#ml season 4 spoilers



okay so feri (brand ambasador) had this interview thing and she said this

and i’m honestly relieved that all of this is actually leading up to something, thank heavens


Marichat? sorry, Marichat? sorry, Marichat? sorry, Marichat? sorry, Marichat?


Actually in physical pain from how devastated she looks at having to fight her mom

This is going to be one of those episodes where I’m going to need to call my mom right after huh.

Not to mention, Sabine had been targeted by the racist bus driver who called the police too meet them at the next bus stop.

Quick Thoughts on Psycomedian

Warning: Spoilers! That’s all.

  • Adrien finding Marinette funny is wholesome! We are getting clarifications as to where they stand.
  • Harry is hilarious and just has a joyful attitude. Can I be this man for just one day?
  • Marinette befriending Harry (the comedian) and both of them being excited about his final show was everything
  • Reason the final show was important? A) Adrien will be there thanks to Harry, and B) Gabriel is “considering” looking at Harry’s script for a different genre of film.
  • Of course, things don’t work out well
  • Maybe Harry’s comedy didn’t work on Adrien and Marinette was humiliated. Did they learn nothing from Puppeteer 2???
  • Adrien’s face when Marinette squirted water on his face, the betrayal from a misunderstanding (from why Adrien was laughing, thank you Nino for giving Mari the wrong idea!)
  • I agree with Chat Noir, Psycomedian’s costume is creepy.
  • Ladybug/Marinette and Tikki being angry because of Psycomedian is quite funny even though it shouldn’t be
  • No but seriously, Marinette and Tikki arguing with each other is just pure gold
  • Not Ladybug destroying the Lucky Charm for being too simple
  • Though, her anger on Psycomedian is rightfully directed. I also interpret it as her also being righteously angry at ShadowMoth
  • Harry really needs a new producer. #bobsucks
  • I’m glad that Marinette and Adrien were able to clarify their misunderstanding and at least Marinette knows that she is the only other person (besides Plagg and Emilie though its not explicitly stated) that can make him laugh

Overall, I hate the akuma’s costume because it gives me nightmares, but I like this episode. It reminds me of previous season shenanigans that I missed this season (no seriously things are quite tense).

I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting for quite some time. These thoughts posts can be time consuming, especially when I mention every single detail. As a college student with declining mental health, its not easy to be on top of these. However, I’ll work on keeping them nice and short whenever possible. Till next time!

I know that this is the end of the world, but…


It reminds me so much of


“The lightning, the thunderbolt, Le coup de Foudre, as the Frenchs call it. When love strikes you, so powerful and intense it can’t be denied…

It can be beautiful and messy, and there’s no going back from it…

Once the thunderbolt hits, your life is irrevocably changed…”


Season 4 Episode 26 I Strike Back Final Scene

English Translation:

Shadowmoth:People of Paris! Ladybug promised to protect you? Well she lied to you! She was defeated! I took all the Miraculous and now I am more powerful than ever! From now on I will attack you relentlessly! I will be everywhere, reading your thoughts, occupying your dreams, using your worst fears! All the damage I can cause, I’m going to cause… Unless you give me LadyBug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous

Ladybug:I lost everything!!!

Chat Noir:You didn’t lose me…

Ladybug:Why don’t you give up on me?! I’ve lost all the Miraculous, I’m the worst Guardian ever! I wanted to control everything, I didn’t listen to you, I kept you at a distance… Every time you offer me a helping hand, I never took it…I really made a mess of everything!

Chat Noir:My Lady… We’re gonna get them back, one by one, until the very last, and we’ll make sure this never happen again

Ladybug:You… And me?

Chat Noir: You, the greatest superheroe that ever was… Them, the people of Paris… And me, your loyal partner…


Mundo Gloob posted a BIG SPOILER from the Season Finale “Strike Back”!!

Look at it at your own risk!

Felix is gonna touch LadyBug’s yoyo with his ball!!

Remember that the power of the Dog Miraculous is to attract to him everything that his ball touches at any time…

If he has the yoyo now, does that mean he can also get all the Miraculous out of the Miracle Box like Ladybug does?!

This episode is gonna be WILD!


We have a new trailer for the Season Finale and a new premiere date!

Mundo Gloob is ahead of Disney Channel and will premiere the final 2 episodes “Risk”and“Strike Back” on Thursday, March 10th at 7:30 p.m.!

And to announce it, they showed a very powerful trailer! With a lot of spoilers, as only MundoGloob knows how to do it!

We are exactly one week away from the end of Season 4!

I warn you again, the trailer is very very SPOILERY, and shows several important points of the episode, so…

Watch it at your own risk!


Disney Channel Germany showed us new scenes from the season finale “Strike Back”!







Lila looking suspicious as always…

The Lucky Charm are sunglasses for the team?

Felix with the Dog Miraculous? or Adrien with the Dog Miraculous?


Sabine also being the only person in the city to be concerned about the heroes constantly working warms my heart.

HE ASKED FOR NO PICKLES is how I’d describe the ladynoir dynamic in psycomedian (ty millie for the delicious meme I could draw )

I like how everyone made fun of psycomedian but it’s actually such a fun episode… and the implication that Gabriel (Gaby, lmao) Agreste designed Mr. Banana’s costume, poor man can’t catch a break

What if in Kuro Neko…

Though I would not want a real reveal like this, it’s funny to think about. Maybe I’ll add a part 2…?

Part 1|Part 2 | Part 3

Heeyy guys, it’s finals season and I’m working on this song that would be my take on Hawkmoth’s theme (the video was thrown together on a phone and is in no way meant to look polished nor is it the finalized visuals). Still undecided on whether it will be my final or if I’ll start my final over, but I haven’t posted anything in a while so I figured I’d share.

No, I’m not dead, I’ve just had tech complications you wouldn’t believe. So many issues came up with my NEW computer you’d think I was making it up to get a free computer (I deserve one though), like seriously Microsoft really has to work on some of their new products, including the OS. Essentially, I had to do deep digging and do manual “fixes”, which ended up being that I needed to download replacement drivers. No amount of service calls got me that far, I really had to do it myself. *siggh* but anyway I’m excited to get back to art and writing again.



Spoilers from episode #23

Adrien with his pjs!

Marinette with messy hair!

these kids desperately need some therapy and self-care

That’s the only thing I took out of that last trailer, look at this babyyy

Also I’m so not used to an orange palette that was quite the challenge tbh

