#so maybe it would help someone else


- My pets

- My Cis friends who have only ever gone by one set of pronouns

- Myself

- Fictional characters (majority of these being again cis)

- My own OCS that i literally decided the gender of (again, cis characters)

- Bonus: I have messed up the names of my cis friends I’ve known for years just by slip ups too, so this goes for names as well as pronouns

Essentially, Misgendering sucks so bad…but sometimes the brain is weird, it doesn’t always mean your friends etc don’t see you as the gender you are. You’re valid and wonderful and I hope you have a good day, and if not, know that things get better! - your local ace arospec enby

(PSA: this is not a post to excuse misgendering or not putting in the effort for your trans friends, and you should always appologise and correct! - this is for trans people not you)
