

It is a game that we play.

I know the rules well. But when you come to realise that the game is merely a game, its appeal fades and its folly becomes more apparent.

It is no less brave or more foolhardy to let go and move on, than to continue playing, sweating it out in your arena.

It is a fine and intricate game, but I see your tricks and know your ways. I am both delighted and sickened by it. Both enthralled and repulsed by it. But I am a fair player and a sore loser.

Your game is not for me. Where the rules are yours and never mine. Where my lies are wrong and yours are scripture.

I see through you now. You dance the Waltz, while I make my own merry jig. You speak in circles and move in straight lines. My speech is plain and my movement free, spiralling as a leave in wind.

Your scorn once threw me. Now I smile a knowing smile and laugh with utter glee.

I see you now.

I hope that some day you see it too.

Inspired by: John Butler - OCEAN
