#southern hemishere witch


Mabon (MA-bon) is one of the eight Sabbats or one of the four lesser Sabbats. It’s a solar festival, celebrated on March 20th-23rd in the Southern Hemisphere and is the festival of the completion of harvest, where we appreciate the goddess of the land for the bountiful harvest, and give thanks to the abundance of the earth. This is a good time to perform spells of balance, harmony, protection, wealth and prosperity.

Themes:giving thanks to the land for the harvest, taking satisfaction in the work of the summer and reaping its benefits, the balance of light and dark (the autumn equinox is when the length of day and night are equal)

Symbols:cornucopia (attracts prosperity and abundance), divination (throw runes or pull tarot cards in the evening, as your fate for the coming year is sealed at this time), besom/broomstick (sweep away negativity, or place over the doorway for protection from unwanted energies)

Here’s a link to a post I made on making a mini besom, perfect for closet witches!

Herbs:benzoin (relieves stress, anxiety, burn for purification or mix with cinnamon and basil for incense to attract customers), marigold (green bag with marigold beneath pillow for luck and fortune), cinnamon and orange peel (can be used together with sage for smoke cleansing)

Crystals:clear quartz, amber, peridot, diamond, gold, citrine, yellow topaz, cats’ eye, aventurine

Simple ways of celebrating: donate to charity, eat fruit, wear maroon or gold colours, take a minute to reflect and give thanks for your food, jump in crunch dried leaves, clean your home, light red/brown/orange/white candles

Altar items: cornucopia, apples, berries, harvest vegetables, handmade besom, maroon and gold items, art, crunchy dried leaves, pinecones, acorns, rose quartz and amber crystals

Food to share: apple pies, bread, grains, pomegranates, apples, pumpkin, apple cider, wine, home-made jam

ACornucopia is an altar decoration used to symbolise Mabon and the second harvest. It can be filled with dried sage, rosemary, thyme, parsley, and a handwritten wish. After the wish has come true, either bury it in the ground or burn it in a sacred fire after. While in countries like America you can buy them in stores around thanksgiving time, it might be more difficult to find in Southern Hemisphere countries, so you can buy them online like from Amazon or Etsy, or just use a small weaved basket instead.

Tarot Deck Care (for beginners)

Whether you get your tarot cards as a gift, buy it online or in-store, it has picked up a bunch of energies from the different people who have handled it. This means your readings won’t be as accurate as they could be. So here’s a guide for beginners of how to take care of their first tarot deck!


It’s best if you cleanse your deck as soon as possible, and don’t leave it overnight without cleansing on the first night. This is because the energies the deck has picked up could be negative, and it could have an unwanted effect on you. There are heaps of ways you can cleanse your tarot deck, and you can use all of then, or even just one depending on what you have on hand. Here are some easy examples (keep in mind, while performing these you need to have a ‘cleansing’ intent in mind for it to work):

  • Shuffle the deck
  • Tap three times on the deck
  • Blow on top of the deck
  • Place a tumbled clear quartz crystal on top of the deck
  • Wave the deck through incense
  • Create a sigil for cleansing and leave it in the box
  • 'Reset’ the deck by putting it back in its original order by suit and number
  • This one is best for cleansing after a reading to remove traces of previous energies

Don’t freak out though if someone else touches your deck, nothing bad will happen, just make sure you cleanse it before doing another reading so it’s still accurate. In some situations, you can have someone purposely hold, shuffle, split or draw cards from your deck if you’re doing a reading for them in person and want their energy to be better connected with it.


Bonding with your deck is just as important as cleansing if you want an accurate reading! You should be able to feel a connection with your deck, which helps you understand what it’s trying to tell you through the readings. These are ways you can bond with your deck:

  • Sleep with your deck under your pillow
  • Play solitaire with your deck
  • Watch a movie or TV show while shuffling your deck, then ask it questions about what it thought of the genre/characters/themes (I did this while watching Assassination Classroom and my deck said the school was stingy af )
  • Play music on shuffle while shuffling your deck, then pick a card to help explain the song
  • Draw a card every day in the morning after shuffling to represent how your day will be

While you’re doing these, take the time to look at the art of each card. Without looking at the guidebook, try working out what you think the card means by looking at things like the colours, shapes, background, animals, plants, figures, and repeating symbols. After you’ve don’t these, you can try a 'get to know my deck’spread,like this one I made, or make one of your own. This can help you see what kind of things your deck is and isn’t good at reading, and it’s strengths and weaknesses.


Like crystals, water, and most other magic tools, tarot decks need to be charged. This is very similar to cleansing action-wise, but it comes down to the intent of those actions. While cleansing is about removing energies from the deck, charging is more like putting energy back into it. This means they have to be performed with a 'charging’ intent rather than a 'cleansing’ one. Here are some examples of how you can charge your deck:

  • Place one or more pointed clear quartz crystals around the deck, pointing inwards
  • Leave the deck under the light of the full moon
  • Create a sigil for charging and leave it in the box
  • Hold the deck and envision a pure ball of energy moving from you into the deck
  • Shuffle the deck

Drawing and Shuffling:

There are heaps of ways to shuffle and draw cards that you can go through until you find the one you most prefer! 

  • Shuffle the deck gently using your method of choice, then break the deck and reverse
  • If a card jumps out from the deck while shuffling, it’s calling to be read
  • Let the subject of the reading shuffle the deck while thinking about their question
  • Let the subject of the reading pick the cards while thinking about their question
  • Spread out the deck in a line and pick cards based on intuition
  • Spread out the deck in a line, pick one card based on intuition, then draw the cards either side of it
  • Pick cards straight from the deck without spreading them
  • Pick the cards at the top of the deck without spreading them
  • Let a small group of cards drop onto each section of the spread, the pick the one that’s on top for that position
  • Let all of the cards drop, spread them out messily, then pick cards based on intuition

When I say 'based on intuition’ I mean that a card could have a different energy to the cards around it. It could seem a slightly different colour, or it could be the one your eyes are drawn to etc, and this is how you can tell if a card is calling out to you to be drawn.


Other info

If you’re doing an online reading, try to get info such as the subject’s initials, star sign, hair/eye colour, gender (and pronouns), element etc to have a better connection to them for a more accurate reading

Try to avoid yes/no questions, and swap them out for something like “what can I do to make me more likely to…”

Avoid asking about how you will die. It could cause something called the 'self-fulfilling prophecy’, which according to the laws of attraction, is when something comes true because we’re acting as if it is true (when it isn’t or may not be).


Active Witch Blogs!

Hi, everyone! Yes, this is another ‘reblog if…’ but this one comes with a twist. Whilst my own dashboard is definitely dry lately, it’s also becoming increasingly obvious that the witchblr community in general is beginning to become less active. There are lots of reasons, of course, but rather than focus on the issue, I want to focus on a solution.

If you are an active witch blog, divination blog, religious blog, or anything in between that finds themselves here on witchblr, I have two things I want you to do!

1. Reblog This Post

Reblog this post and maybe say a little about yourself and your blog. But, also tag/mention blogs that you think are really wonderful and active! Again, I want this to branch out to many different kinds of bloggers. New witches, seasoned witches, brujas, european witches, root workers, hoodoo practitioners, you name it. This community is about diversity and personal pathways. It’s time to big each other up.

My humble recommendations are: @thepastelpriestess@powerpriestess@shadow-of-wings@will-o-the-witch@nightshadeandroses@witches-ofcolor@ener-chi@luna-di-fuoco@mercury-minded@urbanspellcraft@upthewitchypunx@hermeticimp@divineclecticism@themagickcat@themanicnami@underworldpriestess@ancestralmedicinemagic@she-who-treads-on-water@shintowitchling and probably even more amazing practitioners I have forgotten. Each of these people are so knowledgeable and kind, and often give to our little online community here. I love reading/seeing their content and I know you will too.

2. Write About Your Craft

Not just this month, every month, but I do want to maybe try to encourage February to be a really good month for sharing and creation. It doesn’t have to be a long post, it doesn’t even have to have a theme. Just share. Tell people what you’ve been up to, or explain a personal revelation you’ve had. Ask for tips on a spell you’re working on. One thing we’ve lost on witchblr is a sense of personal identities, probably after months of silly discourse making people shy away. But here’s the thing… Witchcraft is personal.

If anyone more media savvy has any great ideas for this, please add on. All I can think is to share, and maybe ask some interesting questions to blogs you admire! I don’t mean the usual stuff, but maybe ask 'What is something you always put into your spells?’ or 'What’s your personal take on how magic works?’ - something which is interesting and allows us all to find our places again.

I am really interested in seeing what we all end up making or writing, so if you want to share some personal ideas, or find others wanting to create a more active witchblr again, we can use the tag #WakingWitchblr. Talk about your blog on it, write 'reblog if’ posts to find likewise people, ask an interesting questions. Let’s just… Be again, people!

Much love, stay blessed. ✨

Hi! I’m babywitchofthesouth (you can call me Kim) and as my name suggests, I’m a baby witch from the Southern Hemisphere! Melbourne, Australia, specifically, reblog if you’re a witch near me, I’m always interested to see how Australians perform witchcraft.

I only post original content but I have a second blog ( @bwots-reblog-grimoire ) where I post only reblogs that I can reference and use to support other creators, without making my own content difficult to find.

I try to incorporate Australian folklore/beliefs and native plants into my craft where I can, rather than following American traditions, but it can be a little difficult. An example of this is my post on an Australian bread called Damper for Lammas which you can check out if you want.

I don’t have any deities, but I do believe in the reincarnation of spirits (as per the Indigenous Australian beliefs).

I’m an eclectic witch interested in divination, tarot, pendulum, scrying (water/black mirror), astrology, spirit work (right now only for plant spirits), spellwork, spell jars, potions, sigils, crystals, and witchcraft diys.

Some blogs I recommend are @lunaesteria@kendallscraftand@imaginarywitchcraft for original content, @spellchased for mainly reblogs, and @witchescollection for a mix of both.

Hay Fever Remedies in Witchcraft

I’ll just preface this by saying I’m in no way a medical professional, and this post is to be considered in additionto your normal medication, not as a replacement.

These last few weeks I’ve come to a shocking discovery that in hind sight, shouldn’t be that shocking. All those years I thought I had a bad immune system and got a cold every year during the spring and summer, it was never a cold. It was just hay fever. When I realised this last week I felt pretty stupid for not realising it sooner, especially when some members of my family have it too. Of course, for me, hay fever isn’t the end of the world or anything, it’s just an inconvenience.

So in addition to taking normal over-the-counter hay fever medication, I made a list for myself of basic witch-care-ish things I can do to improve myself during these times (context: its currently Summer in Australia and the tree outside my window blooms the worst flowers for hay fever).


With my crystal collection growing, I always try to find ways to use them. They can be carried in a pouch, worn around your neck, made into a crystal elixir for drinking or spraying into the air, kept under your pillow while you sleep. These are the crystals most commonly associated with relief from hay fever:

  • Aquamarine: hay fever and throat problems
  • Blue lace agate: throat problems and respiratory issues
  • Carnelian: hay fever and allergies
  • Jet: respiratory issues


I… have a lot of plants in my room. Mainly ones that don’t bloom flowers, but there’s still a lot. I’m stubborn and don’t want to get rid of them (even though it’s probably recommended that you just take them out of your room) so heres some alternatives I’ve come up with.

  • First things first is to change the soil of your pot plants. In addition to pollen, any mold growing deep within or on top of your soil can cause an allergic reaction with symptoms similar to hay fever. To avoid more mold growing, don’t over-water your plants after you change the soil. This will also make your plants happy so it’s a win-win
  • Dry out your flowers instead of using fresh ones. I often like to buy flowers for myself and put them in a vase, or just pick them. Of course, that’s probably not a good idea anymore, so I decided to just hang-dry the flowers I picked and use them for decoration in a vase instead. They’re just as cute, and give cottage-core vibes
  • If you have flowering plants, consider temporarily relocating them out of the main spaces you’re in everyday. For me, I’m always in my bedroom, so it’s more convenient if I move my flowering plants to the living room.
  • For flowering trees outside (like the australian red-flowering gum outside my window), the best you can do is not open your window. For me, the tree is on the nature strip and is owned by the council, so there’s nothing I can do there. But if you need fresh air within your room, this next point will come in handy

Negative ions:

If you have a Himalayan salt lamp you may be familiar with the concept of negative and positive ions. Positive ions—produced by electronics—can aggravate respiratory conditions, while negative ions from salt lamps can counteract this by removing microscopic dust particles and mold from the air. This way, you can have a higher air quality inside without opening your window and exposing yourself to pollen.

Spring/summer cleaning:

In addition to the pollen, sneezing could be caused by a reaction to the dust around you. It’s a good idea to do a deep clean of the room you spend most of your time in (I do my bedroom) and really dust off all of your shelves, books and items. Even if it’s not just the dust causing the sneezing, it’s probably not helping to have it there.

Make sure to clean your air conditioner. It’s often neglected, and when you want to turn it on during those hot months, all it does is blow around more dust for you to breathe in.


These remedies can both improve respiratory issues and improve the energy in your home at the same time, which will reduce your symptoms and put you in a better mood.

  • Buy fresh eucalyptus leaves from your local flower store or take fallen clippings from a tree. Hang it above your shower head or bath tap and turn on the hot water, so the oils from the eucalyptus release into the air. this will help open up your sinuses and respiratory tract so you can breath easier
  • Brew tea such as lemongrass, chamomile and ginger to sooth your throat and clear your sinuses
  • Burn oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint and lemon to clear your sinuses and relieve allergy symptoms

Instant relief:

  • Always use medication prescribed to you, or medication you’ve bought over-the-counter. Make sure your medication hasn’t expired (…oops)
  • Sleep on a gel pillow. This will help sooth any headache which is caused by the blocked sinuses and constant sneezing
  • Between sneezes, place vaseline over your nose to reduce irritation, and reapply after blowing your nose.
  • Use eye-drops. This can be purchased from any local pharmacy, or if you can’t get there, use the following method for a salt eye-wash from my mum

Himalayan Salt Eye Wash

Disclaimer: again, i’m not a medical professional, this was just something my mum did for me when i had an eye infection when i was younger and my eyes would be irritated and itchy. take necessary caution if you choose to do this

What you need:

  • ½ bottle of distilled water
  • ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan salt
  • 1 mixing bowl
  • 1 spoon
  • 1 shot glass

What to do:

  1. Pour distilled water (room temperature or cold) into mixing bowl
  2. Add the salt and stir until dissolved
  3. Pour solution into shot glass
  4. Hang your head down over the glass and press it over your closed eye, then tilt your head back so the water is contacting your closed eye
  5. Open your eye either slightly (if you can’t handle much stinging) or all the way (if it doesn’t bother you), look around and blink
  6. Remove the glass and repeat on other eye

Sigils was actually one of the first witchy things that I did when I was starting out! I did some researching and found there were heaps of ways to make sigils, and every person has a different way of making them.

This is the way I like to do it!

What you need:

  • Pen
  • Paper 
  • Extra paper/card stock/sticky note 

What to do:

  1. Come up with a phrase of intent. it can be regarding protection, manifestation etc, but make sure it’s written in present test (ie my home is protected)
  2. Write it down then remove all vowels and repeated letters (ie myhsprtcd)
  3. Rewrite the new phrase, which is consisted of the remaining letters in order
  4. Connect the letters to numbers using the Pythagorean Numerology System (figure 1)
  5. Remove repeated numbers and rewrite the remaining ones (ie 4781923)
  6. Create a number wheel (figure 2). this one can be done with some creativity. the numbers 1–9 can be placed anywhere on the wheel, and you can change it around if you don’t really like the design it produces
  7. Draw a continuous line on the number chart by the order of the numbers you have written down
  8. Draw a small circle where the sigil begins, and a cross where it ends (eg 12)
  9. Redraw the sigil on an extra paper, card stock or a sticky note and activate it by giving it your energy for a few minutes, holding it while concentrating on your intent

figure 1: pythagorean numerology system

figure 2: number wheel


To make it look a bit nicer and more original, you can include a loop instead of a harsh edge when going from one number to another

You don’t need to remove duplicate numbers or letters, but it makes the sigil cleaner in the end

There are so many ways that you can do this, so i’ll link some alternates below!


Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches

Sigils are are great form of spell craft that are physical-based and very basic, which is perfect for beginners. They only require knowledge of the basics of witchcraft, including intent. 

Intent is what your desire is, or the purpose of the spell. These are generally said in the present tense as they become definite that day. “Will be” can be very vague and may cause a delay in how quickly the spell works or if it even works at all. 

The tense that intent is written in is super important, and can affect whether the sigil works or not. If written in past tense it would sound something like “my home was protected”, implying that it once was and is now not. You shouldn’t add anything like “I wish for…” either, as it would add unnecessary letters. “My home will be protected” is not specific enough and doesn’t specify a time frame in which the sigil should start, but don’t compensate by adding a time word like “next week. Present tense works the best because you want the sigil to be phrased as if it’s already in the continuous process of it happening.

ThePythagorean Numerology System is very commonly used in numerology which was originally made by Pythagoras (yup, the guy with that one triangle formula in maths). He came up with the idea that there was a relationship between numbers and letters, and those numbers could act as symbols for different qualities or natures.

The circle and cross represent open and close, or the start and end of the sigil, which bonds it to the intent, and the intent only, so it can’t be altered after it’s complete unless remade.
