#soa jax


Juice Ortiz Imagine




It was almost a full year since Juice found out he was a dad. There was a lot of difficulties to work through as you and Juice became co parents. It took you a while to trust him, he was a complete stranger at first. But Juice really proved himself and he was the best father to Anthony.

Co parenting was so easy to work out. Juice was more then willing to do anything for Ant and for you. It was really nice having him around. With raising your son together, Juice easily became your best friend in all of this. 

Juice would watch Ant whenever you had work, no question asked even if it was an over night or rotating shift. He always told you if he was going to be away for a run or whatever club businesses. Sometimes Juice stayed all weekend at your house to spend time with Ant. Sometimes you let Juice take Ant for the weekend when he knew he had absolutely no club businesses to deal with. 

It was perfect.

Juice was more excited then normal today. He loved his son, more then anything. He’s pretty sure his son taught him what love was. It was great seeing Anthony growing and learning. He was more and more like Juice everyday. 

Juice quickly was wrapping up at the club house. He got everything he needed to do out the way. Sure he would still pick up calls from the club but he really hated having to make any runs when it was his time with his son. 

“Where you in a rush too?” Happy asked as he watched his brother running around the club house with his book bag. 

“With Ant this weekend.” Juice said with a smile. The club was more then supportive when finding out about Juice having a kid. They never let him live it down when they found about what the pool table part. 

“staying at Y/N house?” Jax asked with a teasing smile. He knew how Juice felt about you. He didn’t try to hide his feelings either but with learning to co parent together, starting anything romantic wasn’t a good idea. 

“I feel like I’m forgetting something.” Juice said mumbling more to himself as he double checked everything. He felt like he was in a rush to see Ant and you. He parked his bike in your drive way in his usual place. 

“Hey Y/N.” Juice said as he made his way in the house. He walked over to you placing a kiss to your cheek as you where busy in the kitchen. 

“Hey Juice! You’re earlier.” You said smiling up at him. He was the father of you son, he quickly got comfortable sending so much time at your house. You liked having him around. 

“Sorry, I should’ve called to let you know.” Juice said, he still felt like he was on eggshells around you. He didn’t want to cross a line and ruin everything. He wouldn’t know what to do if he lost you and Ant. You both where his family. 

“No thank god your here. I’m running late and Ant’s been having a tantrum since last night.” You said making Juice laugh as you ran through the house. 

“Daddy!” Juice heard a loud voice followed by tiny foot steps running through the hallway. 

“Hey Ant.” He said easily picking up the three year old into his arms. 

“Mama said you where being bad.” Juice said as he walked through the house. He felt so comfortable here, it felt more like home then his actual home. Well his dorm. 

“I have left overs shrimp and rice in the fridge when you get hungry. Theres also a weird noise coming from the hall bathroom anytime you turn the sink on. I’ll be back probably early morning. or the middle of the night.” You said as you threw your hair in a bun already in your scrubs. 

“I’ll have my phone, so call me if-” Juice caught you off by handing you the keys.

“I got it, don’t worry. ” Juice said leaning down placing a lingering kiss to your temple making your smile. You loved the extra attention Juice has been giving you. It was hard not to fall in love with him when he was literal perfect. He was such a gentleman. He took care of you and Anthony. He was an amazing father. 

“You’re the best.” You said as you stood on your tippy toes and gave Anthony a big kiss on his forehead. 

“Be good for daddy.” You said giving him a stern look. You see a big goofy grin on the toddler that he got from his father. 

“No kiss for daddy?” Juice asked making you blush as you grabbed your things as you gave him a little glare. 

“Well now what do you want to do today Ant?” Juice asked as he plopped down on the couch with the toddler. Any was more like his dad everyday, he was even picking up Juice’s habits the more time he spent with him. 

It was a long day, or both you and Juice. The hospital was so short staffed you felt like you where doing the job of 4 different nurses. Juice had his hands full with Anthony bossing him around all day. From wanting to go to the park, to trying and help Juice fix the skin at the house. Anthony most definitely had Juice’s ADHD. 

It was around 1 am, Juice was passed out laying in Ant’s small race car bed. He clearly didn’t fit his legs hanging off on the floor. Getting Ant to bed was a challenge every night. Juice had to tell him at least 4 different stories before Ant fell asleep on his chest. 

You groaned as you walked into the house. It was spotless, like always. Juice always cleaned up, you didn’t want him to but he did either way. You smiled realizing he fixed a few things around the house as well.

“Juice?” You called out not seeing him on the couch. You walked into Ant rooms smiling when you found them cuddled up against each other. You quickly took picture of them knowing it was going to be your next background on your phone. 

“Juice wake up.” You said shortly rubbing his shoulder. 

“Y/N your home already?” Juice grumbled in a deep husky voice as he looked over at you in your scrubs. He easily picked up Ant as he got up leaving the toddler in the bed. 

“Sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Juice said as you both walked out the room. 

“Thank you Juice.” You said giving him a big smile making him melt inside. 

“You don’t got to say that. I love being here with him.” Juice said. He kept to himself that he loved being here when you where here too. This was the worst part, he hated leaving. 

“Do you want coffee or something before you go?” You asked your eyes watching him desperately. 

“That would be nice.” Juice said following you into the kitchen. 

“How was work?” He asked as he watched you move around making a cup for you both. 

“You know, stressful and busy.” You said as you hopped on the counter. Juice was leaning over watching you. He loved having moments like this alone with you. 

“How was Ant today?” You asked Juice knowing there was always some good stories he would tell you. 

“He’s been asking for a little brother to plat with. He told me I’m old and I’m not good at playing tag.” Juice said giving you that charming smile of his. 

“Oh god.” you groaned covering your face as you felt it heat up. 

“ I told him, maybe for Christmas.” Juice joked back only making your face redder. He knew exactly what he did to you. 

“Juice!” You yelled smacking his arms only making him laugh. 

“Have you thought about having more kids? in the future you know. If you meet someone.” Juice asked feeling his heart get heavy. 

“I’ve never thought about it. I never really thought about meeting someone and letting them into Ants life like that.” You said as you watched Juice. What you would give to be able to read his mind. 

“Have you ever thought about us?” Juice asked, as he stepped closer to you. He was standing between your legs as you sat on top of the counter. 

“I have Juice. Your an amazing father. Honestly you take care of me too. I don’t know what I would do without you now.” You told him looking in his brown warm eyes. 

“I would like to stop pretending to play family. I want to be here all the time for Anthony, for you. I don’t want to have to leave. This feels like my home. You both are my home.” Juice admitted his hand coming to rest on your cheek. It was warm to the touch as Juice admitted his feeling to you. 

“Can I take you to dinner friday?” Juice asked only making you laugh. 

“I would love that, now kiss me Juice.” You said pulling your arms around his neck pulling him back to you. His large hands rested on your thighs as your legs locked around him. The kiss was painfully slow, as you both enjoyed the feeling of having the other against them. 

“Maybe Ant could get a little brother or sister.” Juice mumbled into your lips making you laugh. He always knew how to make you laugh no matter what.

The evolution of Jackson Teller.

Like a fine wine, he gets better with age

A sweet Jax with a little Abel

Oh god this moment was E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!
