#sorry op



lgbtq people are like “look at my babygirl!!!” and the babygirl is a middle-aged man who has gone through the horrors of life


tumblr is so different from other sites. if you say “he activated his autism beam” its with the agreement that everyone on the site is neurodivergent and respectful and find it funny via autism being powerful or whatever. if you saw that post on any other site it would be in mockery of autistic people. do you understand what im saying








And when a six-foot tall Persian priestess with a fucking GOLD EYE speaks, you know you damn well listen to what she has to say.


Finally had a tiny break time.

So…. Anyone still up for golden eyed six foot tall priestess??

Please draw her more and color her.


My pentab going wonky so didnt get to color my janky ass sketch. but here is the sacrificial art to summon lesbian deity’s dead priestess.
bonus: 6 foot high golden eye priestess looking down at all the smols.

Hey, so, I’m pretty shy hijacking the original post but if you’re interested in following more six foot tall golden eyed princess art, feel free perhaps to visit my dash? I’ll be posting the colored version there ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Post link



*old southern cowboy drawl* listen, pardner. this bed IS big enough for the both of us so come cuddle already


@stayoutofitnick I see your Tuon, and I raise you Mat making fun of Tuon’s accent to her face


we go on a date and I bring u back to my apartment and say hold on let me set the mood. and then I turn on the runescape original soundtrack


we go on a date and i bring u back to my apartment and say hold on let me set the mood. and then i turn on my heel and dive headfirst out of the 12 storey-high window



what if we kissed while the two musical motifs representing our characters overlapped, complimenting each other perfectly




the biggest scam tumblr pulls is all the people who come here convinced they want to be tumblr famous

the best experience you can have on tumblr is goofing around with your mutuals and one of the worst experiences is having a post with 20k+ notes.



the biggest scam tumblr pulls is all the people who come here convinced they want to be tumblr famous

the best experience you can have on tumblr is goofing around with your mutuals and one of the worst experiences is having a post with 20k+ notes.



Frank said “oh so Grant gets a personalized drum head? Then so do I!”

sit. stay. beg. wasn’t enough??


I can’t stand this mf

same energy



You can say trans men (specifically) have no clue what it’s like to be women and thus we have to put in work to “unlearn male bias”, but you have to contend with the fact that many of us transition “late”, transition in heavily gendered cultures, transition in misogynistic family structures, transition in the face of legislation that sees us as walking wombs, and even transition in racist/ableist/intersexis/ectectect cultures. You can pretend all this isn’t happening and pretend that we are on the same exact social level as some white perisex abled cishet man you invented in your head, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are fucking dying out here, and society celebrates this fact because we are not on the same level as many men are, and society makes continued efforts against trans malehood.

I cannot stress how insensitive it is to pretend that society accepts us as 1000% male 24/7/365, and wants to protect us and offers us unlimited access to cishet (white) male privelege. That is one of the tennatesof TERFism - that the only reason “women” want to be male is so they can access male privilege and exclude themselves from misogyny. You are regurgitating a bigoted “argument” and adding progressive “men are sooo bad, even trans men are bad! But i guess I accept them as men ” sprinkles on top. You aren’t the good guys because you refuse to acknowledge how society treats us and refuse to even entertain the idea that our manhood is valid without society’s input. It doesn’t help trans men to pretend that we are viewed in this amazing light by society.

On top of that, many trans people do not dismiss their childhoods or how they we “socialized” or “raised”. I was raised as a girl. I was socialized as a girl. I lived almost two decades as an adult woman. The fact that I was confused and baffled by the rules of femininity 99% of the time didn’t change the fact that I was taught them from birth. I was taught to shave my body hair when I was 10; my brother wasn’t. I was taught to wear a bra, my brother wasn’t. I was taught to close my legs when I sat, my brother wasn’t. I was taught to cover my drink and watch my back and stay together with other women at parties. My brother wasn’t.

To claim transmasc people have “no clue” what it’s like to be a woman is a fucking lie for many of us.


So I don’t think there’s way to ask this without sounding whiny about it, but I am honestly curious.

Has anyone else noticed a semi-recent pattern of dramatically fewer comments on AO3?

I cherish every single comment I get, and those who know me know I’m big on everyone setting their own boundaries around engaging in fandom/not setting the expectation that comments are owed, etc.

But I’ve definitely noticed a sort of inverse relationship with things I’ve posted recently and the amount of comments they get as compared to things I’ve posted in the past.

So…have other people experienced this? Is it across fandoms?

Again, just curious, and trying my damndest not to take it to heart and to manage my expectations :).

I have noticed a difference but I’ve largely moved from popular ships to rarepairs. There’s going to be a noticable decline simply because my audience is smaller.

That said, this decline has been going on for years. Both fanfic writers and artists have been saying since AT LEAST 2012 on this hellsite specifically that engagement matters. That we wants likes, reblogs, comments, and kudos, etc. It’s largely fallen on deaf ears because we’re fighting a growing social anxiety people have about strangers on the internet.

I think Fandom is also starting to retreat into more isolated social circles again. There’s plenty of bad actors across all the spectrums in Fandom and it’s making people choose not to interact in order to avoid that toxicity. A lot of people, most people, just want fandom to be a fun safe place to relax and enjoy. What that means for each person varies as well what is and is not possible to control.

Not to mention Anti AO3 people in particular are making people reluctant to engage with the site in various ways.

So people that read fanfic are commenting… on discords to their mutuals like a book club. The type of engagment and interaction fanfic writers won’t see unless they start a discord for people who like their fic. Which brings us back to social anxiety, for the writers this time.

ETA: also!!! It’s FINALS time for a lot of gen Edu schools and colleges. Comments are always a little scarcer this time of year just cause the studenta got studying to do and not the time.
