#so i think the reddish tone is alright here xdd

Noldorin Portraits pt2: Fëanor, Nerdanel, Anairë, and Eldalótë.Alrighty, here’s the man himself! AndNoldorin Portraits pt2: Fëanor, Nerdanel, Anairë, and Eldalótë.Alrighty, here’s the man himself! AndNoldorin Portraits pt2: Fëanor, Nerdanel, Anairë, and Eldalótë.Alrighty, here’s the man himself! AndNoldorin Portraits pt2: Fëanor, Nerdanel, Anairë, and Eldalótë.Alrighty, here’s the man himself! And

Noldorin Portraits pt2: Fëanor, Nerdanel, Anairë, and Eldalótë.

Alrighty, here’s the man himself! And some famous ladies too! I adjusted Eldalótë’s colours from her old portrait since I didn’t quite like the original; her hair and dress are darker here, and I’m much happier with her palette now! :D

I also made some adjustments to Nerdanel’s colours, most notably her hair! It’s described as a sort of ruddy brown in canon, as opposed to the copper-red that I thought she shared with Maedros … Ah well! So I darkened her hair and added some brown to it. Hopefully it works XDDD

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