#snakes of tumblr


With tumblr imploding, I have no idea where to move to now. Anyone have any suggestions for where to move this blog?

took wade for a lil walk

he found a pocket on my shirt. could maybe hold a canister of bubble tape if you forced it.

he wedged himself in there, tail and head poking out, and took a nap

i love this weird dog

It occurs to me I never uploaded this old photo of the Shoelace™ ?? She’s so much bigger now,

It occurs to me I never uploaded this old photo of the Shoelace™ ?? She’s so much bigger now, I need to take some new photos of her. She’s getting so yellow in the front… this photo really shows off how pink she is, though!

Post link

Was fine when I took her out for cleaning. 

Was fine while I cleaned and let her noodle about through some paper towel tubes.

Was fine each time I needed to pick her up and put her back t the start of the tubes.

Threw an epic tantrum and tried to tag my hand when it was time to go back into the bin because hands are bad now.

Was fine once back in the bin.

Thanks little buddy. 

TL;DR pinworms

We can treat this. We’re good. It’s gross. But I will survive, and more importantly, so will he.

blessed be the shoelace™ for always going to the bathroom in the same corner of her enclosure, thank you for this gift of convenient spot cleaning oh kind and merciful shoelace™, yours is the only order in a truly unjust and chaotic world
