

Heeyy guys, it’s finals season and I’m working on this song that would be my take on Hawkmoth’s theme (the video was thrown together on a phone and is in no way meant to look polished nor is it the finalized visuals). Still undecided on whether it will be my final or if I’ll start my final over, but I haven’t posted anything in a while so I figured I’d share.

No, I’m not dead, I’ve just had tech complications you wouldn’t believe. So many issues came up with my NEW computer you’d think I was making it up to get a free computer (I deserve one though), like seriously Microsoft really has to work on some of their new products, including the OS. Essentially, I had to do deep digging and do manual “fixes”, which ended up being that I needed to download replacement drivers. No amount of service calls got me that far, I really had to do it myself. *siggh* but anyway I’m excited to get back to art and writing again.
