#i am an idiot




A nice picture of furby Kei this morning! Dah a-loh u-tye!

my beautiful child ;;
eyes by starry tale dolls on etsy
necklace made from claire’s and walmart detritis
earrings from claire’s

well i’ve already managed to reblog this to the wrong blog so awesome, a good start for me

Alright, how stupid was I to forget about him and not make the connection ‍♀️

School is okay, I guess, but I always feel like I’m doing something to humiliate myself…Talked to some people on Friday, and felt like a real dolt afterwards. I just tried to read Ulysses until some jocks got to me. Then I was like “O__O Oh shit.” I’ve just kind of been going over Friday all weekend and have been going through everything I wish I wouldn’t have done, and everything I wish I would’ve done. I really just think I should keep my mouth shut and keep quiet. I mean, I already do that, but I feel like when I do speak, I just kind of act like a jackass. I’m super awkward, so I think I accidentally make people feel like it’s them when it’s definitely me. Then I’m all nice and loud and jokey and stupid and doltish. Oh my God…I’ve been playing with my pendulum here lately…I want a planchette necklace. Etsy has some lovely ones! I love resin jewelry.

In the meantime, I thank you all for actually reading my bullshit and liking/re-blogging my posts. I am happy to say I’ve finally made it past 300 followers. Thank you all, you’re all so beautiful. I appreciate you all putting up with me! ❤ ❤ ❤ Love you all. ❤ ❤ ❤

P.S.: Quick Fact: I hate Mondays and always have–even when I didn’t have school.


we go on a date and I bring u back to my apartment and say hold on let me set the mood. and then I turn on the runescape original soundtrack


we go on a date and i bring u back to my apartment and say hold on let me set the mood. and then i turn on my heel and dive headfirst out of the 12 storey-high window

