#social distance


As a nurse, I don’t want long posts on social media talking about how amazing we are during this pandemic. I don’t want a round of applause or touching, heartfelt stories of nurses working in unsafe environments and many times to the point of sickness or, yes, even death.


I want outrage as the CDC even mentions the use of “homemade masks”. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ppe-strategy/face-masks.html

I want anger that people were and are stealing from hospitals as we already dealt with supply shortages.

I want people appalled that in this country our leaders in healthcare ever let it get this far even thought we knew for months this was coming.

So go ahead. Post that picture, share that story about that nurse you know. As for myself and countless others, we’ll be heading into work tomorrow, desperately trying to ration what supplies we have, hoping that people listen and social distance as a much as possible. Because we’re tired, and we’re scared.

(for real though quit stealing from us you assholes)


Please listen to my dear friend Christina explain why social distancing is so critically important.
