#something in the water


But the next chapter of SITW is definitely shaping up to be my fave so far. The dickkory and core four (plus Tim) goodness I have planned is exactly why I started writing this in the first place. 

I imagined Kory’s dress in the last two chapters (and part of the next one) looking something like this. In shades of purple, of course.

Granted I tend to edit as I go a lot but this seemed important to point out since it’s a matter of characterization. I initially had Rachel chasing Gar with the water gun but I’m thinking now that it would more likely be the other way around. Here’s the new line.

   The only comfort he takes in the situation is the fact Rachel has properly been coaxed from her lonely corner. Him trying to talk her into playing whack a mole or order a Shirley Temple hadn’t worked, and she’d rather fall into a pit than sing Karaoke. It takes Gar chasing her with a water gun to get her out of her own way for at least a moment, no time to mope when you’re escaping a watery assault. If Dick had tried something similar then Rachel would have seen right through it. She probably would have ended the night right then and there because Dick just isn’t the contagious sort of fun that Gar is. As they weave their way through the crowd, a few of the partygoers look annoyed but most of them cheer him on. “Get her kid!” they yell after him encouragingly.

I’ll probably flesh the scene out a little bit more today before continuing with ch. 7

The latest chapter of SITW will likely drop today and holy fuck do I love it.
