#soft felix


Felix x reader

fluffy, sad!reader, sweet bb Felix

Your day was horrible. Not just horrible - it was the type of horrible that made you feel horrible about yourself. Your shoulders slumped, feet dragged, and eyes slowly rose from the ground to the lock of the door. Everything felt like it was in slow-motion. The keys jangled far too noisily, and you opened the door too hard, and you dropped your things too forcefully. Why was it so difficult for you to do things well today?

Somehow, you managed to close and lock the door, take off your shoes, and head into your bedroom. Your boyfriend, Felix, looked up from his game to watch you trudge across the room. “Hey babe. You feeling alright?” His deep voice was filled with concern, but you could only sigh in response. Felix paused his game, eyebrows furrowing as he watched you. Your hands weakly picked up a soft, oversized t-shirt and shorts from your closet. You could feel Felix’s gaze follow you all the way out the door. Only when you were safe behind the closed bathroom door did you let yourself break. You sniffed and let your tears freely fall while you changed.

When you were finished, you looked at yourself in the mirror above the sink, wiping at your cheeks and eyes. Felix would know you had cried. You sighed at your reflection in disappointment and slowly bent to pick up your discarded clothes that somehow ended up on the floor. Another inconvenience to add to your growing list of stressors.

When you found yourself back in the bedroom, Felix was laying on the bed staring at you with his warm eyes and loving, freckled face. You blinked at him in response, fingers twisting the fabric in your hands. Then he opened his arms, beckoning you to him. The clothes fell from your hands and you scrambled across the bed into Felix’s embrace. His hands wrapped around you, one hand on your lower back, slipping under your shirt to rub soothing circles into your skin, and the other on your head. His fingers threaded through your hair and massaged your scalp. Surrounded by Felix’s warmth, scent, and love, you broke again. 

Your body shook with each sob. Felix drew you closer. He placed a sweet kiss to the top of your head and let you cry into his chest. After countless minutes of weeping, you finally went silent, throat tight and body exhausted. Your boyfriend looked down at you, moving so he could see your eyes. Your puffy eyes peered up at him, barely open. He gave you a smile. “Hello beautiful.” His lips kissed your forehead, then your cheek, and then they met your lips. You inhaled deeply, relishing in the feeling. His eyes met yours once more before he reached for the blanket, tangling your legs together and tucking your head beneath his chin.
