#sensible prepper


Prepping Pushback - Addressing Arguments Against Prepping

▪ Is prepping Biblical?

▪ Is it a waste of time and money?

▪ Why prep when life seems normal?

Let’s talk about the most common arguments AGAINST prepping and why they just don’t hold up. THIS is the video to show your loved ones who refuse to prepare for the future.

How To Start Prepping: Top 10 List

1. Flashlight

2.First Aid Kit


4.Water purification

5.Fire tools

6.Food List:

▪ 20lbs Rice & Beans

▪ 20 cans each Fruit, Veggies, Meat

▪ 2 Lg jars of Peanut Butter

▪ Drink mix

▪ 2 bags Flour, Salt, Sugar Bag of Rolled Oats

▪ 1 Gal of Olive Oil

7. Emergency Radio (Midland ER310 E+ Ready Emergency)

8. Fixed blade knife

9. Propane

10.self defense

11. Battery Power bank

Avoiding POVERTY Multigenerational Households WILL Return

It’s all about survival! Will we see a massive return to multigenerational households?

3 Major Tips You NEED To Know Now To Survive What Is Coming - Worldwide Food Shortage Prepping

Hey y’all! Having food during a Catastrophe is one thing.. what about medicine??

Today Not only do we need to make sure we have food in our gardens for hiccups we need to grow our own medicines!

How To Craft A Fire: Emergency Firestarter With Cotton Balls

Here’s a quick video demonstrating the effectiveness of the very popular “Vaseline & Cotton Ball” firestarting method. I only use this method in emergency situations, as a backup to more sustainable ways like Char Cloth, Dry Natural Tinder, and Flint/Steel.

Who Will Not Survive A Great Depression

Who will? Are you changing everything NOW in order to?

Canning Bacon Update!

I made a canning bacon video many years ago I have had many requests to make it again ..here you go

They Are PREPARING For Something VERY BIG…

Limits at Walmart and limits at Costco have started to spread all over the country. Soon we will see shortages in all of our favorite foods and items from supply chain disruptions. Prepping for SHTF is more important than ever now. Prep now to stay prepared in a hectic world.

The Everything Shortage - Global Food Shortage And The World Economic Forum Davos 2022

A global food shortage is predicted to set in 50 days from now. Meanwhile a new world is being drafted at Davos 2022 by Klaus Schwab and the so-called elites.

Food Shortage Stock Up: By These Items Now - Emergency Pantry Restock

Prepare Now! 11 Bad Things Will Happen Immediately After The Shelves Are Empty

2 Hour 4 Store Prepper Pantry Haul! Come Along!

Preparing a pantry can be done on a limited time & budget basis. With good planning, EVERYONE can do it.

10 Things To Do Still To Prepare,Do Not Miss Out On Opportunities!

In this video I discuss how you are running out of time and the time to prepare is right now. There are always things you can be doing and the day will come where you might be upset if you did not take advantage of opportunities to prepare and you may end up missing out.

Do not miss out on these opportunities and the time you have to get ready. Here are 10 more things that I am currently working on that you can do to continue to prepare.
