused, taking a sip of your water, “I am more than willing to help you go mining, I know a pretty good spot actually, but I’m not going to just give you stuff for nothing.” 
“C’mon Y/N you could write it off your taxes as a charity donation,” 
You had to give it to him, although Tommy could be annoying at times he was so effortlessly funny, you were almost certain that he didn’t even have to try. 

“Ah yes, hang on let me see what I have to give to Tommy’s charity fund,” You laughed, looking through your inventory, pondering for a few moments, making it look like you were going to give him half your stack of iron only our stream before clicking to the three seeds you’d picked up some time ago and throwing them at his feet. His character’s head went from looking at you to the seeds, then back to you and back to the seeds again, you pulled up his stream on your other monitor so you could see his face, trying so hard to not burst out into laughter when you saw his unamused look. 

Feeling bad you pulled up a donation, giving Tommy Five bucks so the text-to-speech would work, “Tommy Charity Fund.” You sent and waited for it to go through. 
He paused, hearing the dono tts voice, before looking back up at you in the game. 
“Fuck you,” He said running away. You couldn’t suppress your laughter any longer and it all fell out at once, chat exploded into laughter and emotes, everyone found it hilarious.

A few seconds after you were still in the voice chat with Tommy, he had ventured off to go mining, I guess stealing from people wasn’t going well. Since the last war, nobody has really been gathering supplies, taking a break from the lore to just get things done around the server. Tommy still bringing up the ‘charity fund’ you found it hilarious. 

“You’re a bitch you know that,” He mumbled, you knew he was only joking, with Tommy you never took anything to heart, if he had a true problem with you, you know he would message you privately. 
“Tommy,” Wilbur’s voice came over discord, making you jump slightly. 
“Hi Wilbur,” He said, sounding like a little kid when their mom gets them in trouble. 
“Apologize to Y/N.“ Wilbur’s voice was playful, yet stern, sounding exactly like the older brother who was put in charge of his younger siblings. 

After a second, you could see Tommy bow his head on his stream that was still pulled up on your other monitor. 
“Sorry, Y/N. You’re not a bitch.” He said 
“It’s okay Tommy,” You chuckled 
“Thank you.” Spoke Wilbur before leaving the voice chat. 

You and Tommy stayed on call until his stream ended. You were left alone, talking to your chat. Without anyone else there to keep a consistent conversation you started to daze off, forgetting you were on stream, yawning and leaning forward onto your desk. Your back hurt from how long you’d been sat in front of the monitor. 

Your discord made a noise again, but this time you didn’t bother tabbing out to see who had joined. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Wilburs soft voice came across your headphones 
“Will,” You smiled, sitting up 
“You look tired, how long have you been up?” He asked 

You looked at the clock, it was only 11 PM but you could have sworn it was later. 
“Since one,” 
“AM or PM?” Will asked 
You looked down, “AM,” You mumbled.
“You should go to bed,” He said
You sighed, knowing he could break you eventually, as your eyelids were drooping shut and your eyes were burning. “Its not even that long, Wil, I’m fine.” You argued 

“How long have you been streaming?” Wilbur asked 
“I’m almost at my five hour mark, I’m like forty-five minutes away,” 
“End your stream early and get ready for bed than we can chat,” His voice was soft and warm speaking over your stream, your chat exploded, loving Wilbur and you together. 
“But I’m so close, just a few more minutes,” You sighed, tabbing out of your game and switching the stream to a full face cam.
“I’m sure they wont mind if you end a little early, you’ve been streaming for a while, love.” He continued, slowly wearing you down. “I can even entertain your chat for a bit while you go get ready for bed, or even make yourself a cup of tea, then when you come back, it will be close enough that you can end the stream, how does that sound?” 
You sighed, knowing he had won. You looked at chat and back to the timer of how long you’ve been on stream, “Okay.” You nodded. 

“Alright Chat, I’m sorry for ending early but you heard the man. Next week will be extra long to make up for this, I promise.” You said, looking at the chat, everyone was spamming ‘goodnight’ and ‘goodbye’ 
“It was nice spending this fine evening with you all, but I must go now, I will see everyone Monday. Bye!” You ended stream 

“Hi, Wilbur,” You smiled to yourself after ending stream 
“I’m going to call your number now, and you can go get ready for bed, okay?” He said 
“Alright, Wil,” you nodded, closing all the windows you had open on your pc. 

After shutting everything off you grabbed what you needed and went to the bathroom. Wilbur called you halfway through taking your makeup off, you had eyeliner smudged all around your eyes when you answered his facetime. 
When his face popped up on your screen, he was wearing his glasses and a big smile, his hair was a mess and he was already in bed. 

“Getting ready for bed?” He asked, as if he didn’t already know. 
“Of course,” You shook your head, leaning closer to the mirror making sure you had all the bits of makeup taken off before washing your face with warm water 
Picking up your phone you held up a peace sign, making Wil laugh and attempt to take a sneaky screenshot. 
“Hey, no, delete that, I look terrible.” You quickly argued after hearing the noise. 
“You do not.” He was fast to respond. “You look refreshed, you’re glowing.” you shook your head at him as you walked back to your room through the dark house. 

Your roommate had already gone to bed, close to an hour ago. You were always the last person up, being an internet person with many American friends who are in a different time zone and a night owl at heart.
You flopped down into your soft pillows, pulling your duvet over yourself and propping your phone up on your laptop so you could still see Wilbur and he could see you. You pulled the corner of the blanket up to hide your face. 

“Don’t do that, I want to see your face,” Wilbur frowned. 
“No you don’t,” You shook your head 
“Yes,” He spoke, “I do.” You moved the blanket so it wasn’t all the way covering your face but it was still pulled up enough that your shoulders were covered. 
“You realize next week you’ll be here for your stream?” Wilbur said. 
“I do now,” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think of that,” 
“Its okay, you can stream from my computer,” He smiled. “It will surprise chat,” 
“Oh my god, can you imagine, they’re going to go crazy,” You chuckled 
“They will,”

Wilbur continued to tell you about how he was truly getting excited to have you meet him in person, but his soft voice had been lulling you to sleep, your eyelids struggling to stay open and your warm bed weighing you down. Eventually you were out. Wilbur didn’t notice until he asked you a question and did not respond. Your laptop screen was still shining light on you, and he saw you were asleep against the black screen, smiling at you. He snuck another screenshot, making sure the sound was off this time. 

“Goodnight, Y/N.” He said sweetly before getting comfortable in bed himself and slowly drifting off. 

26 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count: 2264

Series Masterlist

26 Days

God, you hated him so much!
You wanted to scream it from the top of a building how much you truly hated Wilbur. But you couldn’t

Lately, no matter what you did or said on stream, he always had a problem with it. You had been streaming Minecraft together, on the SMP. You were just messing around, no lore this time. You suggested you made a house together in L’manburg, no matter what you did, the two of you couldn’t agree on a material, you wanted to build it out of birch wood and cobblestone but he insisted on dark oak logs and spruce planks would look better together. You gave up and let him have what he wanted because he was so persistent and you knew had it gone on you would have blown up on him in front of all your viewers, and that’s the last thing you needed right now. 

You were up late, last night, planning out when you were going to meet up, and just a few hours ago the two of you got along perfectly. Laughing over the phone as you were laying in bed, chatting mindlessly. You wondered what happened between then and now. 
You and Will planned to meet up in the middle of next week, you were going to drive down to see him and stay at his place. Although you brought up getting a hotel room, Wilbur insisted you stay with him, too tired to resist you agreed, but now you’re starting to think maybe getting a hotel room might be for the best. 

You and Wilbur ended your streams at the same time, and you sighed as soon as you were sure it was off. 

“What?” Wil asked, still in the voice chat. 
“What was that back there? Why the hell are you so disagreeable?” You let out. 
Will scoffed, “Me? You’re the one who kept on insisting birch and cobble when that wouldn’t even fit in L’manburg!” 
“Jesus Christ,” You sighed, leaning back in your chair and running your hands down your face. “How in the hell are we going to get through this month?” 
“Maybe you should stop being so uptight and argumentative.” Wil shot 
“Fuck you,” You mumbled before clicking out of the chat and leaving your PC. 

You needed to get out of the house and away from any form of contact you had with Wilbur and social media. You had been cooped up inside your apartment for close to a week at this point, maybe some fresh air would do you good. 
You grabbed a jacket and keys before leaving the apartment, leaving your phone charging on your desk. You didn’t want to bring it with you because you didn’t even want to think about getting a text or any kind of notification from Wilbur right now, you knew you would have blown up at him completely. 

The weather was just beginning to turn nice, the air was warm but the wind still had a slight winter chill to it, although all the snow was long gone Jack Frost still made his lurking presence known. 
Buildings lined the walls of a small square common area where teens mostly hung out after school and on weekends. The square had a fountain in the middle of it, the water had been shut off for the winter but with the warm temperatures from the last month, it had recently been turned back on. 
You sat on the ledge of the brick wall around the bottom pool for the fountain, looking at everyone passing through on this nice Wednesday evening. Older couples out for an evening walk, middle-aged business people speed walking their way home from the office, teens scattering the open area, sitting on blankets and laughing in their small groups of friends. You found watching people be interesting, it made you think. 

We are all living our own lives at the same time and most of us on this small planet don’t even know of one another, or if you know of them you don’t know them, you only know their name. It’s weird how that works. 
It’s astounding to think about though, what are the chances of meeting exactly who you did, at the time you did, and what a gamble it is for them to stick around. 

You had been sitting on the fountain for close to five minutes and when the wind had just started to pick up, sending a slight shiver down your spine. 
Your mind was clearer now and you were no longer angry with Wilbur, it was stupid what you fought about and as much as it pained you to admit, he was right. 
You were being stubborn and didn’t take into account the surrounding aesthetic of the area. It was your fault that the disagreement broke out in the first place. 

You got home and saw your phone had been basically blown up by notifications from Wilbur, asking if you were really mad at him or if it was for a bit that you took too far, but when you didn’t answer he slightly snapped you, asking if you were okay and where you were. 
You answered immediately, scared he might have been worrying.

Hey!You typed, Sorry I went for a walk after stream, needed to get out. 

There you are! He responded within seconds, I got worried. 

I’m okay, I left my  phone home, needed a break from the internet and things. You know? 

You mean you needed a break from me? 

You could have sworn, had you been on a video chat with him you would have seen him frowning. You weren’t sure what about that message got you, but you found yourself almost with tears in your eyes, you didn’t mean to hurt him and you hoped you didn’t -what were you talking about. Wilbur didn’t mean anything to you, he was just someone you kept in contact with because you were in the same friend group. 

No, you typed, not the whole thing at least. I just needed to clear my head, and i’m sorry for being such a dick on stream, I didn’t mean to cause that, and you were right about the blocks. 

You sighed when hitting the send button, never in a million years did you think you would be telling Wilbur, The Wilbur Soot, that he was right about something. I’m sorry. 

Christ Y/N it’s alright, really. Just don’t scare me like that again, I was starting to think something bad happened to you. 

I didn’t mean to scare you, Wil. 

You found yourself feeling bad about leaving him in the dark while you were out, you didn’t mean to worry him, you just didn’t want to hurt him by blowing up at him. 

Still call tonight, yeah? He messaged 

You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. Yeah, I’d like that very much. I’ll call you before I go to sleep. 

In the time that you had been a fake couple, you and Will had started calling while you were getting ready to fall asleep in bed, you usually ended up falling asleep before he did, the sound of his raspy sleepy voice lulled you to sleep like there was no tomorrow. You’d wake up in the morning to find that Wil left the call going, you thought it was cute. Sure it might have been some highschool relationship stuff but it was cute nonetheless. 


“Hello, Y/N” Will said through the phone, his voice sounding tired and soft 
“Hi Wil,” You smiled, giggling slightly. Although you had just been on a voice chat with him earlier you loved hearing his voice when he was tired, it sounded like stirring honey into your morning cup of tea, or reading an old book, but specifically an old book that smells of must and age of being stored at the back of your grandparents bookshelf that hadn’t been touched in years. 
“You sound tired,” you mumbled, laying down with the phone resting on your stomach as you looked up at the ceiling. 
“I am,” He hummed, “You don’t sound very tired though, did you drink a lot of coffee today?” He asked 
“A little more than usual, but I’ll be fine.” You sighed, your voice almost coming out in a whisper. There was something about talking to Wilbur before going to sleep that made you feel soft and loved, but you couldn’t put your finger on exactly what it was. Maybe it was the thought of having someone there, or maybe it was just as simple as it was Wilbur and it was you.  

“Are you excited for next week?” He asked 
“Right now it feels too far away to be real,” 
“Who’s talking here, is it you you or is it us you?” He asked, unsure if your thoughts were good or bad
“Its both,” You said. “It feels so far away to me right now, but so close at the same time and a side of me cant wait for it to get here, so we can finally meet in person. But another side of me feels like it’s good that it feels so far away because maybe something will come up and I wont be able to make it and i don’t want to think that or even say it because thats a terrible thing to say but you know how it is.” You rambled, trying your best to explain it to him in a way that he would fully understand the crossroads your mind is at, and not sound like a dick while doing it. 

Although you couldn’t see it, you could tell he was nodding along. “How about we make a deal, alright?” He started, “In these night chats, we don’t have to put on the face of the characters we play on stream and through out the day, Alright?” 
You rolled over to your side, putting an arm under your head and setting your phone on the mattress by your head. “I like that. Deal.” 
“Okay now tell me how you really feel about all of this” 

All the thoughts ran though your head a mile a minute, you didn’t know where to start honestly, you had a lot of thoughts but if you really looked at it and narrowed it down most of them talked circles around the same thing just using different words. 

“You promise what ever I say wont hurt you or make you flip out?” You asked 
“Swear on Tommy’s life.” You could sense the smirk that tugged at the side of his mouth when he said that.
“Okay,” You started with a sigh. “So I din’t really know where I stand on it anymore, at the beginning I thought this was going to be insufferable, but now that we’ve gotten into it for a few days, you’re really not that bad, but I’m still on the fence.” 
“I hope come meeting, your opinion has changed a little bit more. But I do understand where you’re coming from. Its weird being able to talk off stream and such with you and not be fighting twenty-four-seven. It’s nice, I feel like I’m getting to know you better.” 

He was right, you had told Wilbur more in the last five days than you had ever in your years of knowing him. You were surprised to find out that he’s actually not as bad as you thought, but you would never tell him that bit. 

“Do you have to put on a character when we do those streams and such, Wilbur?” You asked, 

“I don’t think I do, and if I do it I don’t know what I’m doing it. It’s just something thats easy to do, I’m not sure how to explain it.” He replied
“Do you have to when we’re talking like this?” 
“No. Not at all, this is 100% me.” 

You’re not sure what part hit you the most, when he said he didn’t have to put on a full character mask when showing your ‘relationship’ to the public, or if this Wilbur, the tired one was the real Wilbur who you’ve been falling asleep with for the past three nights. You weren’t sure what you though you wanted to hear when asking him that but it definitely wasn’t what you go, but maybe it was what you needed. 

The line went dead for a couple of minutes, you had the radio playing softly in the background to help you sleep better, and Wilbur seemed to be enjoying listening to you breathe through the phone.

“Hey Wil,” You yawned 
“HM?” He hummed, you could tell he had his eyes closed with the phone by his face, like he did on one of your face time calls the other day. 
“I’m soon gonna pass-out,” You whispered 
“Thats alright, go to sleep. Get your rest, I’ll be here when you wake up, love.” He was so sweet it almost made your heart hurt. 
“Okay” You nodded, but don’t hang up, okay? I like it when you’re here with me when I fall asleep.” 

You struggled to keep your eyelids open, feeling heavy and light all at the same time. You felt so light it was as if you could float away but you were too heavy and weighed down to get up and move, even if you absolutely had to move for whatever reason you don’t think you could have. 

“Goodnight Wilbur, love you.” You mumbled into your pillow 
“Sweet dreams.” 

29 Days | Wilbur Soot

30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?
It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.

Word Count:1424

Series Masterlist

29 Days 

You woke up to find your phone blowing up with notifications from your friends and fans. You opened the discord app, seeing everyone freaking out about you and Wilbur. Neither of you had answered yet, and that just lead them to spam their questions even more. 

When did this happen?

Were you hiding it from us too? 


Y/N and Wilbur?? 

I thought Y/N hated him! 



They were getting more and more impatient. You sighed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes before you began typing to them, although you hated the app format of Discord, it was easier than getting up and booting up your PC. 
Wilbur and I are dating, yeah. You started. No, we weren’t hiding it from you guys, we just wanted to make sure it was something that was going to last before we told anyone. 
You thought you would have had at least a few hours before you had to put on the act that you were trapped in for a month. 
Exiting discord you went to text Wilbur. 

Good morning, Darling. Hope you wake up ready to put on a great performance later on. 

You smirked to yourself as you sent the message, knowing you were truly outdoing yourself from yesterday. 

Sitting in the kitchen you threw your long hair up in a messy bun to keep it out of your face as you scrolled through Twitter while sipping on your morning coffee. 
“Good morning Y/N.” Cece yawned, as she walked out of her room. 
“Morning, Cece,” You smiled 
She looked at you from the opposite side of the island, “So what exactly is going on between you and Wilbur?” She asked. 
You shook your head, looking down into your coffee mug, “It’s nothing really, we’re just friends.”
“Really?” She raised her eyebrow at you, “Cause we’re just friends and I haven’t seen you featuring me on your twitch channel and announcing that we’re dating.” She gave you a sly smirk.
You cracked a smile, “Yeah, we might be dating.” 
“I thought you hated him!” She exclaimed 
“I did! I did!” You fought back, “But, I don’t know, I had a change of heart.” 

Just then your phone dinged from your hand, a notification displayed a message from Wilbur. 

Good morning beautiful, I believe we are going to have to call everyone later and inform them of our new relationship.

You smiled and rolled your eyes before typing back, Cece might also want to sit in on this one, she saw our stream.


The sun had begun to set outside your window as you sat down at your PC, getting ready to call your friends with Wilbur and explain everything about your relationship as you could without letting too much get out. You met with Wil a few minutes beforehand to get your stories straight so neither of you would mess anything up.
Tommy sounded the most surprised to find out you and Wilbur were together, but once the shock wore off, he wouldn’t stop asking how to get a girlfriend, as per normal Tommy fashion. By the end of the call, everyone was very supportive and happy for you. 

“So do you guys have plans to meet up?” Dream asked

You stared wide-eyed at Wilbur’s chat icon in discord, you never even thought about that, of course, you were going to have to meet up at some point to make it believable. 
“We actually talked about it before but haven’t been able to figure out a good time yet, and where we hadn’t gone public we didn’t want to raise any suspicion with the fans if we had to stream.” Wilbur took the lead, “However we have been talking about it a lot in the last day and it seems like something that’s going to happen now,” Wil said. 
You were so thankful your camera wasn’t on and you were just one voice chat because you would have sworn your eyes got as big as hockey pucks, you could handle talking to him like you were together over text and through a screen, but in person was something you never thought you’d have to deal with even though in the fine print of the rules the two of you compiled it was very finely implied that you would have to meet in person. 
“Yeah,” You coughed, “We were hoping we could meet up sometime this month, your schedules don’t seem too busy, so it might just work.”
You went around for a few minutes before everyone called it. Though they said they understood what you guys had going on they still seemed confused about how you and Wilbur acted like you hated each other one day then the next turned around to say you were dating, but if they weren’t willing to ask any more questions you weren’t going to try and pester them out. 

“Hey, Y/N, Love, don’t leave, I wanna talk for a bit,” Wilbur said just before everyone left the VC. 
You waited for everyone to be out of the chat before speaking, “Hey, Wil,” The adoring tone in your voice made you want to throw up. 
“So when are we meeting up?” You could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“I don’t know, Wil.” You sighed, “I didn’t think we were going to go that far.” 
“Y/N, of course, we were going to have to meet up at some point. C’mon, why don’t we talk about setting a date now?” 
“Sure Wil,” Your head fell into your hands. “Firstly, whos going to who?” You asked
Wilbur took a moment, thinking, “You’ve got a roommate right?” He finally asked 
“Yeah, we have a small place.” You nodded even though he couldn’t see you. “If it would work, it would probably be best for me to come to you if that works?” You asked 
“That would work, When do you want to come out?” 

You opened up your schedule, to see if there were any big events happening that you had to be home for. Coincidentally, you were an open book. 
This worked out too well, you thought shaking your head. 

“I’m literally so free this month, Wilbur. We could try something for next week if that works on your end.” You spoke, clicking through the many open windows on your computer. 
“That works out for me. I can make up a place for you to stay if that would make you more comfortable.” His offer almost made your heart soften. 
“I’d like that, yeah.” You nodded. 

It was only the second day and some of the things he did could almost make you forget you were acting and none of this was real, you had to remind yourself that this wasn’t the ‘real’ Wilbur you knew, he’d never be so much as nice towards you. 

“Right then,” You said, “I’ll take a look at travel prices and tickets and shoot you a text when I have a booked date?” You asked 
“That would be perfect.” Wilbur yawned, “Okay, have a good night, Y/N, I do believe I’m going to pass out any moment here so I should be getting to bed.” His voice was tired and you could almost picture his drooping eyelids with his head rested on his palm, struggling to keep his eyes open. 
“Goodnight Wilbur, I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.” You said softly, mouse hovering over the leave option. 
“I love you, bye,” Was the last thing Wilbur said before logging off. 

Out of the many things that have caught you off guard in the past two days, Wil spilling those words in his tired state really caught you off guard. You sat staring at the empty Discord call for a few minutes, mind blank, the only thing you could think of was Wils echoing voice. “I love you,” That was something you were sure you were going to hear as you were falling asleep in a few hours. 

You continued to sit there in your darkroom, just with the light of your PC, once again, thinking about what was truly happening with you and Wilbur. You already knew he was a phenomenal actor from the performances he’s put on for the DreamSMP. But you wondered just how far that extended, as much as you despised him, you couldn’t help the thoughts creeping into ‘is it something more?’ territory. At the end of the night, you were left alone and confused with nobody you could talk it over with.


30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right?

It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense. 

You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…

Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot. 

Word Count:1892

Series Masterlist

30 Days

The beginning

You sighed, staring at the black screen of your PC waiting for it to light up. After last night, you didn’t even want to log on, but you knew if you avoided it now, it would just cause more hassle in the long run.

The monitors light up with your bright coloured backgrounds and the PC itself emitted many colours of the rainbow. 
Opening Discord, you started a message with Wilbur.

Did you hear? You type, clicking through a few channels as you awaited his response. 

Yeah, how’d this come about? his message read 

Your head shook as you typed and you ran a hand through your hair, pushing it back and out of your face, I don’t know. Hop in a VC and we can discuss better? 

You pulled on your headset, waiting for the call to come through, what you weren’t expecting was for Wilbur to video call you. You had just got out of bed before logging on and didn’t even have any makeup on and you were still in your cropped top and sleep bottoms. Quickly pulling the fuzzy blanket you kept on the back of your chair around your shoulders you answered the call. 

“Hey,” You answered with a sigh, setting your head in your hand. 
“Hi,” He said, monotone. 
“What’s he got on you?” You asked 
“My home address and credit card information, stuff like that. And you?” 
You sighed, knowing if you told the truth he might think even lower of you than he already did. “Same thing and like some stupid stuff I did in high school,” 
Wilburs expression changed from annoyed to something you couldn’t read, “What did you do?” 
“Relax,” You sighed, “It’s nothing like terrible, terrible.”
“Do you not want to tell me?” He sat back in his chair 
“I’d rather not,” You mumbled, “I don’t need you thinking lower of me than you already do.” 
“Fine,” Wilbur sighed, “Do you want to talk about how we’re going to do this or not?” You nodded 

“What do you think the best approach would be?” You asked, sitting up and pulling your leg up. 
“Well obviously, I think we should outline what the rules are.” 
“Okay,” You nodded pulling up a note, “So we’re supposed to be dating right?” You asked, Wilbur, nodded. “So we should act like a couple,” You said as you typed out 
“What about how we act on and off camera?” Wil asked 
“What about it?” You asked, “On camera, we act so madly in love the fans won’t even question it, off-camera we can not speak or whatever we do now.” 
Wil shook his head, “I think to get the best performance we’d have to truly play into this and act on and off camera.” 
You threw your head back, “Really?” You asked 
“Do you truly hate me that much, Y/N?” 

“Well no, it’s just I’d rather not.” 
“Too bad, it’s already written.” 
You sighed, “Fine.” 
“Do you think we should tell our friends about the whole situation or just leave it as we’re a couple?” You asked 
“Leave them out of the blackmail part, they could slip up.” You nod agreeing. 

After twenty minutes of back and forth, you devised a list of rules doe the month. 

They were as follows:

  • Must act like a couple on and off camera 
  • Must act like a couple at all times 
  • Every week doing things that couples would do (i.e. dates, movie nights, going out to dinner) 
  • Must post announcing you’re together, on Twitter Instagram or in a stream. 
  • Can only tell friends about you being together 
  • And you must see each other regularly. 

If either of you failed to do one of these things you immediately owe the other person $50

Wilbur was still on call with you after the list was created, you ended up talking about how you think the blackmailer got your information. Both of you were in the dark. 

Your roommate came in, interrupting your conversation, “Hey, Y/N, Wanna come with me to pick up food?” She asked stopping dead in her tracks when she saw Wilbur on your monitor. 
You nodded, “Just give me a second here,” She waved as she exited the room. 
“Sorry about that, Wil,” You said turning back to the camera. “Seems I’ve got to go, but we can talk more about this when I get back if you’d like.” 
Wilbur nodded, “It was nice talking to you, love.” 

The pet name caught you off guard, you looked at Wilbur, who had the most shit-eating grin on his face you’d ever seen.
“What?” He asked, tilting his head, “We have to start somewhere, thought now would be a good time.” 
You sighed, “ill talk to you later Wilbur.” 

You ended the call and let your head fall into your hands. 

Man, this was going to be a long month. 

“Sorry about earlier.” Your roommate said once you walked out of your room 
You shook your head, “Don’t worry about it, it was only Wilbur,” 
“Wilbur?” She asked, “Don’t you, like, hate him?”
“Hate is a strong word,” You sighed. “I think I’ve had a change of heart about him.” 


You got home to messages from Wilbur asking if you wanted to stream with him tonight to make your announcement, you grabbed a drink and something to eat and got ready to stream. This time you were able to get ready to be on camera. You did your makeup, simple winged eyeliner nothing too extravagant, and you put on a cute top, but kept on your pyjama bottoms. 

Are you setting up stream? You messaged Wilbur 

Yeah, are you ready? He replied within seconds

Ready as I’ll ever be. 

This time you called Wilbur, he picked up within seconds. 
“I know this is only fake but im nervous,” You blurted out. 
Wilbur nodded, “Me too,” 
“How do you think the fans will react?” You asked 
“Honestly?” You nodded, “I think the overall reaction will be good.” 
“What about the ones that aren’t?” You were picking at your fingers, a nervous habit, “I don’t want to get death threats and that kind of thing,” You frowned. 
“I’ll take care of it,” Wil said, his words brought you a sense of peace, and you waited for him to start streaming. 

As he welcomed everyone to the stream, you weren’t on screen yet. You had a few moments to take in his appearance. He was wearing a nice white button-down, and it looked like he tried to do something with his hard but failed and just let it slump in its natural half curly-half wavy state on his forehead. You smiled at him as he kept trying to shake the hair out of his eyes but it refused to move. 

“Well, chat,” He started, “There is someone very important to me that I’d like to introduce you to.” As he spoke you could feel the knots in your stomach, nervous for him to finally show your face cam on stream. “Now, you probably already know them but,” He paused, working things out to be able to show your cam on stream, “Y/N and I would like to tell you something,” He said, and your face popped up on his stream, you waved to the chat. 
“Y/N, would you like to do the honours?” He asked with a smirk
“I guess so,” You put on the biggest smile you could muster before it looked fake and forced, “Chat,” You said. “Wil and I are dating!” You announced and he cheered. 
The chat exploded with hearts and Pogs, of course, there were the normal hate comments, but those were almost drowned out by all the emotes. 

“Okay now, I don’t want to see anybody hating on Y/N, Okay?” Wilbur said in a stern voice, looking directly at the camera, “Mods if you can, keep it out of the chat. And chat, keep it off the social media, Okay?” He waited for responses in the chat to roll through before continuing, “If you haven’t got anything nice to say, let’s not say it alright?”  You nodded along with him, secretly admiring how adamant he was about keeping the hate away, you knew Wilbur was the type of gut to do that but you didn’t think he’d do it for you, especially where the two of you weren’t even truly together.

“Okay, so Y/N and I here, didn’t really talk about what we were going to do on here, we just wanted to announce the news, but I guess we’ll stick around and answer a few questions for about an hour, hows that sound?” 
You nodded, “That sounds good to me. Chat if you have any questions to ask us, about our relationship or just personally send them in the chat or whatever you’d like to do. 

You and Wilbur sat on stream for close to an hour talking to the chat and receiving many donations asking questions and answering the chat, they seemed to love that the two of you were ‘together’. You read a few things saying “Enemies to lovers? POG” in the chat that made you laugh to yourself, telling Wil you’d tell him later when he asked what was so funny. 

Truthfully, you didn’t hate Wilbur as much as you’ve convinced yourself you have. Sometimes the acting and just messing around on the SMP got blurry in your mind, a lot of the things you found revolting about him were things his character had done for the sake of plot development. 

Wilbur finally ended the stream, you both said bye to chat and he went off. 
“That went well, don’t you think?” He asked, sighing as soon as the stream was over.
“I think it was good, their reaction seemed to be positive.” You sat back in your chair. 
“What did you find so funny in the chat?” He asked, throwing an arm behind his head as he leaned back in his chair.
You giggled as you thought about it again, “I saw some people saying ‘enemies to lovers? Pog’ in the chat and I thought it was really funny.”
“I mean, they’re technically not wrong.” You rolled your eyes, looking down at the time in the corner of your monitor. 

It was late. Almost three am. 

“Hey, I’ll talk to you tomorrow Wil, alright? I should go to bed soon.” 
Wil nodded, “Talk to you tomorrow, Y/N, sleep well.” He smiled as he hit the end call button. 

You sat in your dimly lit room in complete silence, other than the noise of the fans in your PC. You couldn’t believe you had to do this for a month. You truly wondered how you could do this, it was only day one and you wanted to crawl out of your skin and wash off the feeling that he gave you. In your act you could see how you might be able to fall for him, but once the call ended and you were snapped back to reality, you wished to take the hottest and longest shower in the word and wash the feeling of him away, watch the dirt slide down the drain and out of your mind. 

“You can do this. It’s only a month,” You whispered to yourself.
