#soukyuu no fafner

SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)SnF Opening Comparison: Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE (2015)

SnF Opening Comparison:
Shangri-La (2004) —> DEAD OR ALIVE(2015)

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Yes, I have more, don’t judge me.

Kazuki and Soushi sleep together an awful lot. And it’s Kazuki’s fault.

To elaborate, post Heaven and Earth medical exam that Soushi inevitably dragged him to Kazuki decided that after two years with Festum Soushi was so not going to stay in Alvis where Kazuki couldn’t see him. Because Kazuki doesn’t trust this new situation, not at all, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t keep an eye on Soushi until he knows this is real. Kid needs a hug.

So he grabs Soushi by the arm and physically drags him back to the pottery. Only, when he gets there he remembers, whoops, he didn’t expect this so he didn’t air out the ancient futon in the closet.

Fumihiko is very confused as to why this is a problem at all. “Just sleep together,” he says. “You used to do that all the time as kids,” he says. Fumihiko is the Captain of the S.S. KazuSou and we all know it

Soushi is very flustered, Kazuki decides to just roll with it because hey, his dad is right. Thumbs up, dad!

Afterwards, it turns into a habit. Subconsciously they seek each other out, trying to savour what they have now because they both fear the day it’s ripped away again. Years of tense silence, then only three months on even footing, and then two more years of being separated…It’s just not enough time together. So Soushi spends the few nights he doesn’t stay up until…well, he doesn’t stay up periodat the pottery.

It takes the others a surprisingly long time to figure this out though and the first to find out is Kenji, of all people. Kazuki misses a medical checkup one morning and because Kenji doesn’t want to face the wrath of Minashiro Soushi’s Overprotective Mode ™ he makes the trek to the pottery and because knows Fumihiko isn’t there he just lets himself in and walks straight up to Kazuki’s room.

He isn’t exactly prepared for what he finds there and has to stare for a good long moment before he realises that yes, that’s Kazuki and Soushi and yes, they are indeed cuddling.

Because they do cuddle, though they always started out back to back at first. At night they just naturally gravitated towards each other the nearest source of heat and over time they just gave up trying to fight it. 

Kenji decides that this is really cute and that they need the sleep and just pulls the blanket back over them before retreating. He’s disgustingly smug all day. Sakura doesn’t like it one bit.

The second to sorta find out is Canon. She comes by on her walk with Chocolat one day (she’s totally just checking in on Kazuki and uses the dog as an excuse. Chocolat doesn’t care because she’s, a) really fond of Kazuki and b) a dog) and in the middle of a normal conversation with Kazuki Soushi decides he’s slept enough and comes downstairs.

In shirt and boxers, with his hair mussed and no glasses on, he looks absolutely ravishing and Canon’s brain short circuits because WOOOOOOAH WHAT?!

After a long, uncomfortable silence both go BEET red and just very, very quickly escape. “I forgot my glasses upstairs!” “I still have work to do!” and while they flee Kazuki is hanging in the clay he was working on, laughing his ass off.

Canon doesn’t tell anyone because no one would believe her anyway (or so she thinks) and Soushi makes sure to keep her bonbon jar filled just in case.

It does help to bring the two of them closer over time, once the awkwardness wears off, so there’s that.

They silently agree to never mention it again.

ddpinzw: 170205 顔の向きが前と同じ!


170205 顔の向きが前と同じ!

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This time I’ve got two for you.

First, Kazuki adores playing with Soushi’s hair. He’ll brush it and braid it, put it in a high ponytail or a bun (or do more elaborate stuff with it behind closed doors because Soushi wouldn’t be caught dead with something inefficient thankyouverymuch) because it’s ridiculously softand really easy to style. 

Soushi lets him get away with it because it makes Kazuki happy and it gets him a free head massage to boot. It’s efficient so why not, amirite?

Soushi doesn’t play with Kazuki’s in return since the fact that Kazuki lets it grow out annoys him. “Doesn’t it bother you?” he’ll ask. “Hypocrite,” Kazuki’ll reply, tugging at Soushi’s almost butt length ponytail. After some time Soushi settles for giving Kazuki’s hair very critical looks. Kazuki only rolls his eyes and gives him food to shut him up. “No, I’m not cutting it,” he says. “Eat you cake,” he says. 

Which leads me straight into the second one: Soushi absolutely loves chocolate and Kazuki’s cooking is the only thing that will distract him from his research (sans the cook himself, of course). As in, Kazuki has to threaten to cut chocolate cake out of the Rakuen menu to get him to stop overworking himself.

Soushi, especially post Heaven and Earth, is the kind of person to get so caught up in work that he’ll forget to eat. He probably lives off of coffee to stay awake and can go days without food before someone - usually Kazuki but sometimes Kenji in his role as student council president doctor - comes and drags him away from his computer. 

But he’ll absolutely devouranything Kazuki puts in front of him because 

a) it’s absolutely delicious and 

b)Kazuki made it for him. 

And Kazuki probably gets irritated that his idiot never takes care of himself and goes down to Alvis regularly to feed him until he gets fed up and straight up threatens Soushi he’ll find his stash of chocolate and confiscate it. 

It kinda works but not really because Kazuki is weak against those big eyes and Soushi is really good at hiding stuff. So Kazuki pulls all stops and says if he doesn’t come for lunch every day Kazuki will never make curry for him again. The threat is effective. Soushi comes by every day for lunch. Reo teases Kazuki about this, Akira is very confused as to why.  Kazuki ignores both and, as a reward, he gets Mikadoya chocolate cake for dessert regularly. 

Soushi knows he’s lost magnificently and grumbles about it through a mouthful of chocolatey heaven. 


I headcanon Soushi as asexual. Why?

Because I just CANNOT see him wanting any sexual contact with people. At all.

Like, I can totally see him cuddle sometimes, though rarely, or fall asleep on Kazuki’s shoulder - I’d bet my right leg that’s happened before btw because this kid doesn’t know how to take care of himself and probably stays up for days doing research on shit until Kazuki drags him away by the hair - but beyond that? Not really.

He wouldn’t even know where to start. Like Kenji would probably start a conversation like this

Kenji: “Okay, spill who was your first?” 

Soushi:“First what?

Kenji:“You know, first time?”


Kenji:“Wait? You’re a virgin?” 

Soushi:“Yes, so?” 

Kenji:“Handsome guy like you? HOW?!” 

Soushi:“I’m just…Not interested in this kind of thing.”

Like, he’ll get embarrassed seeing a naked girl (like Maya when she came into the room with an undone shirt) but who wouldn’t, right? Someone suddenly bursts into a room and she’s almost naked?! AWKWARD!I can related 

He would be the person to say “Sex is not necessary unless for reproduction. I don’t see the value of it and am not interested.” And knowing Kazuki he’d be: 

a) completely fine with it 

b) supportive of his feelings and sexuality and 

c) find the logical explanation totally adorable because Soushi may be a dork but he’s Kazuki’sdork.

guess who found a two years old post in their drafts and decided to clean i up a little and post it!
so uh, have some… headcanon meme… thing… ft soukazu (because what else would it be)

  • Who was the one to propose: neither. sakura probably suggests it at some point because she’s tired of them acting more like a married couple than she and kenji do (note: sakura/kenji is lovely and good and a+)
  • Who stressed more over wedding planning: … confession, i can’t imagine them marrying. i think they’d just live together and act like they’ve been married for 50 years but i just can’t imagine An Actual Wedding, i’m sorry
  • Who decorated the house: kazuki because. have you seen soushi’s decorating skills. he’ll put two photos on the wall and declare the job done. he must not be allowed to decorate an entire house.
  • Who does the cooking: Hmm, I Wonder. so, kazuki obviously but i think soushi would try sometimes too! he’s good as long as he’s got a recipe but he’ll panic if an ingredient is missing or something whereas kazuki is more “oh, let’s just use more of this other thing then!”. cooking isn’t that exact, soushi, it’s okay, you don’t have to measure everything precisely–
  • Who is more organized: okay, so. i think kazuki is tidy, especially when it comes to his workplace. it’s mostly a habit from when he couldn’t see so he relied on… knowing where things are. for example, he knows salt is next to sugar which is next to curry spice. that’s not really logically grouped/organized but it’s what he’s gotten used to so he prefers it? wheras soushi is… honestly, i think he might be kind of the opposite. his work things are organized, as in file X is in document Y which is in folder Z. that part is logical and very organized. however. he probably needs a bunch of files every day so they end up scattered on his desk and, if file X isn’t in document Y (because he needed it for a specific thing), it might as well be lost because he can’t find anything. there are 700 papers lying on his desk, please help him. tl;dr it depends
  • Who suggested kids first: eh. eeeh. i can’t see them wanting kids. even with the end of exodus + the possibility of original soushi coming back, that… other child already exists so it’s different, right?
  • Who’s the cuddler: neither really but kazuki is more likely to initiate any cuddling at all. … and i’m sure he practically glued himself to soushi after hae. gotta make up for this two years somehow.
  • Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: eeh, i think they just sleep face to face…
  • What’s their favorite activity: going for walks, watching the island, Not Fighting… kazuki likes cooking too. and pottery. soushi likes work because he’s a loser (no okay, he likes reading too). … and they both enjoy just… being with each other? sitting around in silence, each doing their own thing, happy that the other is There.
  • Who comes home drunk at 3am: neither, i can’t see either of them doing that
  • Who kills the spiders: soushi?? if necessary??? they’d probably just put it back outside. no innocent lives will be harmed.
  • Who falls asleep first: depends. soushi tends to work until late at night/pull all-nighters so he might fall asleep at like 3pm some day because he’s been up for 50 hours straight and so he just passes out on his desk sometimes. kazuki’s sleep schedule is more regular/he goes to bed earlier so it’s usually him
  • A head canon: uhm, but these are all headcanons. i’m bad at coming up with stuff unprompted, you gotta give me an idea or a topic or anything at all
  • Their relationship summed up in a gif: (gif of “i’ll come back to where you are” “i’ll wait for you forever”)
  • Do they have any “rituals”?: does “kazuki force soushi to eat and sleep somewhat regularly” count. okay, actually. i guess something like this: kazuki wakes up, goes to make coffee, wakes up soushi, goes to make breakfast, they have breakfast together (as in, kazuki eats and soushi tries to drink his coffee before he falls asleep again. eating might be attempted once he’s more awake. it’s optional though (unless kazuki bothers him about it. which is most of the time. sorry soushi.))
  • Who has the most patience?: soushi when it comes to work, kazuki when it comes to people. … most of the time, at least.
ghostofcrux: my first public contribution to the fandom is this and I’m sorry but at the same time,


my first public contribution to the fandom is this and I’m sorry

but at the same time, look at me in the eyes and tell me that DA Soushi wouldn’t wear this. tell me.

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mayuiki-art: fafner 60mins : Smile Day (Kurusu Misao) + that sweatermayuiki-art: fafner 60mins : Smile Day (Kurusu Misao) + that sweater


fafner 60mins : Smile Day (Kurusu Misao) + that sweater

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Who else is excited for Fafner the Beyond? @fictionaleyes and I enjoyed cosplaying Canon and Maya atWho else is excited for Fafner the Beyond? @fictionaleyes and I enjoyed cosplaying Canon and Maya atWho else is excited for Fafner the Beyond? @fictionaleyes and I enjoyed cosplaying Canon and Maya at

Who else is excited for Fafner the Beyond?@fictionaleyes and I enjoyed cosplaying Canon and Maya at Katsucon last year, but we’re hyped up for more Fafner in the near future. The Fafner love will never die.

Photos by @headphonestudios with much love.

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I’m so excited for the new Sokyu no Fafner announcement today. I do hope it’s another anime installmI’m so excited for the new Sokyu no Fafner announcement today. I do hope it’s another anime installm

I’m so excited for the new Sokyu no Fafner announcement today. I do hope it’s another anime installment. The end of the Fafner Exodus left me wanting more.

Maya Tomi cosplay is by me, while photos were kindly taken by @headphonestudios.

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9.21.19Happy Birthday Kazuki 


Happy Birthday Kazuki 

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Happy Birthday Soushi 12.27

I didn’t forget…I just didn’t upload here :(

I forgot to post this here.

Happy Birthday Kazuki! 9.21

Happy Birthday Soushi! 12.27 I drew one for kazuki’s birthday too but i’m not too happy about how it

Happy Birthday Soushi! 12.27 

I drew one for kazuki’s birthday too but i’m not too happy about how it came out. 

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