#smart and defiant whumpees


Kidnapping prompt

Whumpee is kidnapped and tortured for caretaker’s identity. Every time they’re asked ‘What is their name?’, Whumpee always answers the same.

'They never told me. They never told me’

But the punches and the stabs keep on coming. Till Whumpee is on the ground, terribly wounded and barely conscious. They still painfully mutter the same thing.

Till Caretaker shows up after realising that Whumpee is missing. They beat up the kidnappers and untie Whumpee. Caretaker supports Whumpee’s weight, trying to keep them upright. But Whumpee whispers their name, Caretaker’s realname, before collapsing into their arms.

Caretaker had never told them their name yet somehow Whumpee had figured it out themselves. They told half-truths to their kidnappers to protectcaretaker and almost died in the process.
