

Mayonnaise surprised me with this lovely little clutch! I thought she was still a few weeks out but she apparently elected to skip a pre-lay shed. Well done, May!


Hatshepsut didn’t like her new lay box and refused to use it, so I turned a drawer on my hatchling grow-out rack into a lay box instead. She’s used this size box before and I know she likes them. She dove in and almost immediately laid a single good egg and a single slug three days ago, but then shifted gears and started to focus on nesting instead.

Today she finally decided that her nest was ready and started laying in earnest.

Now I know for next time. Pharaoh gets a queen-sized birthing suite and nothing less.

I went out of town this past weekend so of course Morse laid her clutch the moment I left. These slightly dry but otherwise very lovely eggs should plump up in the warm humidity of the incubator.

Sneggwatch 2022 has commenced!
