#so monochrome it is

for @psychduo-week day 4: seven years ⏰ transcript under cutComic begins with Simon yelling:“Stop fofor @psychduo-week day 4: seven years ⏰ transcript under cutComic begins with Simon yelling:“Stop fo

for@psychduo-week day 4: seven years ⏰

transcript under cut

Comic begins with Simon yelling:

“Stop following after me! You’re stuck in a time that no longer exists, Athena! Can’t you see that?! You can’t get your ‘uncle Simon’ back… because I am no longer the boy I once was-! I can never return to those days and neither can you!” 

Athena reaches out to him, saying, “W-wait, Simon… I just wanted to save you from-”

Simon interrupts, “I didn’t ask to be saved by you! I didn’t ask you to throw out the life you could have lived to work tirelessly for my sake!”

Athena starts yelling back, “Well, neither did I! You think I asked you to protect me?!”

Second page continues with Athena’s dialogue, as she cries, “Don’t talk about sacrifices like your life wasn’t ruined by what you did 7 years ago!” 

She calms down, saying much quieter, “How dare you… how dare you think for even a second that I would have just walked away and let you die?”

Simon doesn’t look back at her, and responds, “Well, perhaps you should have.”

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