#somehow turned this into a whole fic lol



Scenario Time

You hear your neighbors fighting through the walls of your apartment. They’re a young couple, but one is pregnant and overdue. A door slams and everything goes silent. You brush it off and continue with your day alone. Hours later, you leave to get food but find your very pregnant neighbor who is obviously giving birth behind the dumpsters.

What would you do? Help them deliver the baby right there, take them to a hospital/birth center, or bring them back to your apartment and let them give birth there?

I was stunned to see her out by the garbage like this behind our building. She was huffing and puffing like she’d just run a marathon, the solid girth of her belly moved with each breath under hands. I look up to the windows above us where I estimated where her and her boyfriend lived. The lights were still on. Why hadn’t she gone up? The fight they had earlier couldn’t have been that bad, right? I wouldn’t have tuned out after the first five minutes if I knew this was going to happen. I decide to approach her evidently laboring form and pull out my phone.

“Hey, are you ok? Do you need me to call ambulance?” I ask.

She looked up at me abruptly. “No! No hospitals! I can’t aff- OOUUUGHH!” The young woman digs her fingers into her belly, I can see its surface contort slightly underneath the fabric of her shirt.

I clicked my tongue. Couldn’t very well force her into something she didn’t want. But she couldn’t give birth in a place like this, I see a pair of rats scurry down the alley with a spoiled banana in their mouth’s. I bend down and put her arm around my shoulder.

“Its not safe to have your baby out here though, at least let me get you somewhere safe.”

She looked hesitant, but she began getting up from her squat from behind the dumpster and leaning her weight onto me.

“Ok, just a safe place…thank you.”

I nod and we start moving toward the inside of the building. It was hard holding her up, but we eventually got to the elevator. I look down at her as we ride up. She looked a lot younger than I expected when I saw glimpses of her around the complex every once and awhile. Wouldn’t surprise me if we went to the same campus.

The door opens we both shuffle down the halls. It might be best to just tell her boyfriend what was going on, I think as we approach our end of the hall. She starts to groan loudly right then, most likely another contraction. I let her lean on the wall and work through it so I can get her boyfriends attention.

I go to knock on the door, but my nose is immediately met with the smell of hard liquor and cigar smoke and my ears hear the rambunctious laughing of her boyfriend as well as others. I look back at my neighbor, their eyes tightly shut and sweat starting to bead on her brow. One hand bracing the wall and the other holding the underside of her belly like it would prevent her overdue baby from dropping into her canal.

Her apartment was probably worse than the garbage dumb at this point. I take her arm over my shoulder again and slowly walk her to my apartment. After we’re in, I usher her into my living room where she finds the kitchen table to brace herself against now. I steal a glance at the crotch of her maternity jean’s. They were completely drenched. I couldn’t see it out in the dark, but it was pretty clear now that she wasn’t in early stages of labor at all. This baby could come out at anytime now.

I think about where best to leave her. My bed would be the most comfortable, but I’d rather not have to add a new mattress to my expenses. Same with the living space and couch. I went and checked my bathroom. It was clean but it was hardly big enough . I sigh and direct her towards my bedroom. I’d just have to stack a dozen towels under her and sleep on the couch after this was over with.

“This is the best I can do, I’m sorry.”

“N-ngh, no, it’s fine, this is good,” she mutters half breathlessly. She begins to pull off her pants.

I avert my eyes quickly and feel my face flush. “Well, uh, do you need anything else?” I ask, backing out the room

“Please, ooough, could I get some water…”

“Of course, sure,” I hurry out the doorway to get hee water.

When I wished that I could spend a Saturday evening with a pretty girl, this was the absolute last way I wanted it. I get a bottle of water for her and every available towel that I have, and walk back to the room.

I enter and I was greeted to her fully nude on the edge of my bed with every article of clothing discarded onto the floor. Her stomach was covered with long, red strechmarks, belly button completely smoothed over and it jutted off of her frame like a beach ball. It looked so much lower than it did when she was clothed as well. Her belly hung between her spread out legs, one of her hands still holding the underside of it. Her breasts were even more surprising, with veins spread throughout them and areolas as large as saucers.

I was quickly snapped out of my trance when I heard her scream louder than she had before, her stomach shrinking beneath her palms, fluid dripping from her crotch. I quickly come to her side, tossing the towels between her legs. When the contraction stops I left the bottle to her lips, She only gets a few sips in before she breathlessly tries to speak.

“I think…I think…,” she whimpered.

“What is it? Do you need something else?”

Her stomach seizes hard and she falls back onto the bed, more fluid drips out onto the towel covered floor. “It’s coming! My baby is coming!” she yelled. I wish I had turned way fast enough, but my eyes were quickly exposed to her pussy beginning to spread around her big headed baby.

I had no idea how wide a women’s vagina could stretch during birth and my neighbors baby looked like it was just starting. The young woman pulled her legs up and back toward her chest, her large contracting belly still towering high and framed between her legs.

Her pussy began bulging outwards with more of the baby’s head. She shrieked about how bad her pussy was burning and stretching. I had no Idea what to do but watch. How did she make it look she was completely in control and struggling at the same time?

The head somehow kept spreading her until eventually it popped out of her pussy with a gush of fluid and blood.

“AUUUGGGGHHHH- Catch it!” She screamed, continuing to bear down.

I was snapped out of my shock and went between her legs, grabbing a wet towel. I put the towel around the head. The body comes forward, the shoulders spreading her wide. again.

Her scream echoes in my ears, fluid and blood spurts out of the gaps between the babe and her pussy. I saw her still big stomach contract on her, outlining her pained womb and heard scream louder than before. The shoulders and body of the baby slid out into my hands with a large amount of fluid splashing on the floor.

In my hands was a big, wet baby girl, just beginning to cry out for its mother. I get up and put the baby on my neighbor’s chest.

What an eventful Saturday.
