
knitting near Jupiter

knitting near Jupiter

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Hey guys! Spacey here, as you can see I’m not doing this in parentheses, and there’s a reason for that! I don’t want this to be a role play blog anymore. I tried it, didn’t enjoy it as much I hoped I would, so now I want to try something else. This is just going to be a regular blog where I post stuff about Family Sides in this AU, because there’s a lot of stuff I want to add that doesn’t fit in with this being an rp blog. Sorry if this upsets any one, but this means I should be able to put out more content. I plan on deleting all the ask to this point and again, I’m sorry if that upsets anyone! -Spacey

seas-space-and-stardust: Family Sides! ( @familysides ) coming at you tomorrow, this time with 100%


Family Sides! ( @familysides ) coming at you tomorrow, this time with 100% more Snarky gay boi (Drayke btw is the Dragon Witch)

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((so y'all, I’m trying to decide what to do for 500 followers, anything y'all wanna see imparticular? -Spacey))


((hey y'all, I completely forgot to credit @meginoi for beta-ing the last story, The Oldest Brother, I couldn’t have done it without her. That is all, enjoy your night))

((Yall want Virgil angst? Patton angst? The forbidden Logan angst? -Spacey ))

((Hey y'all please do not send anything Nsfw to this blog. Everyone is minors, and frankly it makes me uncomfortable. Please don’t, I will delete it -Spacey ))

Kevin Spacey charged with four counts of sexual - CNN

US actor Kevin Spacey has been charged with four counts of sexual assault against three men, Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said on Thursday.

Spacey was also charged with one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent, the CPS said.

The charges relate to two alleged incidents in London in 2005, another two in 2008, and a further incident in Gloucestershire


original piece & wallpapers on my instagram (@strawbby.jpg)

[do not use without permission! do not repost!]

finally drawing a little bit of personal art again so. mass effect ocs

doodle messing around w lighting

ruh roh

my snarky girl Citra!!! she’s very clever. kind of a big name in the whole smuggling scene. badass. gay. yeah

assorted avelus doodles (+ kyran and vici)

helmet concepts for avelus B)

all it takes

doodle of a scene from vici’s story. she’s in quite the predicament here

kyran + livi, other two members of Vicidia’s team

some more oc stuff, introducing vicidia’s brother + his LI

some armor concepts for avelus + vicidia! watch me never draw armor again

my toxic trait is that i love sarcastic assholes

Space girl
