#so uh yeah

oh holy shit! Thank you so much, everyone!As a proper thank you, I will finally get around to making

oh holy shit! Thank you so much, everyone!

As a proper thank you, I will finally get around to making the superfam family tree that I was supposed to do months ago, but you know shit happens and you get busy. I’ll get to that tomorrow though since it’s 2am and I need sleep. 

Again, thanks so much for following! It means a lot to me that you chose to stick around for my shitty posts

Post link

Listened to Falsettos again on a whim and yknow what? Ace Attorney would be perfect for the Falsettos AU. We have:

Phoenix as Whizzer

Miles as Marvin

Apollo/Trucy as Jason

Thalassa as Trina

Zak as Mendel

Maya as Cordelia

Franziska as Charlotte

Pepper in some AA plot points and events, and you’d have the recipe for a perfect tragedy. You cannot convince me otherwise; Falsettos is already so deliciously tragic, so combine that with the darker elements and themes below the surface of Ace Attorney and you’d get *chef’s kiss* a perfect plot to explore the unfairness of the world and tragedy as a whole. I just think it’d be neat, y'know?
