#southern prepper1


How To Start Prepping: Top 10 List

1. Flashlight

2.First Aid Kit


4.Water purification

5.Fire tools

6.Food List:

▪ 20lbs Rice & Beans

▪ 20 cans each Fruit, Veggies, Meat

▪ 2 Lg jars of Peanut Butter

▪ Drink mix

▪ 2 bags Flour, Salt, Sugar Bag of Rolled Oats

▪ 1 Gal of Olive Oil

7. Emergency Radio (Midland ER310 E+ Ready Emergency)

8. Fixed blade knife

9. Propane

10.self defense

11. Battery Power bank

Avoiding POVERTY Multigenerational Households WILL Return

It’s all about survival! Will we see a massive return to multigenerational households?

How To Craft A Fire: Emergency Firestarter With Cotton Balls

Here’s a quick video demonstrating the effectiveness of the very popular “Vaseline & Cotton Ball” firestarting method. I only use this method in emergency situations, as a backup to more sustainable ways like Char Cloth, Dry Natural Tinder, and Flint/Steel.
