#some thoughts




I know I posted a draft of this yesterday but this is better actually

[ID: a 5x5 grid with the caption “sea shanty generator”. The top X axis is captioned “I am” with the options “horny” “mean” “sad” “drunk” “gay. The Y axis is captioned "about” with the options “boats” “my friends” “the captain” “the fair bonny shores of home” “treasure”. End ID]

Some preliminary entries just from my most listened. Yes my favourite sea shanties are all mean and gay because I have taste

Sometimes I hate that smart and healthy D/s takes trust and time… That you need to have serious conversations about safety and expectations. That there are real risks.

Because, honestly, sometimes I meet a guy and I just want him to tie me down and use me like a little fucktoy. Like, now.

I’m learning more and more how to be supportive of someone with mental health problems. I certainly have my own issues, but I feel like I’ve never really known what to do or say to others when they are struggling. I want to be better at it, and I know I’m not great at it sometimes. I can’t solve everyone’s problems and need to remember that. I need to be a good listener and not carry the burden of other people’s pain and let it affect me and/or my relationship with that person. I need to be a better friend and partner, and I am trying more and more every day.

As someone who has bottled up her emotions for a quarter of a century, a deep, heavy, desperate cry once in a while is really necessary and important. It happened the other day, I didn’t get out of bed much the next morning or afternoon, but after I felt so elated and alive. I gained perspective somehow and let go of a lot of things I should have uttered or expressed in some form long ago. The past few days since this purge of whatever emotional stuff was festering inside have been absolutely wonderful. I feel happy and whole, and I see this reflected onto others in the way they interact with me and treat me. It’s hard to understand yourself completely and the effect you have on others when you’re feeling down. I’m beginning to understand, and I know that I don’t want to be this dark, sighing, cloudy presence. I want to be someone others genuinely want to be around because of my spirit, generosity, graciousness and whatever else I really, really want to offer but can’t all the time. I’m working on it and trying really hard. I know it hasn’t gone unnoticed, and I just have to keep it up.

Having a partner who is open, vulnerable, down to earth and makes you feel comfortable in a matter of seconds has been so rewarding. I’m exploring and examining a lot of different facets of myself through this relationship, and it has been really great. There are many things I’ve wanted and kind of experienced at a surface level, but being with someone who is curious, respectful and supportive has allowed me to become more in tune with my own self and really understand my wants and desires. I’m referring here to physical things, but not exclusively. I have to say that our sex life is incredibly phenomenal, and I’ve honestly never been with someone who is so openminded and wants to nurture what we have and make me want to push my own boundaries. I told him how connected I feel to him and how it’s rare for me to really open up and allow myself to fully trust a person or tell them what I want. This has been so different. So open, so communicative and so good. I literally brought him to tears just casually telling him all the reasons why I’m grateful he loves me, and that was really sweet. I certainly don’t need validation from other people to be comfortable in my own skin or to do the things I want to do. But it’s really nice having this special kind of relationship that is encouraging and supportive and makes me want to really live my life authentically and happily.

I spent the last five days in the Catskills mountains visiting my mom, and leaving was very difficult. She moved into a new house, and all of my things are no longer sitting cozy inside of my childhood dresser or surrounding the bed I slept on and cried on and loved on from the time I started elementary school until shortly after I turned 18. Everything was organized and packed carefully in boxes in their own corner of my mom’s new attic. She allowed me the opportunity to “go shopping” through all these years of my life, seeing things I probably haven’t touched since the day I brought them home proudly from school or whipped out of my closet to show a friend and laugh. It was surreal, but strangely comforting. My mom has built a new life for herself, is decorating things the way she wants and has created this existence that flows and makes sense with her partner.

I’m doing the same here in Ohio. I’m by myself on this foggy, drizzly, concrete morning, looking out the window at cars with scowling drivers inside and feeling a sweet black cat rub against my foot because she missed her cranky human friends while we were gone. My guy is back at work, then off to a rehearsal, and I know when he returns he’ll sigh a lot about his aching feet, and we’ll eat pizza and drink beers and things will all be the same. I like this life, but it sure was nice to escape into this strange universe where no one was around, I saw my old life tucked away into a corner, there, but not easily within view. I could access it but understood that if I need it, it’s an eight-hour drive away. 

I loved how peaceful the trip was, being with family I love and with the man I am building a life with here. He was so happy and loving, riding around on dirt paths and convincing me to be outdoorsy and adventurous. He was so loving and doting, and he slept so peacefully. Life isn’t always a vacation, but I loved being able to spend it with this person. Seeing someone in a new context can be enlightening. Though we had these gorgeous mountains and mysterious woods surrounding us, it was typically in my lap or on my shoulder that he wanted to spend his time. I don’t have the comforts of home anymore, but I truly feel as though I’m building a new one, a meaningful one, one that I understand and accept and look forward to returning to. 

I had a dream about my old job last night. This was a position that put me in an incredibly awkward place seven days a week, kept me up at night, made me cry, gave me panic attacks and kept me secretly working late at night and on weekends, doing work that didn’t fall under my jurisdiction but that I was still accountable for because “someone had to do it.”

A little rattled by said dream, I decided to creep on some of my old coworkers’ LinkedIn profiles to see if they were still with the company. Big surprise, many of them quit this year, as did I.

I felt a weird sense of happiness for them and spite for the company that gave zero shits about its employees and would constantly completely overhaul and rewrite our positions and job responsibilities whenever “numbers were down” and without our consultation. I faced such a weird internal moral dilemma working there, having to be submissive to rich, old, white men, having to schmooze and listen to the ridiculous demands of CEOs who treated me like a dumb little girl, and having to hear things from my boss like, “Why can’t you be more like [other co-worker]?”

It was all bullshit, and it’s made me tougher and more assertive in my current position. Fortunately, the leadership at my current job is extremely open-minded, and I’m actually praised for the work I do, and I know when I’m doing a good job and actually deserve the recognition.

The pay was better at the last placed I worked, but I would never, ever go back to that kind of environment. It isn’t worth damaging my personal relationships, giving up a social life, and feeling utterly inferior and worthless every day of my life. When you take a step back and realize you are educated, skilled in certain areas and an asset to a company that takes you for granted, you gain a tremendous sense of power and self-assurance that can push you to do bigger, better things.

Confidence isn’t an easy thing to keep up each day - especially having dealt with people who undermine you on a regular basis - but it’s nice when you’re able to separate yourself from a situation and repair whatever damage was done and use your fire and rage as motivation to work hard for something that actually matters.

soooo ricky and nini have written several songs for each other,, another one to be shown on the show soon, and yall still think they’re gonna break up huh

just wondering…but do u guys want more funiture cc ?? (like them plushies lol)




Terry Richardson is a man who once said of breaking into modeling, “It’s not who you know,it’s who you blow. I don’t have a hole in my jeans for nothing.”

Sign the petition to stop him here.

How is a petition going to stop any industry predicated on structural woman hatred.

Yeah, and he’s Bill Richardson’s kid. I love fashion, work-ish in fashion, and study fashion…but the depth to which this fuckery goes runs deep… I’ve been sent thirteen year olds for shoots (and while it was a super chill, all female, people I know and trust set…and her handlers were responsible), it kind was rather unsettling that girls this young (who may not have great agents, caring parents, or working with crews who GIVE a shit) are placed in these environments. But this petition will do jack shit. He’ll probably take an overexposed picture of it (why people hire him when Juergen Teller exists…) If you’re actively seized on the matter, deal with his clients.

People like him are part of something which is so much bigger than we are. The systematic use of women as visual objects, there solely for, what is basically very soft porn, goes back so far in society and culture and media. 

The way women see themselves is from a male perspective of how they should look, and when men are the ones in control of their success and fortune based on how they look, those men take advantage. 

This is coming from someone who, like the previous commenter, works/studies fashion. I can’t hate it, but at least I’m trying to understand it. There are way too many pieces of history that are woven together to make up why Richardson’s attitude is presently accepted in the industry. 

It need a massive change of ideas on all sides. I don’t think humanity as a whole is quite there yet to see it and to act on it. But we might be, some day.

Some thoughts on some boys…

Okay, so - before this, I think I maybe managed to get through (at most) 3 or 4 episodes of season one of The Boys before I decided to stop watching? Going back to it to see Jensen’s work as Soldier Boy was a good incentive, to see if things had improved at all in the intervening time between these last seasons and uhHHHHhhhh…

I just want to say, firstly, that I think (with the exception of Antony Starr, who seems to be proving himself to be the J3rd of the Boys cast - he is very talented but there’s a reasonhe was so drawn to Homelander xp) the cast is lovely and funny and sweet and charming and talented. They clearly enjoy each other’s company and appreciate each other’s contributions, which is always nice to see. It’s also genuinely nice to see Jensen getting so much love (deservedly so - we all been knew) from a whole other cast of folks who genuinely appreciate his talent and capabilities.

That said, though… the concept for this entire series (and comic) is absurdly thin: what if superheroes were all assholes instead of role models? Basically just take the existing superheroes in our world and give them a little cheeky baddie palette swap. Because that’s basically all it is - a direct flip-around of what the good versions of these characters are.

Instead of being respectful and dutiful and kind and courageous, Soldier Boy is arrogant, gross around women, cheats on his girlfriend, mistreats his sidekick, seems pretty damN racist (I noticed a number of article headlines scattered around in various scenes - as well as the whole ‘helped distribute drugs in distressed neighborhoods’ thing and the 'took part in black bag guerilla warfare’ thing too xp), and like Jensen pointed out, he’s basically going to be everybody’s oblivious racist grandpa at Thanksgiving.

Woo. What incisive commentary, Kripke. I must hasten you - don’t strain yourself, homey. :|

See, that’s the thing - Kripke said that they would be 'exploring toxic masculinity’ with SB (and notice how Jensen takes that line and just runs and runs with it in interviews), but when he says 'exploring’, I’m pretty sure he just means 'show SB being toxic to everyone around him’. Which - that’s not exploring, that’s just showing a character being toxic. That’s not doing anything ABOUT the problem itself within the narrative - it’s just saying, hey, this uhh… this exists, okay? and we’re all like ’?!? YEAH!? AND?! What about it,Sparky?’

I mean, I could be wrong, I guess, but just based on what I’ve seen so far, these are my feelings about the whole thing. The stories aren’t nuanced or interesting enough (despite it being the third season) - it’s just more of the same superficial, ground floor level 'character A had bad experience, character A is sad in their pants’. Like, storytelling for babies. It’s lazy and not nearly doing enough with all the genuine potential that can be found in a concept like this.

The special effects are very well done, I will say. But as someone who’s been watching horror films and enjoying horror media of all sorts since I was about 12? There’s only so many times you can see someone get exploded into a pile of stew meat before it just stops being shocking. Because that’s just how people’s brains work. You see something enough, no matter how awful it might be, and your mind will eventually become inured to it.

Like, that’s their schtick - they love exploding people. And I mean, I guess that’s a signature move to have, but… again, if you keep going back to the same set piece or Event (capital E, more crucial to the story) over and over again, then it ceases to be innovative or shocking and it’s just you kicking the same dead whale hoping for something different to happen (and yeah, I heard about that bit - and again, MORE unnecessary, gross explosions).

I wanna point out again - I’m a huge horror fan, I love me some gory, fucked up stories and set pieces, but ultimately, the gore in The Boys serves no actual purpose except to shock an audience who should be beyond shocking with this set of tactics, by this point. The violence doesn’t move the plot along, the SFX are impressive but don’t really DO anything for the scenes to make them more or less of anything mood or tone wise (unless 'gross’ is a mood - is it a mood? O.o). It’s just - ooh, violence happened, aren’t you shooketh.

Um. No. I’m bored. You had an Ant-Man analog jump into his boyfriend’s urethra and then had him SNEEZE and I’m bored out of my mind.

That’s a big problem.

Like I said - I really love horror. It’s my favorite genre, without even thinking very hard, but as a fan of that genre and someone who finds that subject matter insanely interesting (I’m also a huge true crime nerd and have been my whole life - I’ve always been drawn to the darker side of human nature), you think I would be cheering at all the creative kills and such, but nope.

I suppose, if you completely just turn off your brain and kick back into 'heheh 'splodies’ mode, it can be a super fun show, but … that seems like kinda it, and that’s not enough for me to wanna keep watching. It’s also one of the reasons why I haven’t watched many movies in the last few years - I’m not a 'popcorn movie’ person. I’m not the sort to run out and watch the latest blockbuster movie that’s coming out just because it’s a blockbuster and everyone’s seeing it. I’m not a person who watches movies to turn off my brain - because joke’s on you, my brain NEVER TURNS OFF, EVER, and it processes things at a degree most people’s usually just don’t (I’m not even bragging tho - it can be so fucking overwhelming and exhausting) so I might as well have fun with it while it’s running, you feel me? So give me a movie I can really sink my fangs into and chew on for days or weeks or months after watching it. Something with nuance and intriguing characters and emotional complexity. Not just imagery that’s haunting or scenes that left me feeling unnerved or uncomfortable, but scenes that make me want to THINK ABOUT WHY THEY MADE ME FEEL THE WAY THEY DID.

I don’t really need to think about why Homelander getting a birthday handy from Stormfront makes me feel gross. Because it just is and it just does. They did that on purpose. It’s exactly what it says on the tin. No surprises, no real nuance, no greater depth than everything floating at surface level. No reflection or deep thinking required.

I do again want to point out that I’m not taking anykind of issue with any of the actors (again - except for that wanker Starr) or production team or anything. They all seem lovely and I applaud them for their awesome work! I’m also so fucking proud of Jensen for getting here and dazzling everyone with what he can do. It’s a weird feeling, but one I’ve definitely had before - of getting to see someone I’ve been a fan of for a while finally getting the attention they deserve. On the one hand, I’m so proud, but on the other, it’s like my little secret I carried around for years is out, now, and the whole world is gonna know about him and how incredible he is.

I just think the original “The Boys” concept was really weak and lazy and Kripke isn’t particularly innovative on his own steam, so that doesn’t help the situation much. It’s the weakness of the story and writing in general that are this show’s greatest failings and my biggest gripes with it, at present. The concept could be so much more than Kripke is doing with it, and it’s just better for me to skip around to Soldier Boy’s stuff and enjoy Jensen’s performance than try to engage with any of the other storylines as they are, because it would just be an experiment in frustration, for me, so yeah - pass.

I’ve got other shows I genuinely adore and can’t wait to watch again (OFMD ily) and shows that I haven’t seen yet and do wanna get around to (Obi-Wan Kenobi - even though I can’t stand the SW franchise, I adore Ewan McGregor). And life is generally too fucking short to waste time on stuff that is just so very thoroughly Not For Me. So yeah.

Happy mothers day to me too. I am a cactus mom. Ba dum tsss! A cactus which I haven’t killed yet… Dum ba tsss? It was a grown ass cactus when I bought. Tsss ba dum?
