

LAND PROJECT: Placelessness
Lisa Parra & Daniel Pinheiro
with: Hannah Bastos & António Matos
collaboration with: Annie Abrahams & Mateo Galindo Torres

October, 2015 CAAA - Centre for Art and Architecture Affairs, in Guimarães (Portugal)

In the darkness,

We move forward,

in an unknown territory,

a territory devoid of references,

without meaning.

As we move ahead,

as we go through the surface,

through the edges,

as we follow the contours,

we intersect shapes and elements.

In that space,

it becomes…

impossible to perceive what we intersect.

We resort to memory,

to reproduce what we think

we are in fact intersecting.

We resort to memory,

of things we already know,
so we can name the things,

and make that space,

somehow recognizable.

In that space,

where distance is impossible to measure,

we try…

that opacity becomes lesser…

where are you when you’re not here?!
