#sorry im slightly confused


@snazzieyama asked, “otps and single parents au please uwu! congrats on 200 babie!!!” 

1. “You’re the next-door neighbor my child has attached themselves to, and I’m so sorry.” 

2. “We work together and we’ve always been a little on the hostile side toward each other, but I had to bring my child to work today and you’re the only one they’ve gotten along with so far.” 

3. “After my spouse died, you were the friend who helped me pick up the pieces and raise my child, but lately I’ve been looking at you… Differently.” 

4. “Our kids are best friends, so we end up spending time together so that they can. Luckily, you’re really cute.” 

5. “My child wandered off at the grocery store, and I’ve been panicking, but you’re the kind-hearted stranger who brought them back to me. Please let me thank you with dinner.”

6. “You’re the first person I’ve gone out with in years, and I’m nervous about it anyway, but halfway through dinner I get a call that my child has a fever and I should go check on them. I’m so sorry, but I-what do you mean you’ll go help me? Are you really that understanding?”

7. “My job keeps my crazy-busy, and you always offer to watch my child. I feel guilty constantly leaving them with you, but neither of you seem to mind.” 

8. “I asked you to be my child’s godparent when they were born, but lately I’ve been wondering how you’d feel about step-parent.” 

9. “Our kids are partners for a school project, and neither of them told us about some really crucial supplies they needed until the last minute, so we’re out on an 11 PM Walmart run.” 

10. “We went on one date, and it was decent but didn’t really go anywhere. However, your contact is right beneath my friend’s in my phone, and I accidentally called you when I was sick and asked you to watch my child. My bad, but could you actually please come because I think I might pass out.” 
