


The staff turned again in mid-air, glowing red-hot now, and swept back for another and quite definitely final run. Rincewind struggled up on his elbows and watched in horrified fascination as it swooped through the chilly air which, for some reason he didn’t understand, seemed to be full of snowflakes.

And became tinged with purple, blotched with blue. Time slowed and ground to a halt like an underwound phonograph.

Discworld sketch dump

Mostly mort but i threw in a rincewind for uh…flavor (?)

The ending of Sourcery annihilated me man. Finally sold me on rince as a character tbh. I still want to draw the entire summoning scene from Mort too sigh

“I don’t know what to do,” he said.

“No harm in that. I’ve never known what to do,” said Rincewind with hollow cheerfulness. “Been completely at a loss my whole life.” He hesitated. “I think it’s called being human, or something.”

-Terry Pratchett’s Sourcery

Another video of Luke Arnold reading Sourcery by Terry Pratchett for First Page Pajama Party
