#sorry for repost

Got to do a watercolor commission for a friend! As if I needed an excuse to draw this boy  Got to do a watercolor commission for a friend! As if I needed an excuse to draw this boy  Got to do a watercolor commission for a friend! As if I needed an excuse to draw this boy 

Got to do a watercolor commission for a friend! As if I needed an excuse to draw this boy 

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Octanivelle Dorm Lounge

Vil: I make a special toner for my skin, which leaves it rich and moisturized. It works far better than any other cosmetic.

Vil: And you’re telling me that you can prepare an even better toner, one week before the entrance ceremony?

Azul: Of course. If you sign the contract, your wish to attend the entrance ceremony with the most beautiful skin yet, will be granted.

Azul: ‘Any wish can be granted, no matter how difficult’…You came here because you heard such a rumor about me, isn’t that right?

Vil: Well, aren’t you confident. I can’t trust a man who makes cheap promises.

Azul: It’s fine to pull your request if you can’t trust me.

Azul: However…I think it would be difficult for anyone but myself to fulfill such a demanding request.

Vil: Grinning like that, you’re such an unpleasant man aren’t you… Well then, what do you want in return for this?

Azul: Let’s see…

Azul: I’d like 10 flowers from the Country of Augite, that which you grow in your botanical garden.

Vil: Flowers, is it…There’s no need to be so roundabout.

Vil: You must have already known that it’s a valuable poison. You really are quite cunning.

Azul: Fufu. Isn’t it a fitting compensation for your difficult request?

Vil: Very well then. I’ll take the deal. I’ve steeled my resolve for the sake of my wish.

Azul: It’s a deal then! I look forward to the day I receive the flowers.

Azul: I’m glad this turned out to be beneficial for the both of us. Jade, Floyd, Vil shall be taking his leave.

Vil: There’s no need to escort me. If you have the free time for that, then use it towards granting my request.

Azul: ….Good grief. He’s such a noisy person.

Azul: It seems like we have to make the world’s most moisturizing toner yet.

Floyd: Isn’t Betta-chan-senpai’s skin plenty pretty already?

Jade: It’s just like Vil-san to want even more than that. He’s always trying to improve himself even further.

Azul: Vil excels at Magical Pharmaceutics; He must have tried all manner of herbs that are good for the skin.

Azul: In that case, we’ll have to use other ingredients to make the toner.

Jade: Then, why not use your skill in alchemy, Azul?

Jade: I assume the metals and ores used in alchemy are not common materials used in Magic Pharmaceutics.

Azul: Certainly, we do have metals and precious stones which have medicinal effects when turned into fine powder. It’s worth a shot.

Floyd: Eh~ but ain’t that boring?

Azul: Why?

Floyd: 'Cos, using metals and ores, don’t it seem like an obvious answer?

Floyd: I think Betta-chan-senpai expects something that he didn’t even think of before, right?

Azul: ….You do have a point. An element of surprise is important. As they say, surprise often leads to satisfaction.

Azul: Well then, let’s find some ingredients that aren’t normally used in cosmetics to add to its moisturizing value.

Floyd: What’s 'moisturizing’ mean?

Jade: To put it simply…it makes something soft and jelly-like?

Azul: That’s right. I’ll leave it to you two to gather the materials. Meanwhile I’ll prepare the tools for conducting our experiment.

Jade: Understood.

—-A few days later—-

Floyd: Ahh~ I’m done with this. Can I quit?

Jade: Attempt No.198…has also ended in failure, it seems.

Azul: No matter how much we try to refine it, it still fails to produce better results than that of Vil’s toner!

Floyd: There’s only one day left before the deadline you promised Betta-chan-senpai. Dun think this is gonna happen.

Jade: What is it lacking… Is it permeability? Or perhaps viscosity?

Azul: That’s not it… We agreed we needed an element of surprise in the ingredients, so perhaps we should consider an innovative composition for it as well?

Jade: In that case, we need more….maybe here we should add….

Azul: But then…..instead it…..no but even then….

Floyd: Jelly, pudding, slime, gumball, raw meat, blisters…

Floyd: Ugh, I’m tired of seeing all these fleshy stuff.

Azul: Floyd, stop trying to damage the ingredients.

Floyd: We dun really need all these right~? Your octopus form is a lot more fleshy than all these stuff combined.

Azul: What? ….Why would you bring that up now of all times. Don’t mess with me.

Floyd: When yer in the ocean, yer so fleshy and tasty looking. Even if we tried to hold in all of you, you’d just pop right out.

Jade: Certainly…Azul’s form in the ocean is jelly-like and very…fufufu.

Azul: Don’t agree with him Jade, and don’t laugh!

Azul: And in that case, Floyd, your form in the ocean is quite slippery as well!

Floyd: Eh, me? Ya think so? Then Jade’s the same too right?

Azul: ….hm?

Azul: Now that you said it, Jade has good skin too doesn’t he. If you look closely, even in this human form….

Jade: Do you think so? I hadn’t really thought about it.

Azul: In that case…we seem to have an inherent moisture. And what we have in common is….

Azul: …Jade, come here.

Azul: …..ocean…..skin…..the mucilage is…..

Jade: Gelatin…..collagen as well…..harvesting…..

Azul: Ocean water…..rich in mineral….

Floyd: Yer mumbling is creeping me out. What’re you talking about?

Azul: Floyd, can you spare a minute? I need you to turn into your eel form.

Floyd: Eh, no way. ….The hell is Jade practicing wringing a dust cloth for!?

Jade: Hn! Hn!

Azul: This is for the sake of a successful deal. Please endure it for a while.

Jade: The image training was perfect. I don’t want to hurt my precious brother after all.

Floyd: Wh—Noooooooo!!

Part 2
