#smith griftlands

Smith’s Griftlands campaign really just starts with him left in a box on the curb huh(Based on ► tho

Smith’s Griftlands campaign really just starts with him left in a box on the curb huh

(Based on ► those hysterical stock photos of buff dudes/“machos” doing random mundane shit ◄ because oh my god. The ongoing joke of “dude abandoned in box” has not left my brain since I first saw it like 2 years ago)

Post link

[WIP 2]

God I forgot to post the follow-up to the Banquod one too, this was from clear back in August lmao – not much further than the first wip posted here, but had the other bits we worked on from stream included this time.


Oh hey I never posted this did I

Super rough thumbnails for an angsty animatic I’ve been poking at since like Oct 2020

This version is actually from almost a year ago/Feb 2021 - Still chipping away at it every so often, but the past while’s been busy & this has taken a lot of planning/noodling on paper you can’t see here (the next section has some HEAVY action choreo lmao).

Maybe I can share some behind the scenes sometime once I finish the last batch of thumbnails…
